Black carrots: description, useful properties, harm and contraindications, areas of application + secrets of planting and care

Inulin-rich black carrots are widely used in the diet of diabetics. Few people know that the pulp of root crops contains many vitamins and useful microelements. Today we will tell you what healing properties such an unusual-looking carrot has.

Description and origin of black carrots

A black carrot is a root crop that looks like an ordinary orange carrot. In botanical reference books, the culture is listed under other names: Spanish scorzonera, Spanish goat, sweet root and serpentine.

The fruit crop belongs to the herbaceous perennials of the Aster family. The plant blooms in May. Forms one or more inflorescences in the form of large dandelions. At the end of the flowering phase, the dandelion turns into a white ball with flying seeds inside. The average length of one grain is 1,5 cm.

Black carrots: description, useful properties, harm and contraindications, areas of application + secrets of planting and care
Spanish scorzonera is a herbaceous perennial of the Asteraceae family.

Black carrots are very similar to regular carrots. The main external difference is the dark brown, rich purple or black color of the peel. The skin is thin and easy to remove. It is interesting that the snow-white pulp of the root crop is hidden under the black peel, and dark lilac with a light center under the purple one. Kozelets has a bitter taste, which is more like the taste of radish or radish. The average weight of one root crop is 150–200 g, the length is about 15 cm.

The countries of Southern Europe and Southwest Asia are considered to be the birthplace of black carrots.

Growing regions

Today, the goat is actively cultivated in a number of Western European countries. Entire plantations with black root can be found in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The plant is massively grown in Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan.

As for Our Country, the black root crop grows in Western Siberia, at the foot of the Ural Mountains, in Dagestan and the Caucasus.

Terms of maturation

Harvest is standard – in the fall. Some gardeners dig up only part of the root crops, leaving the other half of the black carrots for the spring. During the winter, the roots will get stronger and gain weight. It is worth noting that the culture is characterized by increased frost resistance, so even the most severe Siberian winters are not afraid of it.


Yield indicators depend on varietal characteristics and compliance with agricultural practices for growing crops. With proper care, at least 1–2 kg of edible root crops are harvested from 3 m² of the garden.

Black carrots: description, useful properties, harm and contraindications, areas of application + secrets of planting and care
At least 1–2 kg of high-quality root crops are harvested from 3 m² of the garden

Video “Secrets of caring for black carrots”

This video shows how to grow a healthy and nutritious root crop in the beds.

Meet Purple Carrots – 7 cottages

Types and varieties of plants

More than 200 species and varieties of scorzonera live in the natural environment. Most of them grow in meadows, fields and along roads. But only cultivars have nutritional value:

  • Solar Premiere;
  • overseas delicacy;
  • Medical;
  • Volcano;
  • giant;
  • Black Knight;
  • Black Lisa;
  • Purple dragon;
  • Spanish black;
  • Pusa Asita etc.


  • high yield;
  • undemanding to growth conditions;
  • long shelf life of the crop;
  • interesting taste;
  • a wide range of applications in cooking and alternative medicine.


  • susceptibility to fungal infections;
  • increased watering requirements.

Planting and growing black root

Since black carrots are only gaining momentum in popularity among gardeners, few are familiar with the peculiarities of planting and growing them.

Site and soil selection

The optimal environment for growing black root crops is sandy or loamy soil. The place should be closed from wind and drafts, but active sunlight should not be avoided.

With a high level of acidity, we recommend liming the soil.

Author’s advice

The best predecessors of black carrots are potatoes, onions and cucumbers. Compliance with the rules of crop rotation helps to increase the yield of cultivated crops.

Seed sowing

Before planting germinated seeds, the beds are laid out. The recommended distance between rows is 25–30 cm. The soil is pre-fed with organic matter – rotted manure or humus.

Scorzonera seeds are buried to a depth of 2,5–3 cm. When the first shoots hatch, the beds need to be thinned out. There should be a distance of 7-8 cm between shoots.

Watering and top dressing

Black carrots are moisture-loving crops. The lack of moisture in the soil negatively affects the growth and development of the plant. You need to water as the top layer of the soil dries out. Watering should be scattered. If you pour water from under the hose, there is a high risk of washing out the root crops.

Black carrots: description, useful properties, harm and contraindications, areas of application + secrets of planting and care
Carrots love scattered watering

Do not forget to loosen the soil after each watering. The loosening procedure prevents the active growth of weeds and saturates the earth with oxygen.

For more efficient growth, beds with root crops can be watered with a nutrient solution. Dilute 10 tablets of the drug “Kornerost” in 2 liters of warm (possibly at room temperature) water. Treat the growing carrot bushes with the prepared solution.

Pests and diseases

Common diseases of scorzonera are called bacteriosis, cercosporosis and various types of rot. When the first signs of diseases are found, it is recommended to think about whether the plant is being properly cared for. You can fight pathogens with nettle decoction, soapy water or Bordeaux liquid. If folk methods do not help, you will have to use heavy artillery – fungicidal preparations.

Often on carrot tops you can see harmful insects. Dangerous crop pests include aphids, spider mites, caterpillars, slugs and a bear. Soap solution and wood ash will help get rid of parasites. In case of mass damage, insecticides “Beetle OFF”, “Aktellik”, “Grizzly”, “Medvetoks”, etc. are used.

Collection and storage

Harvest in autumn or spring. When digging root crops, you need to be as careful and careful as possible. Damage to the vegetable leads to the loss of white milky juice, which gives the product piquancy and taste.

It is necessary to store the harvested crop in a semi-dark cool room. The best option is a cellar that is properly equipped and has a ventilation system.

Useful and medicinal properties

What are the benefits of root vegetables, you ask? Black carrots are rich in inulin, a substance essential in the diet of diabetics. The chemical composition of scorzonera is represented by vitamins C, E, PP, B2, B13 and useful micro and macro elements. Also in the composition are pectin, luteic acid, antioxidants, saccharides, levulin and asparagine.

With regular and proper use, the product helps to strengthen the immune system, as well as improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Scorzonera is recommended for beriberi, anemia, colds, eye pathologies, rheumatism and atherosclerosis.

Areas of use

Due to the rich and diverse chemical composition, black carrots have found application not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine.

In cooking

Please note that the calorie content of the product (per 100 g) is only 17 kcal. Accordingly, the root crop can be used for weight loss.

Black carrots are served raw or cooked. A fresh vegetable is used to prepare fortified salads, and carrot extract is used for nutritious and healthy drinks. Scorzonera can be boiled, baked and stewed. Root crops are in perfect harmony with meat, poultry, fish and other vegetables. Carrots are used as a component ingredient in vegetable sauce or marinade.

Black carrots: description, useful properties, harm and contraindications, areas of application + secrets of planting and care
Black carrots are served raw, stewed or fried.

In folk medicine

Our forefathers also used the sweet root of scorzonera to strengthen immunity, prevent and treat colds. Today, the range of applications of black carrots has become much wider.

black carrot juice

Black carrot concentrate has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and tonic effects. Freshly squeezed juice is taken before meals. With urolithiasis, a concentrated drink should be diluted with liquid honey in a ratio of 1: 1.

Black carrots: description, useful properties, harm and contraindications, areas of application + secrets of planting and care
Black carrot juice strengthens the immune system

Decoction of leaves

A decoction of tops is used for sore throat and other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. The tool is effective for diathesis, polyarthritis, gout and purulent formations on the skin.

To prepare a decoction, you need to pour 20 g of dried / fresh tops into 250 ml of boiling water. Put on fire and boil for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and apply as directed.

Root decoction

A strained decoction based on root crops is recommended for articular pathologies and liver damage. The drink has an expectorant effect, so it can be prescribed for acute and obstructive bronchitis.

The crushed root crop is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered.

root infusion

The crushed root crop (2 tablespoons) is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 10-12 hours. The infused drink is filtered and taken in 1 tsp. 30 minutes before each meal.

Infusion of scorzonera root helps with diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Black carrots: description, useful properties, harm and contraindications, areas of application + secrets of planting and care
Infusion based on root crops helps with liver pathologies

Contraindications and possible harm from the plant

Do not abuse “folk drugs”. An excess of vitamins and microelements in the human body can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

Scorzonera is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and allergies. The vegetable is not recommended for those who have a history of gastritis, ulcerative pathologies of the intestines and / or stomach.

Despite its relatively weak popularity among gardeners, black carrots are increasingly found on store shelves. Seeing an unusual vegetable, do not pass by – in front of you is a very useful and nutritious product.

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