Bitten by a dog: what to do?

First aid for a bite

First, wash the bite site with soapy water. It is better to use regular laundry soap, it contains the most alkali, which partially kills the rabies virus. Then apply hydrogen peroxide to the wound to decontaminate it. The edges of the wound must be treated with iodine. If you’re bleeding, don’t try to stop it right away. A small amount of dog saliva will flow out with the blood. Apply a tight tight bandage to the injured area and immediately go to the nearest emergency room. If you are bitten by a domestic dog, you must bring it with you in a muzzle. Even if you are sure that your pet is completely healthy, it should be shown to the veterinarian and confirmation that it is not infected. The fact is that the rabies virus can appear only after 8-10 days. If the dog was vaccinated against rabies as a puppy, the risk of infection is minimized. Nevertheless, it is worth seeing a doctor so that he examines the wound and treats it correctly.

If a person is bitten by a dog from the street, then, if possible, you should remember the place of its habitat and report later to the appropriate authorities. In case a stray dog ​​has bitten you, you will definitely have to get rabies shots and tetanus shots. Unfortunately, this procedure is not pleasant. It is very important not to miss the injections, otherwise you will have to start all over again. During the course of injections, you should not drink alcohol, this will have a detrimental effect on your health.

My baby got bitten by a dog

If the child is bitten by a dog, do not panic and raise a cry. Take a deep breath and assess the situation adequately. Calm the child down, complete the necessary procedures to wash and decontaminate the wound, then call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital yourself. In no case scold the kid for carelessness and do not read lectures, try to cheer him up and cheer him up. If a child is bitten by a street dog, he will be prescribed a course of injections. If you are a pet dog, treatment will depend on your pet’s vaccinations. After the child is cured, doctors advise to show him to a psychologist. Due to the stress experienced, your toddler may develop a fear of dogs.

What makes a dog bite

Despite the fact that in most cases dogs attack people suddenly, you should know a few rules that can save you and your loved ones from harm. Stay away from your dog while it is eating or guarding its puppies. During this time, animals can be dangerous. Do not disturb the dog if he is sleeping, and respect his territory (sunbed, bowl, booth). If you are walking outside with your toddler, do not let him touch or play with stray dogs, and do not leave a young child alone with a dog, whether he is home or stray. If the attack cannot be avoided, try to hide behind some kind of fence: a stall, booth, fence or shop. Any high place where the dog does not jump will do. If you are on vacation, rush into a lake or river, this can leave the dog. In no case should you run to the place of shelter with your back turned to the evil beast. Step back with a calm step, facing the dog. If there is nowhere to run, lean your back against a wall or post, wrap your hand in outerwear and put it forward. Trainers recommend shouting at the dog: “Fu!” or “You can’t!” can be confusing. Of course, at such a moment it is difficult to cope with panic fear, especially for girls and children. And if you are unable to budge, just scream. Shout loudly and in bass, but never squeal. Perhaps this will make the dog stop attacking. There is another way for the faint of heart: fall face up on the floor. In animals, this means complete surrender, and therefore the dog may lose interest in you. Nobody knows how you will act in a critical situation, not even you. If you feel the strength to fight back the dog, do it and emerge victorious from the fight. If not, try to stick to the recommendations and reduce the risk of an attack. Sometimes even a weasel helps to repel the attack, which is so lacking for homeless animals.

Rabies is very dangerous!

Rabies infection is a very dangerous disease that will inevitably lead to death. Depending on the location of the bite, the bill can go on for days. If a dog bites you on the neck, head, or fingers, the virus will enter your brain very quickly. It will spread more slowly if the bite was in the legs or body. The first symptoms of the disease are dry mouth, decreased appetite and sore throat, which is very similar to a cold. Further, the infected person develops mental disorders – delirium, hallucinations, aggression, fever, and the characteristic symptom “foam at the mouth” appears. Then paralysis sets in, from which the person dies. Rabies does not leave a person any chance of survival, so if you are bitten by a dog, it is important to remain calm and follow a series of simple procedures that are guaranteed to save your life.

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  1. თუ ზუსტად არ ვიცი ბავშვს უკბინა თუ არა ლეკვმა პატარა ავჩალკის ლეკვმა ნაკბენიც ვერ უპოვნე სისხლი არსაიდან მოსდიოდა ვფიქრობ არ უკბენია მაგრამ მეშინია პატარა ლეკვია ეხლახანს დაიწყო ჭამა რძეზე იყო აქამდე

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