Currant Pamyat Vavilova is one of the best productive varieties suitable for most regions of Central Our Country. Gives sweet and large berries, ripening mainly in early August. Suitable for fresh consumption and all kinds of preparations.

History of breeding

The variety Pamyat Vavilova was bred on the basis of the Research Institute of Potato and Horticulture in Belarus. The work was attended by Rainchikova G.P., Zazulina N.A. and Voluznev A.G. An application for the admission of this variety of blackcurrant was filed in 1977. The following year, variety trials began. The culture was included in the register of breeding achievements of Our Country in 1996.

Description of the currant variety Pamyat Vavilova

In the description of the blackcurrant variety, there are characteristics of the bush and berries. The most important parameters are presented below.


The currant bush of the Memory Vavilov variety has great growth strength, spreads a little, branching is medium. The shoots are not too thick, shine in the sun, do not have pubescence. The color of lignified branches is gray, dark brown dots are visible. They also don’t have feathers. The shoots taper towards the tops, the internodes are long.

The buds are small, pinkish in color, in the form of cones, their tops are sharp, run parallel to the shoots or deviate slightly. The apical bud of the currant Vavilov’s memory is small, pointed, small. Its shape is oblong, asymmetrical. The scales on the kidneys are elongated, pressed tightly, and have small “noses”.

The currant leaves Pamyat Vavilov have a typical shape with five lobes, medium size, light green hue, slightly shining in the sun. The surface is almost not corrugated, wrinkles are noticeable. The plates are horizontal. They are wavy along the edges, with sharp lobes. The cutouts between them are located at an acute angle. The basal lobes are clearly visible. At the base of the sheet there is an open, shallow notch.

The petioles of the currant Pamyat Vavilov are colored and pubescent. The teeth are small, with sharp corners, serrated. The scars of the leaves are round, they are also wedge-shaped.

Currant flowers Memory of Vavilov are small, red in color. The stamens are located at the level of the pistil. The brushes are short or medium in size. The berries grow in racemes of moderate density, the axis is small.


The fruits themselves in the variety Pamyat Vavilova are large, weighing an average of 1,2 g. The color is black over the entire surface, with a gloss. The shape is round, the skin is dense. The calyx is round, small, closed type. Fruit stalks are medium.

Black currant Memory Vavilova: variety description, photos, reviews

Berries grow in clusters, well detached from the stem

Characteristics of currant Memory Vavilov

Among the characteristics of the variety, the taste of the fruit, yield, ripening time are of particular importance. The most important parameters are presented below.


The taste of currant berries of the Memory Vavilov variety is pleasant, sweet, with a slight sourness. At the tasting, I received one of the highest ratings – 4,8 points. The pulp contains:

  • sugar – 8,5%
  • acids – 1,8%;
  • vitamin C – more than 187 mg per 100 g;
  • pectins – 1,4%.

Fruit aroma is medium. But the pulp is juicy and very tasty. The purpose is universal. Currant Memory Vavilov is good fresh, you can also make jam, jam, fruit drinks from it.

Advice! To keep the berries useful, it is better to freeze them for the winter. Thanks to this, vitamin C and other valuable components will be preserved in them.

Terms of maturation

Currant bushes of the Memory Vavilov variety begin to bear fruit already for 2-3 years. In terms of ripening, it belongs to medium crops – berries appear from the second half of July to the first decade of August.


The yield of the currant variety Memory Vavilov is very high. From one adult bush, it is possible to collect 5-6 kg of delicious berries every summer. Maximum performance can be achieved with good care, choosing the right landing site.

Attention! The separation of the berries is dry, which makes it easier to harvest. Fruits can be stored for several days in the refrigerator or immediately sent for freezing, preparation of blanks.

Frost resistance

The currant variety Pamyat Vavilova has a high winter hardiness, so it can be grown in different regions:

  • middle lane;
  • the Volga region;
  • Northwest;
  • southern regions.

Resistance to diseases

The blackcurrant variety Memory Vavilov has a fairly good immunity. It is not affected by anthracnose. The culture has a relative resistance to bud mites and powdery mildew.

Preventive treatments for diseases are mandatory. Every spring, the bushes are sprayed with fungicides, and in the summer they monitor the appearance of insects and use insecticides if necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety Pamyat Vavilova is primarily valued for its very good taste and yield. The currant is large, marketable, well detached from the bush. Plants are winter-hardy, so they can be cultivated in different regions of Our Country from the southern regions to the North-West.

Black currant Memory Vavilova: variety description, photos, reviews

Berries are sweet and very large


  • excellent yield;
  • pleasant taste;
  • increased winter hardiness;
  • early fruiting;
  • immunity to diseases;
  • high self-fertility – pollinators are not needed;
  • possible industrial cultivation;
  • fruits do not fall off the branches.


  • may suffer from fungal infections;
  • fruiting is not friendly, stretched over time.

How to plant

The main time for planting currants in memory of Vavilov is autumn – the period from the end of September to the first half of October (in the south until the beginning of November). The place is chosen sunny, dry, without stagnant water, and also protected from drafts – it can be planted along the fence (but not close to it).

The soil has been prepared since spring. It needs to be dug up and fertilized with compost or humus – a bucket per square meter. If the soil contains a lot of clay, sand or sawdust is also added to it in the amount of 3-5 kg ​​per 1 m2.

In about three weeks, pits of the same diameter and depth of 50-60 cm are dug. An interval of 1,5-2 m is left between them. Small stones are laid at the bottom for drainage, and on top – a layer of fertile soil with black peat and humus in a ratio of 2: 1 :one.

When planting currants, Memory Vavilov acts as follows:

  1. The roots of the seedling are soaked in a clay mash with “Epin” or “Kornevin” (growth stimulants).
  2. They put the bush in the center and tilt it at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. They are covered with soil and tamped so that the root neck goes to a depth of 8-10 cm, if necessary, after watering, the soil is topped up.
  4. They give a bucket of settled water and mulch after a few days.

Features of care

You need to care for currants of the Memory Vavilov variety in much the same way as for other varieties. Young seedlings are watered weekly if there is no rain. Adult plants are given water 2-3 times a month. But if a drought sets in, watering is again carried out on a weekly basis or even more often (2-3 times a bucket of water in seven days).

After heavy rain or watering, the soil is loosened, at the same time, if necessary, weeds are removed. To keep the soil moist longer and not dry out, lay out a layer of mulch – straw, hay, sawdust, needles.

Black currant Memory Vavilova: variety description, photos, reviews

Mulching bushes protects them during the dry season

For a good harvest, the currants Pamyat Vavilov are fed regularly. In early April, they give urea (50 g per bush), and during the period of budding and fruiting – superphosphate (50 g) and potassium sulfate (25 g). In autumn, you can make top dressing with compost – mix with soil and lay out in a circle around the trunk.

In early spring, before the buds begin to swell and sap flow, sanitary pruning is carried out, weakened, frost-affected branches are removed, and a bush is also formed. At the same time, Bordeaux liquid or other fungicides are treated. In the summer, the bushes are periodically inspected and, if insects are found, they are treated with Decis, Aktara or other means. In autumn, after leaf fall, all plant residues are removed.


Currant Pamyat Vavilova is a winter-hardy variety that is undemanding to care for. It has a fairly good immunity and a high yield. Even a novice gardener can cultivate this crop on his site.

Reviews of gardeners about currants Pamyat Vavilova

Luganskaya Valentina, 58 years old, Perm
The memory of Vavilov has become my favorite, because it is very difficult to find sweet currants for our region. In principle, different varieties take root, but the yields are low, and the fruits sour. In this variety, the berries are really sweet and large.
Sinitsyna Tamara, 44 years old, Sevastopol
Memory Vavilov is an exemplary variety for those who love sweet currants. It is not very fragrant, but juicy and tasty. By the age of five, the yield reaches a good level – 5 kg per bush. The berries ripen unfriendly, and they have to be collected in several visits. But this is the only significant minus – otherwise, only pluses.
Blackcurrant Memory of Vavilov. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings

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