Blackcurrant is the leader among berry crops in terms of the content of ascorbic acid. The berry is loved by many for its special sour taste and unique recognizable aroma. Useful properties of blackcurrant and contraindications for use are interrelated. The elements that the composition of the fruit contains have an active effect on the human body.

Состав ягод черной смородины

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

Fruits contain organic acids, vitamins, minerals, natural pectins, flavonoids. In addition, volatile compounds were found in them, as well as unique essential oils. Each group of elements is different in terms of benefits and type of influences:


Thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic and nicotinic acids, vitamin C.


Potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese.


Lemon, apple, pantothenic.

Currant is rich in pectins, dietary fiber, glycosides, tannins. The sugars are fructose and glucose. The health benefits or harms of a berry such as blackcurrant are discussed based on an analysis of the qualities of the composition. Its feature is the unique proportions of compounds that make the berries especially useful.

Important! Decoctions of leaves and dried fruits increase the effect of antibiotics taken.

Benefits of black currants

A handful of fresh black berries can fill the body’s natural need for ascorbic acid.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

Небольшие черные глянцевые плоды по своим свойствам сопоставимы с упаковкой витаминного комплекса, в котором собраны разнообразные элементы. При этом специалисты отмечают, что кожица, которая окружает мякоть, особенно ценна как элемент, богатый минералами. Регулярное употребление ягод оказывает полезные влияния разного типа:

  1. За счет повышенного содержания аскорбиновой кислоты плоды становятся отличным жаропонижающим и потогонным средством.
  2. Содержащаяся в мякоти вода оказывает мочегонное действие щадящего типа.
  3. Organic acids, essential oils and volatile compounds promote relaxation and soothe the nervous system.
  4. Antioxidant elements normalize the activity of the heart muscle, prevent oxidation processes inside the vessels, maintaining their natural elasticity.
  5. Dietary fiber and tannins help to improve bowel function, provoke the elimination of harmful toxins, and protect the walls of the stomach from harmful effects. These qualities of black currant determine the benefits for the intestines.
  6. Витамины с минеральными элементами положительно влияют на укрепление костно-мышечной системы.
  7. One of the most valuable is the property of berries to strengthen the immune forces of the body, which occurs due to the active assimilation of vitamins and minerals.
Attention! Black currant helps to remove from the body substances left after radiation exposure.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

What is useful blackcurrant for a woman’s body

In addition to general properties, berries (if consumed regularly) have highly specialized effects. One of them can be called the quality to reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in women. This is due to the special influence of essential oils. In addition, the fruits reduce migraine-type headache, which affects the female part of the population.

A handful of berries can improve mood. A great bonus for women is the additional effect of blackcurrant on the condition of the skin, hair, nails. This property is easily explained by the content of B vitamins.

Useful properties of blackcurrant for men

Blackcurrant contains small seeds that are rich in fatty acids. These elements have a positive effect on potency in men. In addition, the diuretic effect contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Польза черной смородины для детей

Different varieties of currants are introduced into the children’s diet, starting from the age of 6 months. The children’s body needs vitamins that the fruits contain. Ascorbic acid helps to form a protective barrier, helps to strengthen the immune system.

Кроме того, уникальный витаминно-минеральный состав способствует развитию костно-мышечной системы, что особенно важно при становлении детского двигательного аппарата.

Смородину добавляют к фруктовым пюре, она хорошо сочетается со сливой, яблоком, грушей.

Attention! Fruit purees are introduced gradually, after consulting with a pediatrician before taking.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

The harm of black currant for the human body

Despite the beneficial properties, the unique composition of vitamins, black currant can have a harmful effect. The consequences of uncontrolled intake can be expressed by the appearance of heartburn. This sensation arises due to the intensive production of gastric juice, which is provoked by acids in the composition of the fruit.

Uncontrolled intake of fresh berries can lead to a deterioration in blood counts if the natural blood flow is disturbed.

При беременности на поздних сроках употребление смородины повышает риски развития запоров. Эти состояния нежелательны для беременных женщин.

Currant is a strong natural allergen, with manifestations of food edition, it is important to carefully treat the use of berries.

Is it possible to blackcurrant while breastfeeding

Кормящим мамам необходимо расширять рацион, дополняя его полезными продуктами, содержащими витамины и минералы, полезные для будущего развития ребенка. При отсутствии противопоказаний, возможной пищевой аллергии черную смородину разрешают употреблять при грудном вскармливании после того, как ребенку исполнится 3 — 4 месяца.

The introduction of berries begins gradually, monitoring the reaction of the baby. If the child develops an allergic rash, then the reception is stopped. If the baby’s body calmly reacts to a new product digested by the mother, then this means that the berry is suitable for both the mother and the child.

Important! Dried or frozen berries completely retain their main beneficial properties.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

Blackcurrant and Type 2 Diabetes

Diagnosed diabetes mellitus significantly complicates life. This is a condition in which it is necessary to carefully monitor blood counts, avoiding foods or plant elements with a high glycemic index.

Калорийность ягод черной смородины невелика. Без дополнительного добавления сахара плоды рекомендованы к приему людям, находящимся на диетическом меню. Сахара, которые содержит ягода, делятся на глюкозу и фруктозу, эти элементы способны перевариваться без негативного влияния на сахар крови. Польза плодов черной смородины при диабете заключена в том, что ягоды, являясь источником природных витаминов и пектинов, не имеют побочных действий.

Blackcurrant raises or lowers blood pressure

The effect of black currant on blood pressure is one of the main properties of the berries. The trace elements that the composition contains help strengthen the vascular walls, put arteries and veins in order, improving their overall structure. Due to these influences, the inner surface of the vessels becomes more elastic.

Normalization of blood flow contributes to the stabilization of blood pressure, therefore, when they talk about the benefits of the black variety with high blood pressure, they mean the stabilization of natural processes.

Черную смородину рекомендуют как гипотоникам, так и гипертоникам. Эффект, который оказывает ягода, называют «нормализующий давление». Его можно достичь только при регулярном употреблении небольшого количества ягод. Чрезмерный прием способен привести к скачкам давления, поэтому говорят о повышении или понижении артериального давления.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

Blackcurrant weakens or strengthens

If there are problems with the stool, doctors recommend using suitable products, replacing fast food with vegetable proteins, dietary fiber. This technique helps to normalize the digestive system without the use of medications.

Blackcurrant is recommended for those who periodically experience diarrhea. In addition to the actions that normalize the processes of digestion, berries have a useful fixing effect.

This quality is especially appreciated by young mothers who introduce complementary foods in their children in the summer. In children from 1 to 3 years old, the digestive processes are characterized by instability and constant changes, therefore, during daily summer walks, mothers try to expand the diet with elements that help to fix the stool.

The use of blackcurrant

Useful properties and unique taste of blackcurrant are in demand in different areas. It is used as a source of vitamins, minerals, and also as a delicious berry that gives pastries and desserts a special sour taste.

Properties and taste qualities are in demand in the preparation of delicious drinks. In summer they are cooled and served with ice to quench your thirst. In winter, a warm drink from frozen currants helps to cope with the symptoms of colds.

In cooking

Из черной смородины готовят разнообразные варенья, джемы и компоты. После термической обработки плоды теряют часть своих свойств, но остаются полезными и вкусными. Природные пектины, которыми богат черный сорт, позволяют варить вкусные густые джемы без добавления желатина или агар-агара.

Jams are prepared by boiling berries in sugar syrup or ground with a blender or meat grinder. In this case, currant puree acquires a special structure. Jam grated in a meat grinder is used to make berry pies, added to biscuit pastries.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

Blackcurrant compotes and fruit drinks are known for their beneficial effects:

  • have a diuretic effect;
  • restore water balance;
  • act as a general tonic;
  • contribute to the normalization of body temperature during chills, fever.

Dried or fresh berries are added to black tea, this makes the drink especially useful and gives a special aroma. These teas are drunk freshly brewed. The benefits of blackcurrant tea for women are especially noticeable. They improve mood, relieve feelings of anxiety, relax and soothe.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

Important! In the south of France, a traditional berry soup is prepared from blackcurrant.

Desserts are also decorated with berries, mousses, puddings, and jelly are prepared from currant puree. Due to the characteristic sour taste, blackcurrant fruits are used to prepare a traditional Georgian sauce with red wine, which is served with baked meat.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

Currant is a traditional component for making homemade liqueurs, tinctures, liqueurs. The type of drink prepared depends on the proportions of sugar, berries and alcohol. Low-alcohol liqueurs are compared with classic grape wines.

In folk medicine

The properties of the fruits, which are used to normalize blood pressure, are in demand by traditional medicine. The effect of taking infusions on the alcohol component can be different. The condition for use is the absence of contraindications and compliance with the rules of admission.

The main raw materials for the preparation of decoctions with useful properties are the leaves and flowers of the currant. Dried fruits are also used in folk medicine as a component with which medicinal tinctures are prepared.

Существуют уникальные старинные рецепты с использованием свежей ягоды. Один из примеров – приготовление смеси, улучшающей показатели крови. Этот состав издавна используют для лечения малокровия.

Fresh berries are ground with sugar, buckwheat flour is added, mixed until smooth. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. This mixture is taken in 1 tbsp. l. after meals daily throughout the therapeutic course.

Для укрепления иммунитета готовят настой из сушеных плодов смородины и шиповника, взятых равными пропорциями. Смесь заливают стаканом кипятка, настаивают. Принимают трижды за день на протяжении двух недель.

In cosmetology

Летом, когда поспевают ягоды и фрукты, женщины используют их с косметическими целями. Черная смородина как средство наружного применения может оказывать пользу для лица:

  • promote skin whitening;
  • relieve swelling;
  • improve the overall color and texture of the skin.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

Face masks are made from pureed pulp or fruit juice. For dry skin, add 1 tbsp to the pulp. l. sour cream, mix until the maximum connection of the components. Apply to the face after cleansing, wash off after 10 minutes. Oily skin is wiped with juice squeezed from the fruit, then a light cream or emulsion is applied.

How many calories in blackcurrant

Калорийность ягод черной смородины считают одной из самых низких. При наличии полезных элементов, разнообразном витаминно-минеральном комплексе100 г ягод содержат всего 45 ккал. Этот показатель увеличивается при приеме ягод с сахаром или сахарной пудрой.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories

Contraindications to blackcurrant

Полезные свойства черной смородины могут провоцировать негативные влияния в том случае, если у человека диагностированы серьезные заболевания. Смородина – это одна из тех ягод, которые обладают мощным воздействием, попадая в организм человека, поэтому бесконтрольный прием или употребление вопреки противопоказаниям может быть опасен осложнениями. Прежде чем готовить блюда или напитки из смородины, необходимо ознакомиться с запретами, которые связаны с особенностями диагностированных болезней.

  1. The pulp and the acids contained in it affect the active production of gastric juice, so the berry can be harmful to those who have constantly increased stomach acidity. These signs are typical for such diagnoses as: gastritis, ulcer, colitis.
  2. Berries, due to the unique complex of vitamins and minerals, combined with organic acids and essential oils, actively affect blood counts. They are contraindicated for those people who have impaired blood clotting. Uncontrolled intake is dangerous for thrombophlebitis, a tendency to varicose veins.
  3. With the absorption of a rich complex of substances contained in currants, there is an increased load on the liver. When diagnosing hepatitis, it is better to refuse to eat berries.

Полезные свойства и противопоказания веточек смородины

Branches, buds and leaves of currant contain flavonoids, organic acids, tannins, essential oils, mineral salt residues. The branches on which the fruits ripen have a recognizable currant aroma. They are used for the preparation of medicinal compositions.

The main useful properties of infusions from currant twigs, which are in demand by traditional medicine:

  1. Antibacterial. Infusions are used to treat skin diseases, relieve redness after bites.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Thanks to useful tannins, decoctions relieve swelling, help relieve inflammation.
  3. Pain relievers. Lotions from concentrated infusions can have a small analgesic effect due to the content of antioxidant substances and volatile acid compounds.

Usually the branches are insisted along with the leaves. Such compounds cure eczema, relieve the symptoms of psoriasis.

Black currant: health benefits and harms, calories


Useful properties of blackcurrant and contraindications for its use are closely related. The fruits are rich in ascorbic acid, pectins, organic acids, minerals. A handful of berries can replenish the daily requirement of vitamin C. In addition, the berry is tasty, in demand in cooking, and has an interesting recognizable aroma. In the absence of contraindications, the berry has invaluable benefits for the body.

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