Black raspberries – varieties and planting

Black raspberries – varieties and planting

Black raspberries resemble blackberries. But this berry, despite its color, has a rich, sweet raspberry flavor. Its fruits are useful and have medicinal properties, like raspberries. Proper planting and care of this variety will reveal the virtues of the culture and allow you to get rich yields.

Useful properties of black raspberries and how they differ from blackberries

Blackberry-raspberry hybrids came to us from the American continent and took root because of their frost resistance, unpretentiousness, and pleasant taste. The berries are small, drier and denser when compared to raspberries. Therefore, this variety does not deteriorate in transit.

Black raspberry is an unpretentious shrub, a source of vitamins

This culture differs from common raspberry in the following features:

  1. The berries, when ripe, do not fall from the bush.
  2. The bush does not spread root shoots in the garden.
  3. It is resistant to drought and disease.
  4. Bears fruit early.

But, like raspberries, the berries are round, come off without a stalk, the branches have thorns.

As for the fruits, black berries are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements, they are perfectly preserved when frozen. They are used in cooking for the preparation of jams, jams, juices, tinctures, while retaining all the useful properties.

Popular varieties of black raspberries

Several varieties of crops are grown in Russia, but the most common cultivar is Cumberland. It is well adapted to climatic conditions, unpretentious to soil, tenacious and frost-resistant. Strong bushes, black berries, sweet, yield up to 4 kg / bush.

In addition, here are a few more varieties of this type of raspberry that are grown in different countries:

  • “Bristol”;
  • New Logan;
  • “Flyer”;
  • Boysenberry;
  • “Luck” and others.

All varieties of such raspberries have flexible long branches that bend to the ground. Therefore, gardeners practice fastening raspberries to supports.

The shrub is propagated by apical layers, which are tilted to the ground in the fall and buried in. Sprinkle with sawdust on top. Shoots appear in the spring, they are used as seedlings.

Raspberries are planted in sunny places, as they are thermophilic. At a fence or fence, it will become a hedge and find support for its long branches. Areas on which nightshades used to grow are unfavorable for her, you should not plant it next to ordinary raspberries.

The bushes are planted a meter apart. It is recommended to maintain a gap of up to 2 m between rows. The best time to plant seedlings is October or early spring. There are no special requirements for the soil, but loamy, sandy loam soils or black soil are best.

Shrub planting:

  1. Into a hole 0,5 m deep and of the same width, add a mixture of humus and wood ash (1: 1), pour water.
  2. Put a seedling on a mound.
  3. Sprinkle with earth, compact, do not deepen the neck.
  4. Water, mulch with organic matter 5 cm thick.

In order for a one-year-old seedling to start up powerful side shoots, it is pinched at a level of half a meter from the ground.

The shrub needs abundant watering only during the fruiting period, so that the raspberries are juicy and large. The rest of the time, watering as needed.

Prune raspberries 2 times / year: in the summer to increase the yield, and in the fall to remove diseased or unnecessary branches. The plant is fed with organic fertilizers: 1 part mullein to 6 parts water. Ash (1 l), superphosphate (50 g) are added to each bucket. Top dressing is done three times – during flowering, when the fruits ripen, when they are harvested. Once every 3 years, up to 5 kg of compost is added under the bush.

For good care, the plant thanks sweet and healthy fruits.

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