Black grapes, its types, advantages and benefits

Grapes are in demand among buyers almost all year round. And this is not surprising – with such a variety, everyone can find “something of their own.” It can have different characteristics, ranging from color (from light shades to black) and taste (sour, sweet, sweet and sour) to some minor properties (for example, suitability for making wine). Many gardeners try to grow several varieties of both white and dark-berry crops at once. Each species has its own advantages, and their discussion would take too much time, so this article will be devoted only to black grapes, an overview of its most popular varieties, and the beneficial properties of this plant.

Useful Properties

On average, white and red varieties are more common than black, although it is actually not inferior to them in anything, the requirements for growing are also not very different. Black prevails only in areas where industrial winemaking is established. Some varieties of this crop can grow wild in nature. In addition to being used for winemaking, black grapes are often consumed fresh, less often in ice cream and dried. The last two options are not so bad in terms of nutrients, because this type will be useful for any method of use.

One of the most important properties of black grapes (although this applies to all types of culture) is their effect on the cardiovascular system, specifically – the prevention of blood clots, maintaining the strength and flexibility of the arteries. Regular consumption of black grapes keeps blood pressure and cholesterol levels normal.

Black grapes, its types, advantages and benefits

It is no secret that black grapes contain many different substances. Among the vitamins, C and K are the most abundant (strengthen the immune system), beta-carotene (beneficial for vision), as well as several other types of vitamins, glucose, fructose and dozens of substances present in small quantities. It also contains a lot of antioxidants, the main function of which is to protect the plant from bacteria and fungi. In the human body, they block the occurrence of inflammatory processes, improve well-being in chronic ailments. Monosaccharides help remove waste and toxins from the body. Small portions every day will help replenish the body with macro- and microelements, in particular potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium are present in small amounts.

Black grapes benefit not only when taken orally. Even the ancient Egyptians knew about the positive effect of grapes on the skin. Some active ingredients inherent in fruits make the skin supple and elastic, and cosmetologists skillfully took advantage of this. For example, on the shelves you can see a lot of cosmetics with black grape extract.

Black grapes, its types, advantages and benefits


Now there are a lot of varieties of black grapes, since such a science as selection does not stand still. New varieties appear, often bred under certain conditions. Consider the most popular for our latitudes.

Black Finger is a mid-season grape of American origin (matures in about 120-130 days). The name of the Black Finger grape comes from the finger-like shape of the berries, each weighing 10-12 g, the clusters, in turn, are huge and the average weight exceeds one kilogram, it can even almost reach two, but at the same time they are highly transportable. Very high sugar content, so it tastes very sweet. Frost-resistant, average immunity to diseases, one of the main advantages is a stable and high yield. The bush has a high growth force, with a load of about 30 eyes. In some parts of Ukraine it is used as a covering form of grapes.

Black grapes, its types, advantages and benefits

The Black Pearl grape is preferably used for making wine. Medium-early variety, as a rule, ripening occurs in the first part of September, but in warm southern regions even earlier – in August. The clusters are medium in size (about 300 g), cylindrical or cylindrical in shape. The berries are medium in size, round or slightly oval in shape. The crop yield, sugar content and acidity of the fruit – all these characteristics keep at the level of average indicators for black grape varieties, but the tasting rating of wine (both young and aged dessert) from “pearls” is very high. Frost-resistant, but susceptible to diseases, most often – oidium.

The Black Emerald grape is also of American selection, a seedless variety of early ripening (the fruits ripen at the end of July, that is, no later than 110 days later). The clusters are conical, dense, with an average weight of about half a kilogram. The berries are round and oval in shape, with dense pulp, weighing up to 5 g each, the taste is characteristic (the skin is not tart), nutmeg is well felt in the aroma. The yield is high, but there is a tendency to overload the bushes. The bushes are vigorous with good maturation of the vine. Able to withstand frosts up to 20-23 degrees.

Black grapes, its types, advantages and benefits

Grapes Original black refers to table varieties of medium ripening. The clusters are not very dense, but weighty – 500-650 g, the berries are also quite large – 7-10 g, longitudinal in shape. It has a low sugar content (about 15%), a simple taste, but at the same time a high tasting assessment of fresh fruits. Requires great attention during pruning and other procedures. The yield is small, but it can be significantly increased with the help of agricultural practices. It is characterized by increased winter hardiness and increased immunity to many typical diseases.

Black Prince is a grape of French origin, an industrial variety. It ripens in about 120-125 days, that is, it belongs to mid-early varieties. Like many representatives of black grapes, it has a vigorous bush and good ripening of the vine, the flower is bisexual. A distinctive feature is huge berries and a bunch. The weight of the bunch depends on the care of the plant – from 800 g to 1,5 kg, conical shape, egg-shaped berries, weigh 10-12 g. They have fleshy flesh, with a high sugar content. Resistant only to certain types of diseases, withstands frosts up to 25 degrees.

Black grapes, its types, advantages and benefits

Black Pinot grapes are the result of clonal selection from the Pinot noir variety, bred back in the 40s of the last century. Like the original form, of medium early ripening, it belongs to the category of wine varieties, but differs from the original form in a significantly higher yield, therefore it successfully replaces it. A bunch of medium size (100-120 g), very dense, with a short stem. Round berries of small and medium size, with juicy pulp. The sugar content and acidity of the fruit is medium. Fairly frost-resistant (can withstand up to -20), but it is desirable to grow in regions with warm winters, very demanding on the soil, requires constant protection from diseases and pests.

Odessa black grapes are the product of the work of Ukrainian breeders. Corresponding to the name, the culture was zoned in the Odessa region and the neighboring – Nikolaev. As a rule, it is used for the preparation of high-quality table and dessert wines; accordingly, the tasting rating of wines is high. Plants with abundant leaves. A bunch of medium size (150-200 g), loose, conical in shape, with a thick long leg. The berries are small, round, with a waxy surface. The taste is pleasant, they give cherry-thorn aroma. Odessa black grapes are immune to gray rot, resistance to most diseases has not yet been determined.

Black grapes, its types, advantages and benefits

Autumn black grapes are one of the few varieties of a later ripening period. The cluster and berries are relatively large: the first reach a mass of 600-800 g, dense, conical, the second – 8-10 g, oblong, with the only drawback – they are prone to cracking when changing humidity conditions. It is also often affected by gray mold. Indicators of sugar content and acidity: 15-18% and 7-9 hl, respectively. Advantages: high productivity, good transportability, frost resistance.

Above are reviews of the most popular black grape varieties in our country, which are adapted for cultivation in our climatic conditions. In addition to them, one can also note good varieties of Raven, Sultan, Doctor, Moldavian black grapes are also in some demand.

Video “The best grape varieties”

In this video, a detailed description of the characteristics of the most popular grape varieties, including black ones. Review of some rare varieties.

The rare and best grape varieties.

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