Black cumin oil – what does it help when it is harmful? Is it worth drinking black cumin oil?

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Almost every now and then we hear about a new fashion for substances or ingredients of natural origin, which are to keep us in eternal health and youth. And although the trend of using most of them passes over time, some are permanently included in our diets, and most importantly – they actually work. One of them is black cumin oil. Known for centuries, it will be effective in various health ailments. What are its properties and how to dose it?

Black seed is a plant whose seeds have the most health-promoting properties. It is also known as black cumin, Egyptian cumin, nigger, cockle and coriander.

Black cumin seeds are used not only in the kitchen, but also in cosmetics and natural medicine. Black seed has been known since ancient times.

It comes from the areas of Western Asia and Southeast Europe. The appearance of its blue or white flowers is characteristic. The most appreciated black cumin seeds are found in its fruits. It is from them that pro-health black cumin oil is produced.

You can buy black cumin seeds in packages of 50 g at Medonet Market.

Composition of black cumin oil

Black cumin oil was used already in the times of the rulers of ancient Egypt. There is a reason why today black cumin oil is called “the gold of the pharaohs”. Its valuable properties were used in stomach ailments or skin lesions. Today, black cumin oil is also used as a remedy for stomach ulcers.


Black cumin oil is slightly bitter in taste, has an intense and spicy aroma. Its color can be honey or dark brown. The composition of black cumin oil is a wealth of health-promoting ingredients. In 85 percent. consists of unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid, oleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid). It also contains vitamin E, beta-carotene, biotin, phytosterols and minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, selenium and zinc, as well as amino acids and saponins.

The most valuable ingredient of black cumin oil there is an essential oil. It consists of i.a. from trans-anethole, limonene, p-cymene, carvone, thymol, dithymoquinone, thymohydroquinone and thymoquinone – which experts consider to be the most valuable component of black seed oil.

Black seed oil is part of HealMe Health Labs – enriched black seed oil, a supplement that supports immunity and improves well-being.

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Properties of black cumin oil

Black cumin oil has a lot of health-promoting properties. However, it must be remembered that it will contain the most vitamins, minerals and nutrients cold pressed black cumin oil.


Black cumin oil should not be heated, it is intended to be eaten raw.

Are you looking for the best black cumin oil? Try Oleiq for face, body and hair to find out about its pro-health properties. Black cumin oil in capsules is available on Medonet Market. Try the supplement Czarnuszka Allesol SOLHERBS.

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Black cumin oil for allergy and bronchitis

Experts agree – black cumin oil is the best natural medicine for people struggling with allergies and frequently recurring upper respiratory tract infections. Numerous studies have confirmed that black seed oil is effective in alleviating hay fever, and unlike antihistamines, it does not cause any side effects.

Black cumin oil ingredients make it supportive and shorten the treatment time for bronchitis. The essential oils contained in it make the bronchi dilate, and thus – work more efficiently. The oils also make the secretion in the respiratory tract easier to expel.

Black cumin oil for digestive ailments

Although the use of black cumin oil is not the most pleasant because of its characteristic taste, it should be included in the diet of people struggling with digestive system ailments. Reflux, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, as well as food poisoning are ailments the symptoms of which will be alleviated by black seed.

Research confirms that black seed oil acts as a shield against the bacterium that is most dangerous to the health of the digestive system – Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium is one of the main causes of the development of peptic ulcer disease. Black cumin oil also has a beneficial effect on the functions of the liver, supporting its work.

In the case of diseases of the digestive system, it is advisable to treat them, as well as the possible use of herbal remedies, under the supervision of a physician. Make an online appointment with your doctor online to get answers to your questions about your health issues.


It is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist when taking herbal preparations, because the selection of an appropriate herbal preparation requires as much knowledge as in the case of a chemical preparation. It should be remembered that these types of preparations may interact with the medications taken, posing a threat to our health. Some herbal preparations can have a very strong effect, therefore all recommendations and restrictions provided by the manufacturer should be followed. Pregnant women and nursing mothers must exercise particular caution when using them.

Black cumin oil for cholesterol

In addition to these beneficial properties, black seed oil effectively reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Thanks to this, the use of the oil can help to inhibit the development of type II diabetes, atherosclerosis and many cardiovascular diseases.

All thanks to the content of unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, which make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, thus preventing them from hardening and forming clots. In addition black cumin oil lowers blood pressure and prevents inflammation in the bloodstream.

Do you want to help your body fight high cholesterol? Try Swanson’s Cholesterol Dietary Supplement Kit.

Also read: 9 Surprising Facts About Cholesterol

Black cumin oil for immunity

Today, black cumin oil is most often used to improve immunity in both adults and children. Thanks to it, the level of antibodies increases, making it more difficult for pathogenic bacteria and viruses to attack our body. It works especially well when our body and immune system are weakened by constantly recurring infections.

This is confirmed by research conducted by American scientists in Florida. A group of volunteers received one gram of black cumin oil twice a day. After four weeks of therapy, the level of T lymphocytes, which contribute to the increase in immunity, increased by 72% in the respondents.

You can strengthen the immune system, also thanks to acerola contained in the Swanson dietary supplement. Acerola is a wealth of vitamin C and has a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

Black cumin oil for the skin

Applied externally, it protects the skin against sunburn and soothes irritations that have already occurred. In addition, it contributes to faster wound healing and supports therapeutic therapy in such cases as: dandruff, acne, lichen or atopic dermatitis. We recommend Duetus anti-imperfections serum and Duetus hemp oil night cream – both products are available on Medonet Market.

Black cumin oil is also used in aromatherapy, where it calms down, alleviates the effects of stress and helps to eliminate sleep disorders.

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Black cumin oil for hair

Black seed, in addition to its antibacterial properties and supporting the treatment of certain diseases, also has a beneficial effect on improving the condition of the hair. As it turns out, black cumin oil when used on hair, it prevents hair loss, baldness and allows you to get rid of dandruff. Black cumin oil also stimulates the growth of new hair, making it stronger and thicker.

Are you looking for products that will improve the condition of your hair? Check out aromatherapy hair shampoo with essential oils for all hair types.

Black cumin oil is a substance of natural origin – there are almost no contraindications to its use. However, it should be remembered that because it may have an antispasmodic effect, it should not be used by pregnant women or children under three years of age.

In most cases, the use of black cumin oil in safe amounts does not cause side effects. For some people, however, drinking black cumin oil may irritate the digestive system and cause unpleasant digestive ailments.

Hypersensitivity of the digestive tract can make black cumin oil induce gas, cramps, or nausea. It is also worth remembering that the properties of black cumin oil take into account a slight reduction in blood pressure, which may be unfavorable in people with low blood pressure. Black seed can therefore also cause drowsiness.

Black cumin oil can be purchased in pharmacies or herbalists’ stores and specializing in natural cosmetics. We can also order it online without any problems. You can find it, for example, on Medonet Market. Order Black cumin oil Bioherba available in a 250 ml bottle.

Depending on the capacity of the bottle, the price of black cumin oil ranges from 10 to 30 PLN. Black cumin oil can also be taken in tablets – we will pay from 120 to 40 PLN for 70 capsules.

Black cumin oil – dosage

A safe amount of black cumin oil, which is used every day, will not cause side effects and will not adversely affect the functioning of the body is 1-2 teaspoons. You must remember to use it internally, eat it with a meal. Black cumin oil can be used:

  1. on hair – e.g. as an addition to shampoo;
  2. on the skin – the oil can be applied to the face and affected areas;
  3. orally – for therapeutic purposes,
  4. in the kitchen for culinary purposes – e.g. as an addition to salads and other dishes.

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Black cumin oil has a characteristic taste that may not be to your liking at first. It’s best to start with small doses – a few drops of pure oil per teaspoon. It can also be added to dishes such as salads.

If we use black cumin oil as an additive in the kitchen, we do not have to take breaks in its intake. However, if we treat it as a medicinal preparation, it is advisable to take breaks. If you take the oil for a week, take a break for a week later. As a rule, black cumin oil is recommended to be taken with a meal. You can buy EKO black cumin seed oil at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Black cumin oil is cold pressed and can only be eaten raw. It is inadvisable to heat it, you cannot fry on it. It is best to store it in a dark bottle at 5-10ºC. After opening, it retains its properties for three months.

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