In the traditions of the East, black sesame has been known since ancient times. In India, Japan and other Asian countries, this particular type of sesame seed is preferred, since it is he who has pronounced healing qualities. Ancient Chinese doctors called it a symbol of immortality.
Black sesame seeds are the unpeeled seeds of the sesame plant (Sesamum), which are small in size and differ from white ones in greater nutritional value. Black color indicates pronounced antioxidant qualities.

What are the benefits of black sesame? What is the difference between black seeds and white seeds? How to use sesame seeds correctly? We will try to understand these issues in detail.
Sesame black and white – what’s the difference?
When it comes to sesame seeds, the most frequently discussed issue is the difference between black and white seeds. We propose to determine the difference according to the main features:
Unpeeled sesame seeds are black in color. Seeds acquire white, whitish-cream coloration after processing.
Chemical composition. White seeds contain much more vitamins E, K, C, as well as proteins and fats. Black sesame is a storehouse of B and A vitamins, organic fibers and carbohydrates (complete chemical composition of sesame per 100 g).
Nutritional value. Unpeeled sesame contains powerful antioxidants – phytosterols, which protect cells from free radicals. In addition, black sesame oils lower cholesterol.
Taste qualities. Black sesame has a bright taste and aroma with pronounced tart notes. White seeds are characterized by a nutty flavor. Cooks use both types of sesame for salads and marinades. White varieties are preferred to be added to unsweetened pastries, muffins, cakes, black ones – to meat dishes.
By place of production. Latin America is the territory of growing white varieties. Black sesame is traditionally produced in India, Taiwan, Burma, Japan and China, where the seeds of the plant are used in traditional medicine.
The presence of active healing elements, minerals was found precisely in the skin of the seeds, therefore, of course, black sesame seeds are somewhat more useful than white ones.
Video: why is black sesame more useful than white?