Black cumin: benefits and harms to the body
Known since antiquity, the spice is rightfully considered not only an aromatic, but also a medicinal plant. Black cumin is used in medicine for intestinal diseases, in cosmetology, in aromatherapy. Find out what other useful properties this plant has

History of black cumin

Cumin is a herbaceous umbrella plant that blooms in summer and produces seeds only in the second year of life. Black cumin is common in the Caucasus, Siberia and Central Asia. 

This plant was valued in ancient Egypt: during excavations in the tomb of one pharaoh, they found a bottle of oil and found that it was cumin. It is not known exactly how the Egyptians used it, but they put only valuable things with them in the “afterlife”. 

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Cumin is especially valued in Muslim countries. The Prophet Muhammad is credited with saying that black cumin cures all diseases except death. The name of black cumin is translated from Muslim as “seed of blessing”. The famous Avicenna also mentioned cumin as a powerful medicinal plant.

The benefits of black cumin

Black cumin is considered one of the most biologically active spices. The seeds are rich in various fatty acids, as well as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. 

The effectiveness of black cumin as a means of strengthening immunity is recognized not only by ancient healers, but also by modern medicine. Cumin oil has a bactericidal effect, fights fungus and intestinal parasites.

Black cumin is used to improve digestion: it enhances the secretion of bile, has a laxative effect. 

The substance thymoquinone, which is part of black cumin, is considered an antioxidant, due to which the intake of this medicinal plant increases the overall tone and improves performance, energizes. It is noted that thymoquinone even affects the growth rate of malignant tumors, slowing down the disease process. 

The composition and calorie content of black cumin

Caloric content for 100 grams375 kcal
Proteins17,8 g
Fats22,2 g
Carbohydrates44,2 g

Harm of black cumin

Black cumin can stimulate the contraction of smooth muscles, including the uterus. Therefore, it is better not to take this plant in any form for pregnant women. Babies should not be given such a seasoning either – the oils in the seeds can irritate a delicate stomach. 

Due to the saturation of various substances, cumin can cause allergic reactions in those who are prone to them. 

The use of black cumin in medicine

A decoction and black cumin oil are quite actively used in medicine, especially for constipation. 

– Infusion of black cumin has a laxative effect due to increased intestinal motility, increases the secretion of bile and gastric juice, reduces flatulence. It is often used for weak bowel function – atony, ”says endocrinologist Inga Alikhanyan

With a cold, black cumin helps due to increased immunity and an expectorant effect, which allows you to quickly remove mucus and make breathing easier. Aromatherapy with cumin oil helps with bronchitis and also calms the nervous system. 

Black cumin will not interfere with nervous disorders, accompanied by decreased appetite and constipation. This plant will reduce the symptoms of stress and help digestion. 

Black cumin is used as an essential oil in cosmetology to relieve inflammation on the skin. It is often added to massage oils and masks. Oil stimulates hair growth, reduces dryness of the scalp. 

The use of black cumin in cooking

Black cumin has a peculiar bitter-spicy aroma that is suitable for desserts and pastries, as well as for main dishes and marinades. And cumin oil is used as a dressing for salads and side dishes, honey is often added to it. Seasoning can be found in ground form and sprinkled on dishes.

Cabbage pie with cumin

A hearty pie can also replace a full meal if served, for example, with a vegetable salad. Kale can be eaten hot or cold.


Flour450 g
Dry yeast4 tsp
Water1 glass
Eggs1 pc
Butter100 g
Black cumin2-3 teaspoons
Sugar, saltto taste


Cabbage600 g
Onions2 pc
Vegetable oil3 tbsp
Tomato paste1 tablespoon
Green onion, parsley, dillfew branches
Spices: ground black pepper, ground coriandereach on the tip of a knife
Saltto taste

Mix yeast immediately with flour, add salt and sugar. Butter is best kept in the freezer – then it is easier to grate it. Pour the grated butter into the flour and grind with your hands into crumbs, then break the egg into the same place and add water. The amount must be adjusted so that the dough is plastic, but not sticky to the hands. Leave the dough for half an hour in the refrigerator under the film. 

Prepare the filling: first you need to peel and chop the onion, fry it in oil. Then add the cabbage cut into strips, spices, mix and simmer under the lid for about 15 minutes. At the end, add tomato paste and herbs and mix everything. 

We take out the dough: it must be divided into 2 parts, one of which is slightly larger than the second. Roll out a large piece to a thickness of half a centimeter and place in a greased form, closing the sides. Spread cooled filling on top. 

Roll out a smaller piece of dough to the same thickness, and cover the filling from above, pinch the edges. Poke holes all over the pie with a fork. You can brush it with egg yolk. Decorate the cake with black cumin seeds and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes. 

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Beet salad marinated with cumin

An unusual serving of the usual beets will pleasantly diversify lunch or dinner. You can use any pickled cheese – cheese, mozzarella, whichever you like best.

Cooked beets1 thing
Basil, arugula, parsleysmall bundle
pickled cheese70 gr
Olive oil2 Art. spoons
Lemon juice2 ч.ложки
Mustard2 teaspoons
Honey1 Art. a spoon
Saltto taste
Walnuts50 gr
Black cumin1 tsp

Peel the beets and cut them into large cubes or slices. Prepare marinade: mix honey, lemon juice, mustard, olive oil. If the cheese is salty, then salt can be omitted. Marinate the beets in the mixture for 5 minutes.

Cut the cheese into large cubes, and chop the nuts into pieces. Grind the greens, tearing with your hands not too finely, parsley can be chopped. Put all the greens on a dish.

Mix beets, cheese, nuts and put on top of the greens, sprinkled with black cumin seeds or ground spices.

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How to choose and store black cumin

When choosing, pay attention to the aroma – cumin has a pronounced sweet-spicy smell. If the spice almost does not smell, it means that the seeds were stored for too long or the storage conditions were violated and the spices “exhausted”. The size of the grains is about the size of black peppercorns, the color should also be black. Ground cumin is stored less and loses flavor faster. 

Black cumin can be found on sale in pharmacies and spice departments in stores. It is desirable that the packaging is airtight. 

Cumin seeds are stored at room temperature in a dark place, the container must be airtight so that the spices do not lose their flavor and do not absorb other odors. A glass or ceramic jar works well. In this form, black cumin lasts up to two years. 

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