The cosmetic industry has gone to great lengths to deal with such high demand, and has created dozens and dozens of products to combat skin imperfections, the leaders of which are “eliminators” of blackheads or comedones.
How to get rid of blackheads on face
What are black dots? In fact, these are pores that healthy skin cannot do without. But if, ideally, open comedones are very small and are designed to bring out excess moisture and sebum, then pores clogged with dust, sweat and dead epithelium scales are a so-so sight. Especially when the organic substances accumulated in them are oxidized in air, acquiring a black color. You can fight them both with external, cosmetic means, and with the help of hardware cosmetology.
Best remedies for blackheads on face
Most of all, black dots “love” the nose and chin area. For the first, they came up with special patch strips, which are designed to rid its owner of comedones in 10 minutes. Let’s say right away that the effect of them is short-lived, the strips should be used regularly to prevent the appearance of black dots again.
How do stripes work? The patches contain a special substance that, when soaked, becomes viscous and allows lumps to stick and completely come out of the skin. After about 10 minutes, when the substance dries, the strip is sharply removed from the skin, and black dots, dry dead cells are removed with it.
To maximize the effect of the use of strips, you need to consider the following recommendations:
Masks and tonics
A good effect in the fight against black dots is given by masks based on white and green clay. They are miraculous because they not only cleanse, but disinfect the skin, draw out skin sebum, impurities, and brighten the surface of the pores. Formulas based on different types of clay contribute to deep cleansing of pores and normalization of sebum secretion. Cosmetologists recommend using no more than 1-2 times a week. Moreover, all types of clay products are effective: from penny, pharmacy to branded, expensive ones.
IMPORTANT! Each cosmetic clay has its own characteristics and a different degree of intensity of impact on the skin. Read the instructions carefully.
Another tool that is also recommended to use regularly are lotions and tonics. The first one is based on an alcohol base, so its use should be limited to 2-3 times a week so as not to overdry the skin, but tonics with benzoic, salicylic and glycolic acid are quite suitable for daily use. Tonics effectively exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis and help the skin to easily and quickly absorb any cream.
The main principle of the effective work of scrubs is regularity. It must be applied to the skin at least once a week, and only after a month of constant use can we hope for the first results. Scrubs quickly open pores, cleanse them in a gentle manner, and the abrasive particles included in the composition – soda, salt, coffee, small fruit seeds – remove the fatty secret. Plus, scrubs also have a prolonged effect, thanks to the vitamins and microelements included in the composition, they are much better perceived by well-cleansed skin.
The most popular scrub that is easy to make at home is oatmeal. The recipe for making it is simple. Take a tablespoon of cereal and a teaspoon of baking soda. Add kefir so that the mass acquires an average density. Apply to face and massage for a few minutes. Wait 5 minutes. Rinse off and apply moisturizer.
For some reason, many who “suffer” from black dots do not believe in the effectiveness of gels, considering them a weak remedy, but in vain. It is important here not to fall for advertising tricks, but to choose classic gels with a good concentration of the active substance, which are most often presented in the pharmacy chain. Such as:
1. Baziron AS
This is a gel with benzoyl peroxide, the concentration of the active substance is 2,5%, 5% or 10%. It is better to start the fight against black “imperfections” with the drug with the lowest concentration. Baziron helps fight inflammation that has already begun, soothes and tones the dermis.
Baziron AS is rather a quick salvation for those who did not take up the issue of removing black dots in time, which eventually turned into inflammation.
2. Skinner
Azelaic acid, which is the basis of Skinoren, removes inflammation in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and reduces the production of sebum.
That is, it does not directly fight black dots, but prevents their appearance. The effect can be observed after a month of use.
3. Cleansite
The composition of this drug includes adapalene. This substance has comedonolytic and anti-inflammatory functions.
Effectively copes with acne and black spots within two weeks after the start of use.
4. Cynovitis
Cynovit is ideal for those who struggle with two problems at the same time: flaky and easily irritable skin and blackheads.
Suitable for active acne. And most importantly, the effect of the application is noticeable very quickly.
Cosmetic procedures
Unlike cosmetics, getting rid of black dots in a specialist’s office will cost more, but the effect will be more noticeable, and it will last for a long time. You can also remove comedones in beauty salons using the following peeling techniques:
It is carried out using a round rotating brush that treats the surface of the epidermis, exfoliating dead cells, including black dots. The session lasts from 20 minutes. up to one hour. Brushing takes about 10 minutes. The effect lasts for about a month.
Chemical peeling
It is more traumatic than mechanical, the result of most of these peels is exfoliating, irritated skin, but if you endure this period, then you can “kill three birds with one stone”: remove small, mimic wrinkles, get a noticeable, rejuvenating effect and lighten old black spots. For chemical peeling, salicylic, trichloroacetic acids, Jessner solutions are most often used. The effect lasts up to three months.
Ultrasonic cleaning
This type of cleansing is much less traumatic than, say, mechanical due to ultrasonic pulses that do not injure the skin, soften the sebaceous secret in the pores and bring it out. But keep in mind that it is precisely because of its softness that it does not give such an effect as mechanical cleaning or peeling. To get rid of black dots, you will need 2-3 sessions with a beautician.
Phototherapy is an expensive method, but on the other hand, the effect of it can be observed already 10 days after application and lasts for a long time. True, in order to improve the skin, you will have to undergo 5-6 procedures. The principle of phototherapy is as follows: light irradiation – photons changes the chemical structure of the skin, and as a result, cells are produced that attack bacteria. In other words, under the influence of the light flux, the bacteria self-destruct, the pores are cleaned. The result is radiant skin.
Home remedies
To remove blackheads at home, you will need a lot of patience and a number of procedures: steam baths, mechanical squeezing of plugs, the use of masks and pharmaceutical products, skin lightening.
Steam cleaning or steaming is a procedure that promotes the expansion of pores, after which most of the comedones easily come out during mechanical extrusion. Steam baths are easy to make. It is necessary to take two or three tablespoons of chamomile, St. John’s wort, sage or nettle per liter or two of water and boil. Then, sitting comfortably over the saucepan, tilt your head and cover yourself with a towel. The procedure is carried out from 5 to 15 minutes, after its completion, the face is wetted with a soft towel. If desired, essential oils of lemon, tea tree, mint are added to hot water.
Cope well with black dots and homemade masks. They can be divided into cleansing and exfoliating.
Rice scrub. A very simple, budget-friendly and effective way to get rid of blackheads at home. Take 2-3 tablespoons of rice, rinse and pour boiling water, leaving overnight in a saucepan. In the morning, strain the rice and mash to make it a pulp. You can add salt, crushed (in a coffee grinder) apricot pits and a spoonful of honey. Such a composition will remove not only black dots on the nose, but also improve the blood supply to the skin, making the face radiant.
Honey mask. Apply a thin layer of liquid honey on your face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Honey is a natural antiseptic that will make the skin cleaner without overdrying it. Before use, it is better to test the mask on a small area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin and make sure there are no allergies.
Activated charcoal mask. Grind a pack of tablets (10 pieces) and mix with a small amount of water to make a thick mass. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for 5-10 minutes. Charcoal is a natural absorbent, and thanks to its texture, it can be used as a scrub. Therefore, before washing off the mask, gently massage the skin.
Honey cinnamon scrub. Mix three tablespoons of honey with one tablespoon of cinnamon powder. Due to the fine grinding of spices, the scrub is perfect for gentle skin peeling. Massage your face for a few minutes, and before that, wash with warm water to open the pores. If necessary, after two months, the course of facial cleansing with activated charcoal can be repeated.
Cream-salt mask. A spoonful of fine salt should be mixed with two tablespoons of low-fat sour cream. The prepared mass is used to wipe the skin of the face with massaging movements, the procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a week.
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