Even in ancient times, the title of “king of spices” stuck to black pepper. Today, we add a pinch of these sharp ground beans to almost every meal. And once this spice was worth its weight in gold: it was used as a currency, and in some countries it was even granted to the gods as a sacrifice. Interestingly, in Sanskrit the name of the spice sounds like “marich.” And just as ancient Indians called the sun.
And what is known today about the properties of pepper? Is it useful with something else besides improving the taste of our favorite dishes? It turns out, yes. And the list of useful properties is much more, than it was possible to assume.
What is black pepper
Black and chilli peppers are not the same plant, as some might think. Moreover, these cultures are not even relatives in the botanical family.
Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a perennial evergreen liana with a stem that can grow 15 m or more. In the wild, it chooses the nearest trees or other plants as a support. Although on pepper plantations, the crop is limited in growth at about 4 meters. Piper nigrum represents the family of pepper crops, that is, it is the so-called “real pepper”. Biologists know about one and a half thousand varieties of peppers, but only 10 of them are used as spices.
Piper nigrum is a plant with heart-shaped leathery dark green foliage and small gray-white flowers. Pepper fruits (the peas used by everyone in the kitchen) are small berries (in diameter up to 5 mm), gathered in a brush. As it ripens, the color of the fruit changes from green to bright red. The length of one brush can reach 14 cm and consist of 2-3 dozens of berries. One vine per season can produce approximately 3 kg of berries. The first crop yields no earlier than 3 year, and the peak of fruiting usually falls on 7-9 year after planting.
Homeland of this miracle of nature called South India. By the way, in some regions black pepper is known as the Malabar berry (from the name of the Indian province of Malabar, which, by the way, is translated as the land of pepper). And already from India, this culture has spread throughout Asia, Africa, and America. Today, Piper nigrum plantations are grown in different warm countries, but the Indian product collected in the Malabar region is still considered the best. Indian pepper is described as medium, but very fragrant. The second most popular is the Indonesian product (its standard size peas are very sharp and fragrant). Malaysian spice is not so fragrant, but very hot. Vietnamese will be recognized by large gray-brown peas without any special aroma, but with a pronounced spicy taste.
Role in history
It is believed that the cultivation of Piper nigrum in India has been practiced since the Vedic period, which is almost 3 thousands of years ago. Europe learned about this spice in the 4th century BC thanks to Alexander the Great. After marching to India, the great commander brought with him amazing berries with a sharp taste. In antiquity, black pepper served as the equivalent of money. Not lost its value in the Middle Ages – these spicy grains were used even as a dowry for their daughters, and in those times rich people were called “pepper bags”.
In different centuries, there were disputes between states for a monopoly on the right to sell this spice. At one time, the monopolists in this area were Arabs, then the Portuguese, the Dutch, and from the XIX century the right of monopoly passed to American merchants. By the way, of all the spices, black pepper was the first to hit Russia.
How Piper nigrum becomes a spice
To black pepper came to the consumer in our usual form, berries are harvested still immature when they are green or yellow. And I must say, this is a very laborious process, which can take several months, since the berries on one vine can ripen at different times.
Then the harvested berries are dried in the sun (they become black and wrinkled), followed by a sorting step. The highest quality is considered to be very black, hard and heavy pepper. The worst – berries with a grayish tint. By the way, the quality of the spice is still being tested according to the method used in the Middle Ages: 1000 quality pepper must weigh 460 g.
Of the berries Piper nigrum usually make 4 varieties of spices – black, white, green and red. Black pepper, as has been said, is dried, unripe burning fruits with a pronounced fruit and spicy aroma. White is dry, peeled, ripe Piper nigrum berries. This spice is less aromatic, but very spicy. Green peas, like white peas, are first soaked in brine and then dried at high temperature, which allows preserving the fresh green color of the berries, pleasant aroma and taste. In addition to these, there is also a less popular red Piper nigrum – ripe unpeeled berries. Compared with unripe fruits, these are very sharp, and look like another kind of pepper – pink, also known as shinus.
Chemical composition of Malabar berries
Piper nigrum berries serve as a source of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, vitamins, resins, essential oils, alkaloids and many other phytocomponents. Among the unique ones are piperine and piperidine, which are responsible for the pungent taste of fruits. But most of all, fruits contain starch – in some berries its amount reaches 60% of the total composition. Vitamin-mineral profile is represented by vitamins A, C and B, phosphorus, iron, calcium. Interestingly, 100 g of pea contains three times more ascorbic acid than in ripe oranges. But given the microportions of using spice, of course, it is difficult to consider it as the main source of vitamin. About a tenth of the chemical composition of black pepper is piperine, a component that actually makes the berries a hot spice. The effect of piperine is also enhanced by other “burning” components: chevisin, piperitin and piperidine, however, there are very few of them in this product.
Useful Properties
This is an amazing spice. She is credited with antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, analgesic, antispasmodic, antioxidant, tonic, warming, carminative, diuretic and choleretic properties.
It has already been mentioned that in the composition of the spice there is a “burning” substance piperine. So, thanks to this particular component, black pepper is useful for improving blood circulation in the body, and also as a stimulant of the secretion of digestive enzymes.
Small portions of black pepper are useful for the cardiovascular system, in particular as a means of improving blood circulation and preventing excessive thrombosis. And in combination with honey, this product becomes very useful for the respiratory system, in particular, helps to remove mucus and prevents its excessive formation. This spice is called the best digestive stimulant. It removes toxins, toxins and parasites from the body, has a beneficial effect on the liver, is useful for infectious diseases of the bladder, cholera, asthma and disorders of the nervous system.
In addition, Piper nigrum is called the best spice for weight loss. As the results of various studies show, some of the chemicals contained in it destroy fat cells. But those who want to lose weight with a spice should know that its daily dose is not more than 4 g. To speed up fat burning, it is useful to drink a cocktail of cucumber juice (100 ml), bell pepper and tomato (50 ml each), to which a pinch of freshly ground malabar berries.
Black pepper can be helpful:
- in violation of blood circulation;
- in the absence of appetite;
- with insufficient secretion of gastric juice;
- with colic, constipation, weak intestinal peristalsis;
- in the role of a diuretic;
- with arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis;
- with ARVI;
- with sprains and muscle pain;
- for the treatment of herpes;
- to strengthen immunity;
- for the treatment of migraine, weakness and dizziness;
- for the revitalization of the spleen;
- to thin the blood;
- with dermatitis;
- to eliminate toothache;
- in case of oral diseases;
- with excess weight;
- as an aphrodisiac.
Use in folk medicine
For the first time, black pepper as a product with beneficial properties for the body is mentioned in Ayurveda. Since ancient times, pepper-peas, tinctures from it and essential oils, which have been used orally and externally (in the form of compresses, rubbing, baths, inhalations, rinses), have been used to promote health. But in any case, it is important to strictly observe the dosage, since the slightest excess of permissible portions can cause unpleasant side effects.
In folk medicine, black pepper is a popular remedy for colds and coughs. It is believed that a cough can be cured if you take a pinch of ground spices three times a day with water. To overcome a cold, it is recommended 4 times a day to eat 2 raisins, into which to shove Piper nigrum peas. With diarrhea, it’s useful to drink a tablespoon of baked milk with a pinch of black pepper, and if you have heaviness in your stomach, a mixture of Malabar berries, cumin and baked milk. For the treatment of respiratory diseases, traditional healers advise to brew a little black pepper and turmeric in milk.
To get rid of sciatica and joint pain, it is useful to take a medicine from olive oil and Piper nigrum. In a glass of oil, put 2 tablespoons of peppercorns and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. It is useful to rub the chilled product in sore spots.
Traditional healers use ointment of ghee and ground pepper to remove warts, to treat eczema, boils, urticaria and inflammations on the skin. For the treatment of lichens in the East used a mixture of black pepper and henna. And if you grind the black grains into powder and mix with yogurt, you get a folk remedy for freckles and acne.
In addition, black pepper, according to ancient Indians, is useful for impotence. Ayurveda adherents advise to mix equal spice and sugar in equal proportions, then dilute half a teaspoon of this mixture in a glass of milk and drink. The course of treatment is 7 days.
Use in cosmetology and perfumery
Black pepper is a product that is in demand not only in cooking and medicine, but also in cosmetology. Berry extract is added to many cosmetic products for skin, hair and oral cavity care.
It is known that black pepper extract creams have antiseptic and antibacterial abilities, which means they are excellent for problem skin. By the way, in dermatology, extract of Malabar berries helps to fight acne, ulcers, boils and acne.
Drugs for the oral cavity, which included black pepper, have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. Preparations of this type are generally useful for treating sore gums, as well as for breath freshening (by eliminating pathogenic bacteria).
Piper nigrum face creams have antioxidant abilities and are therefore best for aging skin. In addition, these drugs prevent the formation of early wrinkles, accelerate cell regeneration of the epidermis, have tonic properties, improve blood microcirculation, and with it the complexion. In addition, pepper extract is already a traditional component of effective anti-cellulite creams. To overcome dandruff, improve hair growth and stop baldness also help with black spice.
And in aromatherapy using the essential oil Piper nigrum. Mainly, it is used as a natural remedy against the tendency to depression, tearfulness, feelings of fear and inattention. In addition, the evaporation of this hot spice is considered to be useful for disinfecting the premises, eliminating headaches, alleviating breathing and stimulating sexual activity. Black pepper essential oil has a beneficial effect on the well-being of women during menopause and PMS.
Essential oil is useful to use during anti-cellulite massage. Mustard, almond or rapeseed oil (6 tbsp.) Is taken as the basis for the fat-burning massage oil, 10 drops of black pepper and lavender essential oil, as well as 5 drops of sandalwood and frankincense are added to it.
Using essential oil for therapy is important not to overdo it. No more 3-5 drops are added to the aroma lamp, no more 3 drops per 10 ml of the main substance are added to massage bases, 2 drops are added to bathtubs, and 2-4 drops are dropped to 10 ml bases in cosmetics.
People with a developed sense of smell catch the smell of pepper and in some perfumes, especially men. Perfumers really often use this spicy smell, creating new flavors. It is believed that the sharp note of spice gives the aromabook completeness and harmony.
Contraindications and possible harm
Like all hot spices, black pepper is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers, hypertension, product allergies, pregnant women and women during lactation, as well as people with anemia, diseases of the urinary tract and taking certain medications. Side effects from overuse of the spice can manifest themselves in different ways: from headache to irritation and increased excitability.
Use in cooking
The use of Piper nigrum in cooking directly depends on its degree of maturity. The most popular is black pepper, used in the food industry and home cooking. Peas or ground pepper is added to almost all dishes, including cold appetizers, first and second courses, canned food and marinades. It is combined with meat, poultry, fish, vegetables. White pepper is usually a component of creamy sauces, it is added to dishes of white meat and fish. Green Piper nigrum is a traditional spice in Asian cuisine, although this seasoning is also not alien to Europeans. Green pepper is a versatile spice suitable for meat, fish, seafood, poultry, and various sauces. But perhaps the most original use of the spice is to add it to desserts and some drinks (coffee, tea, cocktails, sbiten). By the way, the classic recipes of Russian gingerbread, Indian and Baltic cookies also contain this spicy spice.
For culinary purposes, use pepper-peas and ground. The first without loss of quality can be stored in a sealed package for several years. The shelf life of ground is not more than 20 days, then it loses its taste, aroma and beneficial properties. Therefore, for cooking it is better to take freshly ground pepper.
How to grow at home
Piper nigrum is a thermophilic plant, so in our latitudes it is unlikely to grow it in a garden. But on the home window sill is even possible. All that is needed for this is to pour the usual purchased pepper-peas with water for a day, and then sow it in the ground (it is best to mix sand, humus, turf). The optimal temperature for homemade pepper is 25-30 degrees (possible and lower, but in any case higher than 10 degrees). In terms of the apartment, Piper nigrum can grow to 2 meters, and it will give the first crop already at 2-3 a year. Homemade pepper loves moderate moisture and does not tolerate direct sunlight.
It turned out to be so difficult black pepper – a favorite spice of ancient Hindus and modern gourmands. But adding it to your favorite dishes, most importantly, do not pereperchit.