Black plaque on the teeth in adults
A snow-white smile predisposes to communication and even helps to build a career – such a statement was made by scientists. But black plaque on the teeth can spoil the first impression. Why does it appear and is it possible to get rid of it?

Any plaque on the teeth is an unpleasant phenomenon, especially if it is pigmented, that is, colored. This is not only the cause of bad breath, discoloration of the teeth, but also all kinds of oral diseases. Black plaque on the teeth in adults can be frightening – it really does not look aesthetically pleasing. Why does it appear and most importantly – what to do?

What is dental plaque

Plaque is a biofilm of bacteria that grows and develops on the teeth. It is known that more than 700 species of bacteria, fungi, protozoa constantly live in the mouth, some of these microorganisms cannot even be classified. The accumulation of microorganisms, food debris and form a soft plaque, it is also called microbial.

Unfortunately, no matter how thorough the cleaning of the teeth, no matter what pastes and brushes are used, this process will always take place and begins a few hours after brushing the teeth, and even more so after eating. But if you neglect the elementary rules of hygiene, soft dental deposits gradually mineralize, that is, they harden and turn into stone.

This process does not take place in a few hours or even days – it takes time, and additional factors stain the plaque, and it becomes pigmented. Coloring depends on what factors and how long they act.

Why is black plaque formed on the teeth in adults

There are several main causes of black plaque on the teeth in adults. And the tactics of the dentist and the prevention of its re-education, as well as the tactics of preventive measures, depend on this.

A smoker’s run. This is a specific term used by dentists. The fact is that in cigarette smoke there are more than 400 substances, including resins, deposited on the teeth. All this together creates a film on which bacteria, food and smoke tar stick with each cigarette smoked.

Smokers form massive, dark-colored dental deposits. And the color depends on the duration of the existence of this plaque and, of course, the patient’s hygiene skills.

Pigmented plaque of a smoker is also formed in those who prefer vapes, if e-liquids contain nicotine, as well as those who prefer electronic cigarettes and other modern devices.

Prolonged use of antibiotics and antiseptics. Long-term use of antibiotics can also cause pigmented, dark-colored plaque. This can be explained by changes in the microbiome and dysbiotic disorders.

The situation is aggravated by the lack of proper dental cleaning. This is not only the cause of plaque, but also gum disease – gingivitis and periodontitis.

Such changes can provoke the use of antiseptics – these are the research data. This is not about a single or short-term intake, but a long-term one.

Diseases of the internal organs. In some diseases of the internal organs, dental plaque is formed in the oral cavity, which is similar in structure and color to the plaque of a smoker. We are talking about some diseases of the kidneys, biliary tract, liver and spleen.

The fact is that the oral cavity is part of the digestive tract and all the organs included in this system differ in morphological unity. Any changes in their work are manifested by a number of symptoms in the oral cavity. The formation of dark, pigmented plaque is one of them.

Professional hazard. Black plaque in adults may appear in metallurgy workers. This, one might say, is a consequence of professional activity. The formation of such plaque can be explained by the fact that small particles of metal enter the oral cavity, the respiratory tract.

How to get rid of black plaque on teeth in adults

To get rid of black plaque on the teeth in adults, you need to determine the cause of its appearance. I act on the cause of its formation, you can achieve a long-term positive result and a snow-white smile.

But there is also a “symptomatic” therapy, that is, measures aimed at its removal. The best result can be achieved by combining several of the following methods at once:

Teeth brushing and toothpaste. Statistically more often black plaque in adults is associated with smoking. And oral hygiene is not only a measure for the prevention of oral diseases, but also the formation of dark, pigmented plaque.

Pharmacies and shops offer a wide range of toothpastes designed specifically for smokers. They are distinguished by high abrasiveness, as well as components that act directly on pigmented plaque. But even this is not enough if the cleaning technique does not meet all the requirements and rules.

Means and items of additional hygiene. Not a single brush and paste will provide 100% cleansing, especially from the so-called hard-to-reach places – between the teeth. Therefore, everyone needs to use additional hygiene products, and this is dental floss, rinses and irrigators. But there are those who need to use them: smokers, patients suffering from internal diseases, disorders of saliva production.

To clean these surfaces, you need to use flosses, irrigators. Targeted cleaning of contact surfaces inhibits the spread and formation of dental deposits.

Professional oral hygiene. This is a procedure that is performed in the dentist’s chair using professional tools and techniques. Its main task is to remove plaque: soft and dense. The procedure itself takes place in several stages:

  • removal of dental plaque with a laser;
  • removal of pigmented plaque, tightly soldered to the surface of the tooth – usually this is Air Flow sandblasting;
  • teeth polishing;
  • mineralization, that is, the saturation of the teeth with minerals.

Such a procedure should be carried out several times a year, the exact number of procedures depends on the rate of plaque formation and predisposing factors for its formation.

Prevention of black plaque on teeth in adults at home

Complete home oral hygiene is the basis of prevention. It is important to follow all the rules of brushing your teeth: be sure to use a brush, paste. And also to perform the correct actions with a toothbrush and, of course, use additional tools and hygiene items.

You can control the cleaning of your teeth, that is, its quality, at home using special indicators to detect plaque. The peculiarities of these products are that soft plaque is stained with one color that has already begun to mineralize – with another, darker one.

Dental plaque, which has already mineralized, cannot be removed at home; professional methods must be used.
Natalia RogovaDentist

Popular questions and answers

Dental plaque is a problem that affects everyone, without exception. Therefore, its removal should be given great importance, because it is also the cause of gum disease. We answered the most popular questions about black plaque in adults dentist Natalya Rogova.

What is the danger of black plaque on the teeth in adults?

Plaque is the main cause of numerous diseases of the oral cavity, because it is a concentration of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, plaque can accumulate not only above the gum surface, but also below it. And this option is the most dangerous. After all, visually it is not particularly noticeable, but it manifests itself with bad breath, inflammatory gum disease, which are very difficult.

Difficulties are added by the fact that these diseases can remain unrecognized for a long time, and when severe symptoms appear, it is impossible to cure the disease completely, only to restrain the progression.

By the way, gum disease is one of the causes of complications from the internal organs: kidney disease, digestive tract, prostate lesions and erectile dysfunction. Recent studies have found that plaque bacteria have been found in blood clots that have caused heart attacks and strokes.

Therefore, all patients, except for home cleaning of teeth, are recommended to regularly come to the procedures of complex oral hygiene.

How often should professional oral hygiene be performed?

The issue is always resolved individually and depends on the speed of its formation, but at least twice a year. In smokers, patients with internal diseases, as well as those who take iron supplements, abuse coffee, plaque forms quite quickly and procedures need to be carried out more often – 3-5 times a year.

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