Almonds are a useful fruit of a drupe, which belongs to a plant from the plum genus – ordinary almond or its other varieties. We used to consider it a nut, but it is not. Rather, it looks like the bones extracted from a peach. Bitter almonds are often unripe sweet almonds or a special variety of them with an uncharacteristic taste. It contains hydrocyanic acid, which can lead to severe poisoning. Therefore, in cooking, bitter almonds (see photo) are used to a limited extent. Basically, they benefit from it in the manufacture of perfumes, almond oil.

Bitter almonds: useful properties and contraindications

How to tell the difference between bitter and sweet almonds

There are about 40 healthy varieties of almonds and almost all of them are sweet. Some contain bitterness, which is due to the presence of high concentrations of the cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin. The presence of toxic substances gives out a strong almond smell, which is not found in sweet healthy varieties. The differences between sweet and bitter almonds are also manifested in external signs. In bitter almonds, leaf cuttings are mostly glandless, the flowers are usually brighter, and the stone is woody or brittle. It grows as a hermit on rocky mountain slopes in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Crimea.

Glycosides are chemical compounds of glucose with another molecule. They benefit the plant in defense against external enemies. Therefore, glycosides, as a rule, have toxic properties to varying degrees. They do not harm the plant itself, they can accumulate in large quantities.

As soon as a person begins to chew bitter almonds, the process of amygdalin hydrolysis starts. As a result, hydrocyanic acid is formed, the most toxic compound that can cause severe poisoning in any living creature. The enzyme glycosidase, necessary for the successful breakdown of amygdalin, is found both in the seed itself and is produced in our own stomach.

What is hydrocyanic acid, probably, everyone has heard and knows. A hundred years ago, its use was in the persecution of small rodents and insects. This often ended in death, not only for pests, but also for people. Cyanides have long been a means of poisoning enemies of grain stocks.

Hydrocyanic acid can hardly be called a useful substance for the human body. Once inside, it blocks the production of a number of enzymes, which leads to oxygen deficiency in the tissues. The lethal dose of hydrocyanic acid for an adult is 0,3 g, which may well be contained in 100 g of almonds. About ten fruits are enough for a child to get a lethal amount of a poisonous compound.

Attention! Bitter almonds are many times more aromatic, and their taste is much brighter and richer than that of sweet varieties.

Bitter almonds: useful properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of bitter almonds

If the almonds purchased in the store are bitter, it is better to refuse to use it, since it will not only not be beneficial, but can also cause irreparable harm to the body. It is necessary to try to purchase sweet varieties, they are safe and have the same beneficial properties. But if it has already happened that fruits with bitterness have come across, they can be subjected to heat treatment and then they will become useful and safe. Due to exposure to high temperatures, the enzymes that lead to the release of toxic substances are destroyed.

The beneficial properties of bitter almonds make it possible to call it a nut of centenarians. It contains substances important for human health that provide a therapeutic effect on the body:

  • strengthen the heart muscle, improve the activity of the entire cardiovascular system, protect against atherosclerosis (magnesium);
  • slow down skin aging (vitamin E);
  • protect against type 2 diabetes (manganese).

Bitter almonds are taken for the treatment of cancer, as well as its prevention. The benefits of the fruit will be fully manifested if you start by taking one core per day, gradually increasing the amount to 20 pieces. And also in reverse order. Repeat in a month.


In a number of countries, bitter almonds are used as an additive to seasonings. The oil made from it is beneficial in the creation of perfumery and cosmetic compositions. It is also used for local anesthesia or as a pain reliever for the following conditions and diseases:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • pressure sores;
  • diaper rash;
  • dermatitis;
  • sprains;
  • inflammation in the throat;
  • pain or hardening of wax in the ear.
Attention! The use of bitter almonds is versatile. It is important to remember about its useful, but also poisonous properties and be careful when using it.

Chemical composition

The biochemical composition of bitter almonds indicates its beneficial therapeutic properties and high nutritional value.

Calorie content, kcal


Proteins, g


Fat, g

Of which polyunsaturated, g

58, 1


Y (carbs, g)


Water, Mr


Dietary fiber, g


Vitamins mg







B9, mcg






Mineral substances, mg

















Essential amino acids, g















Methionine + Cysteine


Phenylalanine + Tyrosine


Glycemic index


This is not a complete list of useful components that fill the composition of bitter almonds. Each of these compounds contributes to the healing and nutritional properties of nuts.

Application of bitter almonds

Despite their poisonous properties, after proper processing, bitter almonds, like sweet ones, are considered a healthy food product, albeit with numerous restrictions in use. It has an extremely rich and diverse composition, which provides the drupe with versatile use and benefits in various fields of human activity.

But the amount of bitter almonds, compared with healthy sweet varieties, is strictly limited – no more than two pieces per day. Children should not be allowed to consume it at all. If we are talking about sweet almonds, then in children 10 pieces of raw nuts can cause a fatal outcome, an adult lethal dose is 50 freshly picked nuts. During heat treatment, hydrogen cyanide is destroyed, the fruits become safer and more beneficial for people.

In treatment

Bitter almonds have high healing properties, can be beneficial in many diseases. Avicenna knew well the healing power of fruits and used them for violations of the digestive departments, genitourinary organs, giving “male strength”. Healthy preparations made from bitter almonds are best purchased through the pharmacy chain. Although you can cook them yourself, you need to be very strict about the dosages and quality of the raw materials.

Bitter almond oil benefits women with PMS. At this time, the content of magnesium in the blood decreases sharply. And this is exactly the element that is very abundant in bitter almonds. The benefits of nuts are also manifested in their effect on digestion. For treatment, not only oil is used, but also bitter almonds themselves for pain in the stomach caused by an ulcer or gastritis. It is also beneficial for renal colic, difficulty urinating. All types of almonds cleanse the liver, spleen and kidneys, as well as strengthen vision, the brain, and are useful for asthma, pleurisy, ulcers in the intestines.

Bitter almond oil is widely used in medicine. It is added to injection solutions, therapeutic ointments. First of all, antispasmodic, antihistamine, vasodilating, narcotic and hypnotic effects are valued. Ways to use healthy oil are as follows:

  • in the aroma lamp – 2-3 drops;
  • massage – 1-2 drops per 10 g of transport oil;
  • inside – 1 drop per 1 teaspoon of honey three times a day.

The oil is beneficial in softening rough skin, healing microtraumas, and also helps fight cellulite. Revitalizes dry flabby skin, smoothes wrinkles. It has a beneficial effect in diseases of the respiratory tract, for lowering cholesterol, healing minor skin injuries, with seals in the mammary gland.

In cosmetology

Useful bitter almond oil perfectly cleanses the face of freckles, age spots, blackheads and pimples. To do this, the fruits are also ground and a little water is added to the resulting powder, brought to the consistency of gruel. Then apply to problem areas and hold for up to half an hour for maximum benefit. If you use milk instead of water in a similar recipe, you get an excellent remedy for baldness. If you mix bitter almonds with wine, you can get a useful mixture to get rid of dandruff.

In the cosmetic industry, oil is used as an additive to various creams and ointments. It gives mixtures anti-inflammatory, regenerating, healing and other beneficial properties. Helps improve the oil and water balance of the skin. From the pulp of bitter almonds at home, you can make moisturizing masks for hands, neck and face, which give the appearance invaluable benefits. The composition of the therapeutic mixture includes almond pulp, sour cream or honey. After 10-15 minutes after application, rinse with water or wipe with a damp cloth.

In cooking

Bitter almonds must be subjected to thermal effects, which can take place in the form of baking, roasting, roasting, boiling. After that, the fruits can be added to food as a healthy seasoning or additional ingredients in salads, meat and rice dishes, desserts, confectionery.

Bitter almonds: useful properties and contraindications

Bitter almond poisoning

Bitter almonds, although a healthy product, may not be suitable for one person or another. Each organism has its own scale of intolerance. Moreover, the fruits contain hydrocyanic acid, which does not benefit the body. Even in small quantities, it is dangerous to humans. Therefore, it is required to control the treatment by an experienced specialist, as well as strict adherence to all recommendations and dosages. This is the only way to benefit from the treatment.

If, nevertheless, poisoning with bitter almonds has occurred, it is necessary to know the symptoms well in order to provide first aid in time and consult a doctor. The most common signs of intoxication of the body, which occurred as a result of excessive use of the product:

  • increased salivation;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • Strong headache;
  • respiratory failure;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • prostration;
  • arrhythmia;
  • skin and mucous membranes acquire a pink tint;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

When the first signs appear, it is urgent to provide qualified medical care, since severe forms of poisoning are quite capable of leading to death. A strong degree of intoxication is accompanied by impaired consciousness, hallucinations, anemia, bradycardia. Prior to the arrival of the ambulance, the victim should be provided with the following assistance:

  • give as much water as possible to drink, provoke a gag reflex;
  • cleanse the stomach until the outgoing waters become clear;
  • use sorbents;
  • give sweet tea to drink (sugar as an antidote);
  • from dehydration apply frequent drinking;
  • apply Regidron.

Treatment takes place in a hospital. The victim is given special antidotes, other drugs are selected, and a diet is prescribed.

Bitter almonds: useful properties and contraindications

Contraindications to bitter almonds

Unripe sweet almonds should not be consumed. Their usefulness is questionable. They contain cyanide, which is dangerous to humans. Bitter varieties of almonds are also very limited in use and have many contraindications:

  • idiosyncrasy;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • obesity.

It is better to eat sweet varieties of almonds. They are safe for humans and due to this they are able to bring much more benefits to the body.

What poisonous substance has the smell of bitter almonds

The smell of bitter almonds has amygdalin, which is involved not only in protecting the plant, but also in creating a characteristic aroma. In the chain of hydrocyanic acid conversion from glycoside, there is one very useful molecule – benzaldehyde. Its main role is to bind the poisonous hydrocyanic acid in the amygdalin. For humans, it is useful in that it affects the sense of smell and is the cause of the characteristic almond aroma.

Hydrocyanic acid itself has no smell at all, therefore those authors of detective stories whose heroes determine the toxic substance by smell are mistaken. The smell will be present only if the death of a person occurred as a result of taking amygdalin (letrile), since the benzaldehyde molecule will be its cause.

The fruits of bitter almonds can be recognized by their characteristic aroma. But the aromatic molecule is not found in nuts in its pure form. Under the action of the drupe’s own enzymes, a small part of amygdalin breaks down into hydrocyanic acid and useful benzaldehyde. The latter compound is responsible for the appearance of a unique smell.

Bitter almonds: useful properties and contraindications

Terms and conditions of storage

It is useful to purchase and store bitter almonds in the shell. In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that it does not have mold and other plaque that is unusual for fresh healthy fruits. The most useful are the bitter almonds, which are sold in vacuum packaging and are protected from unwanted environmental influences. Unpeeled bitter almonds are stored in a breathable, unsealed box. The air in the room should not be heated above +18 degrees, and there should not be direct sunlight.

If the nuts were purchased without shell and by weight, they should be placed in a well-closing container and stored in the refrigerator. So they can stand up to six months, retaining their benefits. In winter, a warmed loggia or balcony can serve as a storage place. To preserve the beneficial properties of bitter almonds, it is allowed to freeze. This extends the shelf life up to a year.

It is more useful to purchase peeled nuts for storage in a thermally unprocessed form. Roasted bitter almonds should be chosen that was cooked “dry”, without oil. You should also carefully read the composition and make sure that it does not contain additional ingredients such as corn syrup, sugar, preservatives, as they do not bring benefits.

Attention! To peel bitter almonds from the skin, you need to put it in a suitable container, pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Then rinse with cold water. If necessary, to achieve the effect, repeat the procedure. Do this until the shell can easily move away. Another option is to boil the bitter almonds for a few minutes and then remove the top skin.

Bitter Almond Reviews

Olga Kush, 46 years old, Khmelnitsky.
I have been using bitter almond oil for a very long time, mainly for massage. Very well relieves muscle pain after visiting the fitness center. And it’s great that the problem can be solved with a natural remedy, and not take a bunch of pills and ointments. I add a couple of drops to shampoo, face cream. In its pure form, in no case should it be applied to the skin, you can get a severe burn. Therefore, I always mix with other base oils, for example, walnut, macadamia.
Anastasia Kotova, 34 years old, Moscow.
Excellent product for skin and hair care. I add 15 drops to a bottle of shampoo. Helps keep hair toned, strengthens and adds thickness. But on eyebrows and eyelashes you need to apply carefully, using in a mixture with base oils. You can easily get burned, at best a slight irritation. When applied to the face as part of nutrient mixtures, it improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thereby improves skin condition. Suitable for any type. After several procedures, the complexion improves, the tone evens out.


Bitter almonds can be useful to humans, but only if they are handled with care. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosages and instructions for the use of preparations made on its basis.

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