Black eggplant: grade

Eggplant “Black Beauty” has long gained popularity among gardeners for a good yield of fruits with excellent taste. It grows well and bears fruit stably not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Eggplant is of average maturity, which usually occurs 110-120 days after the first shoots. Small fruits have a pear-shaped, slightly elongated shape, fruits 15-20 cm long and weighing 120-180 g. The peel is thin and glossy, dark purple or purple in color. The flesh of the fruit is white with a yellowish tinge, rather juicy, without the presence of bitterness characteristic of other eggplant varieties and a small amount of small seeds.

“Black beauty” has a beautiful appearance and delicate taste without bitterness

Experienced summer residents do not advise allowing the eggplant to overripe, since the skin begins to coarse, and the fruit appears bitterness. But young eggplants are so soft that they can be eaten with the peel.

The bush of the “Black Beauty” variety reaches a height of no more than 80 cm, semi-spreading type with slightly drooping stems. Small thorns are present on the leaves and calyx of the fruit itself. The variety is characterized by a good fruit ovary, which provides it with a high yield of up to 5 kg per 1 sq. m.

To get a good harvest, eggplant should be grown in seedlings. It is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in early February, and then by the end of August you can get the first harvest of vegetables. Planting material must be treated with a growth stimulator before planting. For good development of the root system, a month after the appearance of the first shoots, it is imperative to pick the seedlings. Seedling care consists in:

  • feeding with microelements;
  • loosening the soil;
  • spraying with warm water.

The grown seedlings should be transplanted after 80 days from the moment the first shoots appear, when 6-8 leaves appear on the shoots. If the care of the seedlings was carried out correctly, then in the open field the eggplants quickly adapt and in two months they will begin to bear fruit. Taking care of eggplants outdoors is easy. Looking for:

  • loosening of the soil;
  • hilling;
  • regular watering;
  • fertilizing with fertilizers.

The variety can be attacked by spider mites and Colorado potato beetles, therefore, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis with disinfectants

In addition to good taste, “Black Beauty” is rich in valuable microelements that contribute to the improvement of cardiac activity, bowel function, and circulatory system. The fruit is low in calories and is excellent for dietary nutrition.

It doesn’t take much effort and knowledge to get a good harvest of healthy and tasty fruits. It is necessary to grow strong, viable seedlings and provide the eggplants with proper care, which will allow them to grow an excellent harvest of vegetables.

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