Bitters: 13 recipes at home

The first spirit tinctures with spices, herbs and fruits appeared in Russia in the XNUMXth century. At that time, such drinks were called “Erofeichi” – in honor of the quick-witted count’s barber Yerofey, who cured the owner with one of these products.

Tincture “Traditional”


  1. Anise – 150 g

  2. Vodka – 3 l

  3. Mint – 150 g

  4. Crushed nuts – 150 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the solid components into a glass container, pour one and a half liters of vodka.

  2. Keep the resulting mixture for 12 days in the dark.

  3. Drain the liquid, set aside.

  4. Soak the thick mass with the remaining vodka, put it in heat for 10–12 days to infuse.

  5. Filter the resulting substance and mix with the first infusion, distribute into bottles.

Tincture “Spicy”


  1. Vodka – 0,5 l

  2. Honey – 60 g

  3. Zubrovka – 4 branches

  4. Thyme – 4 sprigs

  5. Chopped oak bark – 2 g

  6. Coriander – 2 g

  7. Thyme – 2 g

Method of preparation

  1. Sweeten alcohol with honey.

  2. Pour a mixture of herbs and seeds into a jar, pour in sweet vodka.

  3. It is good to seal the vessel, send it in a cool place for a period of 2 to 3 months.

  4. Drain the liquid through a filter, pour into a bottle and transfer to the cold.

Tincture “Citrus-seed”

Grind citrus peel and iris root beforehand.


  1. Cumin – 40 g

  2. Dill seed – 50 g

  3. Anise – 50 g

  4. Vodka – 1 l

  5. Dry lemon zest – 50 g

  6. Dry yellow iris root – 40 g

  7. Sugars – 20 g

Method of preparation

  1. Mix the solid components well, pour into a glass container and soak in vodka.

  2. Shake the closed vessel and transfer to the dark for 11 days, shaking the contents daily.

  3. Drain the infusion through a filter, sweeten, seal and send it back into the dark for 11 days.

Tincture “Cardamom”

You can make a drink without sugar: it will turn out to be more bitter and concentrated.


  1. Cardamom – 40 g

  2. Vodka – 2 l

  3. Sugars – 200 g

Method of preparation

  1. Crush the cardamom in a porcelain mortar.

  2. Pour the spicy mass with vodka, hold in a warm place for 20 days.

  3. Sweeten with sugar if desired, mix well.

  4. Strain the drink through a tissue flap.

Tincture “Caraway”


  1. Cumin seeds – 5-6 g

  2. Boiled water – 1 l

  3. Sugar – 450-550 g

  4. Vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Soak cumin in vodka, let the drink soak for several days in warmth.

  2. Skip the infusion through a couple of layers of fabric, pour in water, sweeten.

  3. After dissolving the sugar, transfer the product to small vessels.

Currant tincture “Kontabas”

The drink is made from unblown blackcurrant buds, which are harvested in mid-spring.

Twigs are also suitable, but the infusion will turn out to be rougher.

The amount of feedstock depends on the volume of the container – it should occupy about half of the vessel, about 1,5-2 times more vodka is required – to completely cover the kidneys.

The finished product has a beautiful emerald green hue and a pleasant sweetish aroma, but is stored for no more than two weeks. After a short time, the drink begins to deteriorate: the color changes to brown, sediment and an unpleasant odor appear.


  1. Blackcurrant buds – ½ of the dish

  2. Vodka – by the amount of raw materials

Method of preparation

  1. Rinse the kidneys, pour into a glass container, pour vodka.

  2. Cover the dish with gauze, put it in the sun or in the basement.

  3. Keep the drink for 1 to 6 weeks, watching for color changes.

  4. Strain the tincture and keep in the cold.

Tincture “Linden”

Sugar can be replaced with honey by adding a couple of spoons at any stage of making the drink. Anise, ginger and mint also go well with lime raw materials.


  1. Linden flowers – 20 g

  2. Vodka – 1 l

  3. Water – ½ cup

  4. Sugar – 1 glass

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the flower mass into a container, pour alcohol, leave to soak for 2-3 weeks, tightly closing the vessel with a lid and placing in the dark.

  2. Filter the drink, brew hot sugar syrup, strain, wait for cooling and pour into the lime infusion.

  3. Seal the container, shake, keep in the cold for half a month.

Tincture “Lokhovaya”


  1. Vodka – 1 l

  2. Honey – 30 g

  3. Loja flowers – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. Soak the flower raw materials in vodka, shake the container and seal tightly.

  2. Transfer to the dark for 20 days, drain through a filter, place in small bottles.

Tincture “Carrot”


  1. Dried carrots – ½ cup

  2. Vodka – 0,5 l

Method of preparation

  1. Pour carrots into a bottle, fill the container with vodka, shake.

  2. Hold the sealed vessel for 1 day at room conditions, decant the infusion, pour into small bottles.

Spicy honey tincture


  1. Honey – 50-80 g

  2. Vodka – 1 l

  3. Chopped oak bark – 10 g

  4. Thyme – 10 g

  5. Melissa – 10 g

  6. Coriander seeds – 10 g

  7. Zubrovka grass – 10 g

Method of preparation

  1. Sweeten the vodka with honey, pour the mixture of herbs with the resulting liquid, shake well.

  2. Seal the vessel, transfer to a cool place for 2,5 – 3 months.

  3. Strain the resulting infusion, pass through the filter, place in small bottles and cork.

Tincture “Ginseng”


  1. Vodka – 0,5 l

  2. Honey – 10 g

  3. Ginseng root – 40 g

Method of preparation

  1. Crush the ginseng, put it in a container with vodka, let it brew for a couple of days at room conditions.

  2. Drain the infusion through several layers of tissue, introduce honey, send it to a dark corner for storage, tightly sealing the bottle.

Tincture “Dill”


  1. Dill (greens) – 10 g

  2. Vodka – 1 l

  3. Cinnamon – a pinch

Method of preparation

  1. Chop washed and dried dill greens, season with cinnamon, pour into vodka.

  2. Seal the vessel, let the liquid soak in, keeping it cold and dark for a month.

  3. Pour the strained infusion into small containers and refrigerate.

Tincture “Pine”


  1. Boiled water – 0,7 l

  2. Vodka – 0,9 l

  3. Sugars – 5 g

  4. Green pine cones – 6 pcs

  5. Needles – 3 tbsp. l

Method of preparation

  1. Put the cones in a large jar, pour in alcohol, close the container.

  2. Send the liquid to cool for 21 days, shake the contents weekly.

  3. After the expiration of the period, crush the needles, add to the infusion, add sugar and pour water.

  4. Infuse the drink for about 1 month, then decant and move to smaller containers.

Relevance: 08.11.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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