Black pine Green Tower: planting
Black pine is able to decorate the city landscape: it normally tolerates the polluted air. An unpretentious tree of the original shape grows well in garden plots. Planting and caring for a young pine tree will not be a hassle.
Description of the black pine “Green Tower”
This type of pine really resembles a medieval tower in its shape. It is no coincidence that it is called “The Tower”, which in the translation from English. means “tower”. A tall tree grows slowly. Its maximum height in domesticated form can reach 6 m. The “Green Tower” will grow to this mark not earlier than in 30 years. The maximum width of such a plant reaches 1 m.
Pine is black in shape similar to thuja with long needles
The branches of this pine are short and grow upwards. The needles are long, up to 12 cm, tough and grow in bunches. The color of the needles changes with age. In young trees it is bright green, in older trees it is darker. The cones on the tree are long – 8 cm, light brown in color.
The tree is not demanding on the soil. It can grow in environmentally unfavorable conditions. The atmosphere of the city with its waste and emissions of various kinds of pollution will not interfere with the growth and development of this pine tree. This property differs it from many other trees. The pine alley will not only decorate, but also purify the air in city parks.
Planting and caring for black pine
“Green Tower” is unpretentious, but grows better on loose neutral and slightly alkaline soils. With increased acidity, lime should be added to the soil. A coniferous beauty needs moderate humidity, she does not like stagnant water. When planting in dense soil, it is necessary to pour about 20 cm of expanded clay or gravel into the planting hole.
You need to plant a pine tree in the spring – before the beginning of May or in the summer, no later than mid-September. To plant a tree:
- Dig a hole 2 times the size of the seedling earth’s clod.
- Pour drainage into the pit.
- Pour out the soil: turf soil 2 parts + clay or sand one part at a time, depending on the type of soil.
- Add 200-300 g of lime mixed with soil if the soil is acidic.
- Apply 40 g of nitrogenous fertilizer.
- Plant the sprout so that the root collar is above the level of the hole.
- Fill the hole with soil and compact it.
- Lay down a layer of mulch made from rotten leaves and compost.
The distance between plants should be at least 4 m. The seedlings need regular watering and feeding with liquid fertilizer.
Pine is light-requiring and wind-resistant. It should be planted in open areas. Shading affects the appearance of the plant. The needles on the shady side become loose. An adult plant is not afraid of winter frosts, but the seedlings must be covered for the winter with spruce branches or burlap. A denser material will not work due to the accumulation of moisture underneath.
The pine tree is not afraid of drought and does not require frequent watering, but does not tolerate stagnant water
Watering an adult plant is needed in a dry summer. Autumn watering will protect the seedlings from freezing the soil. Before winter, the pine should be tied with ropes so that the snow does not break the branches.
Black pine “Green Tower” looks original on the garden plot. Minor care of the seedlings and preparation of the tree for winter – that’s all the care of the plant. Slender columns will not only decorate the site, but also saturate the air with a coniferous aroma.