In addition to “beauty stickers”, tonics, scrubs and cosmetic cleansing go into battle with black dots on the nose. Let’s talk about everything in order.
How to get rid of blackheads on nose
“Hormonal waltzes”, smoking, love for fatty foods and fast food, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, respiratory tract, inappropriate skin care products and the habit of touching your face with your hands all the time can lead to the appearance of black dots. And the same doctors here reassure: whatever the reason is, it can be solved, the main thing is to gain strength and patience. And we will talk about effective ways to deal with black dots with the help of cosmetic and medical products.
The best remedies for blackheads on the nose
Strips, or stickers for the nose, are the easiest, fastest, most economical, but not fundamentally solving the problem of black dots on the nose. Although patches get rid of skin imperfections in five seconds, one must be prepared for the fact that they will reappear in a few days. The “beauty stickers” are made on a fabric basis and are specially shaped to make it easy to stick on the alar area of the nose. This patch should be used when the skin is steamed and the pores are open. Its impregnation, penetrating into the pores, softens comedones and removes them without damaging the skin. After removing the napkin, they remain on its surface. Then just wipe your face and wash.
The effect of the masks is longer than the use of strips due to the fact that the masks “pull” the contents out of the pores. And if you still prepare a mask at home, then it will come out not only effective, but also economical.
For example, one of the recommended ones is a mask made of white clay (kaolin), which can be bought at any pharmacy. No less effective and time-tested are masks made from oatmeal, salicylic acid, and lemon juice.
Beauticians also recommend an egg white mask. It is done very simply. You need to beat two egg whites well and apply to problem areas, blot with paper napkins on top and apply another layer of egg white directly on them. Do not spare the masses, the layers should be very thick. Leave for half an hour until almost completely dry and tear off the wipes from the face with a sharp movement. The faster you tear off the napkins, the better the effect will be.
Do not forget to apply a moisturizer to the nose area after using the masks.
Tonics and lotions
In whose favor to make a choice – tonic or lotion – depends on the type of skin and how quickly it is contaminated. Tonic is a means by which the process of cleansing the skin ends, and it almost does not contain an alcohol component, while the lotion is a water-alcohol solution of various active substances, such as herbal infusions, organic acids, vitamins.
If the T-zone of the face is prone to oiliness and the rapid appearance of “flaws”, then it is better to use a lotion to combat black dots. Penetrating into the skin through the pores, the lotion thoroughly cleanses them and removes all deep impurities. Due to the alcohol content, the lotion disinfects, is able to dry painful rashes. After that comes the turn of the tonic – it delicately restores the acid-base balance, narrows enlarged pores, moisturizes the skin, nourishes and refreshes it. The tonic has a calming effect, returns the cells to their natural tone. The lotion is good for oily, problematic acne-prone skin, the tonic is ideal for dry, mature, sensitive skin. But the best option would be the consistent use of these two products: first a lotion – for cleansing, then a tonic – for toning the skin. If you are not lazy and use them constantly, you can significantly lighten the black dots on your nose.
The most effective in the fight against black dots are scrubs that contain components such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, lactic acid, fruit acids, zinc, essential oils, and yeast.
You can make a useful scrub at home. For example, from sour cream and coarse salt. The recipe is simple: you need to mix a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of salt. The resulting mixture is applied to a moistened area of u2buXNUMXbthe skin (in our case, the nose). Massage the skin in circular motions for two minutes. Then rinse with water. The procedure should be repeated no more than XNUMX times a week.
And remember, since scrubbing is a rather aggressive procedure, during which the protective lipid layer is also partially removed, the skin must be soothed by moisturizing with a cream or nourishing fluid.
Let’s name those gels that cosmetologists include in the top of the most effective and economical:
1. Baziron AS
This is a gel with benzoyl peroxide, the concentration of the active substance is 2,5%, 5% or 10%. It is better to start the fight against black dots on the nose using a cream with the lowest concentration.
This tool is a miracle. It reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, fights inflammation, exfoliates dead skin particles. And although the course of treatment lasts 3 months, black dots disappear after a month.
2. Skinner
The active ingredient in this gel is azelaic acid. It removes inflammation in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and reduces the production of sebum. Skinoren just God himself ordered to use all those whose skin is prone to inflammation.
Well, the bonus is the disappearance of black dots on the nose. In total, the course of treatment takes 3 months. You can start to admire a clean, imperfection-free nose in just two weeks. By the way, skinoren is often used as a base for make-up.
3. Differin
Super remedy for blackheads. The concentration of the main active ingredient is adapalene (a synthetic analogue of retinoic acid) (0,1%). Adapalene “liquefies” fat cells, inhibits the production of sebaceous glands and effectively fights inflammation that has already occurred.
Differin is not recommended to be used simultaneously with decorative cosmetics and pharmacy products that dry the skin. The effect is noticeable after 4-5 applications.
4. Oats
Cleanance Gel gently but very efficiently cleanses the skin, Cleanance Expert Soin Emulsion mattifies, moisturizes, and brightens blackheads. As an independent remedy, it is not effective enough, but as an assistant to peels and masks, it gives a quite good, fixing effect.
Cosmetic procedures
Perhaps no one will argue that cosmetic procedures to combat black dots are much more effective than home care. True, rarely does anyone come to get rid of only comedones on the nose, most often girls ask for a comprehensive facial cleansing. Its type is selected depending on the type of skin and the time of year.
So, in recent years, laser peeling is considered the most advanced and effective. For deep cleansing of pores, a neodymium laser is used, which is equipped with an aluminum garnet crystal. The technique is based on deep beam penetration (from 4 to 8 mm). A neodymium laser is used both to cleanse pores and to prevent the appearance of new skin problems. Keeps effect from 3 to 5 months.
The good old chemical peels based on mandelic and azelaic acids, pyruvic acid and Red Peel retinol also give a lasting effect. Here the “clean nose effect” lasts up to three months.
Ultrasonic cleaning
Ultrasonic cleaning is a classic in the fight against black dots on the nose. The mechanism of its action is simple: ultrasound, which passes through the skin, creates the effect of peeling the upper epidermis. Thanks to this procedure, the top layer of the keratinized surface is removed, which, in turn, cleanses clogged pores. “Impression” lasts up to two months.
Or electroplating. The main active ingredient during the procedure is ordinary baking soda, the concentration of which does not exceed 10%. A solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is applied to the nose. Further, the specialist uses galvanic current. Under its influence, electrolytes are transformed into active alkaline and acid ions. The components of the cleansing mask penetrate deep into the pores of the skin, providing a cleansing effect. Under the pressure of an alkaline solution, excess dirt and fatty compounds are pushed onto the surface of the epithelium. The effect lasts up to three months.
Mechanical cleaning
The most “short-lived” of all cosmetic procedures. It removes blackheads well, but after three weeks they will appear again. Plus, it’s quite painful. Mechanical cleaning is recommended for owners of skin with enlarged pores, prone to oiliness. In this case, cleaning will help prevent the appearance of acne vulgaris. She also removes black dots well, but be prepared that they will appear again in two weeks.
By the way, you should be careful when cleaning with dry skin, so as not to stimulate irritation and flaking of the skin.
Home remedies
Nowhere, perhaps, has the female fantasy manifested itself so much as in the ways of cleaning the nose from black dots with the help of improvised means. The most effective folk remedies are masks with salt, toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide and soda.
Salt and baking soda. Mix the two ingredients to make a slurry and apply to problematic skin. Keep the mask on until it dries and then wash off with warm water. Salt softens the contents of the pore, and soda pushes everything out. You can also make a baby soap and sea salt scrub with 1 teaspoon of each ingredient.
Toothpaste. You will need a toothpaste without menthol in the composition, this ingredient causes inflammation of the skin. As an additional care, you can take a paste with useful herbs. To remove black dots, you need to squeeze a little paste from the tube onto the brush, and then wipe the nose area with slow movements. In this case, the toothbrush should be with soft bristles, so as not to additionally injure the surface of the skin of the nose.
Hydrogen peroxide. This remedy will be effective if applied after exfoliating the skin. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic that dries the skin, eliminates any kind of inflammation, and the dots themselves seem to discolor. Do not forget to moisturize the skin with cream after the procedure.
Activated carbon. Activated charcoal is added as one of the ingredients in a homemade mask, and is used as a self-sufficient remedy. We take three tablets of coal, add the resulting powder to a teaspoon of the previously prepared gelatin mixture. We apply. We are waiting for 5-8 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
Beauty blogger’s opinion
“Of course, the easiest way is to talk on YouTube about how to use coffee and soda to get rid of black dots in five minutes,” says beauty blogger Maria Velikanova. “But it’s best not to let them appear at all. Why you need to follow three simple rules: never forget about make-up removal, no matter how tired you are, cleanse your face before going to bed. And, contrary to myths, soap is a bad helper here. Be sure to use hydrophilic oil and cleansing foam. Next, do not skip the moisturizing step. Without regular hydration, the skin not only ages faster, but also produces more oil, which we try to wash off, causing even more damage to the skin. It also promotes the appearance of blackheads. Well, forget about home care. No matter how carefully you approach the process, you will not be better than a professional. Moreover, cleaning by a beautician is not so expensive. But it’s all about taking care of your skin.