Recipes are suitable for both black and red berries.
The amount of sugar depends on taste preferences and the purpose of the syrup. For desserts and cocktails, it is better to use more, and for meat dishes (this syrup will amazingly complement the taste of meat on fire, for example), it is better to reduce the amount of sugar.
Recipe for currant syrup without water
Currants – 1 kg
Sugar – 1 kg
Method of preparation
Wash and sort currants.
Sprinkle the berries with sugar, press them down a little and put them in a bottle or in a saucepan. With this method, the proportion of sugar and berries is 1: 1.
Cover the container with a lid and put it in a warm place for 2-3 days, you can even in the sun. During this time, the berries will slightly ferment and this will give a special, piquant flavor to the syrup.
Now the berries need to be boiled. Bring the berries to a boil and boil them for 10 minutes.
Grind the hot currant through a sieve.
Do not throw away the leftover pulp. From it you can then cook marshmallow, or cook compote.
Pour the syrup back into the pot and bring to a boil. Blackcurrant contains a lot of pectins, so it gels very quickly and should not be boiled for a long time.
Pour the hot syrup into sterilized bottles and store in a cool, dark place. Such syrup can stand for more than a year if air does not get under the lid.
Recipe for currant syrup with water
Blackcurrant – 2 cups
Water – 1 glass
Sugar – 1-2 cups (to taste)
Method of preparation
The berries must be washed under running water and cleaned of twigs and dried.
Pour sugar into boiling water and boil the syrup for about 1-2 minutes so that it dissolves properly. Then send the berries to the syrup and cook for 10-15 minutes until they become soft. If desired, you can first knead the currant a little with a spoon so that it gives off the juice better.
Remove the finished syrup from the heat and cool slightly. To taste, you can add a little lemon or lime juice if the berries are too sweet and you want to add a touch of sourness to the syrup.
It is better to leave the berries for a couple of hours so that the currants give all their juice and soak properly with sugar. If there is no free time, you can immediately proceed to the next process.
Slightly cooled berries are gradually added to the sieve and rubbed well so that no bones or skins get into the syrup.
Pour the syrup into a saucepan and send to the fire. Bring to a boil and it’s ready. If desired, such a syrup can be sent to sterilized jars and prepared for the winter.
To serve the syrup to the meat, it can be boiled to a thicker consistency over low heat, stirring constantly.
Recipe for fragrant currant syrup
Star anise (star anise) – 1 star
Water – 125 ml
Carnation – 2 pcs.
Cinnamon sticks – 1 stick
Allspice – 3 pcs.
Sugars – 250 g
Fresh black currant – 250 g
Method of preparation
Sort and wash currants.
Place currants in a saucepan. Add cinnamon, star anise, allspice, cloves.
Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
Strain out the liquid. Measure the amount of liquid formed.
For every 200 ml of liquid add 200 g of sugar.
Boil, stirring, for 5 minutes. If you prepare syrup for the winter, then at this moment, pour the hot syrup into sterilized jars and roll it up.
Currant syrup is ready.
Relevance: 21.08.2019
Tags: Syrup Recipes