Bites by midges, mosquitoes, tsetse flies, bloodworms, ground fleas

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The bite of these insects causes pain and discomfort associated with the organism’s reaction to the multispecies proteins introduced with the saliva. Pain is also caused by local tissue damage. Diseases transmitted by these insects are mainly observed in countries with tropical climates. The procedure after the bite consists in local disinfection of the wound with disinfectant ointments and lotions, as well as removal of the parasite and the use of deterrents.

Fluff bites

A midge bite is slightly stronger than a mosquito bite and is very easy to distinguish from other insect bites. It is characterized by painful swelling and a bleeding trace that lasts up to several days. Meszka has a mouthpiece in its structure, which has the ability to cut through the skin. After cutting the skin with hooked hairs, it is anchored in it and the tissues are torn apart. The naps suck blood, and their saliva is very toxic, which causes swelling and high temperature. A midge bite is especially dangerous in young children and people who are under the influence of alcohol, as they induce Harare. It is the poisoning of the body by the toxins in the insect’s saliva.


Allergy to the reaction that is formed as a result of this is very often observed the toxic effects of midges’ saliva. The reaction is visible on the patient’s skin for 5-7 days and usually resolves spontaneously, provided that it is not scratched. Fly bites often cause minor infections by cutting open the skin and forming a small wound, which is then touched with dirty hands. For this reason, you should clean the injection site as soon as possible after being bitten by an insect. If the swelling increases and persists, consult your doctor who will prescribe an antibiotic. In extreme cases, pulmonary edema occurs in people bitten by midges. It is therefore important to avoid their brooding places and to use insect repellant treatment to avoid biting them.


There are home remedies for midge bites that reduce swelling and bleeding lesions. The beneficial effects are attributed to baking soda, which you just need to soak in gauze and then put it on the site of the bite. It is also recommended onion compresseswhich not only cleanse the skin of toxins, but also have antibacterial properties. You can grate the onion on a grater and put the paste on the gauze, then in place of the bite or just put a slice of onion. The swelling is also relieved by lime, previously dissolved in water and then applied to the skin.

For swelling and pain that occurred after the bite, use, for example, Herbapol Insect Bite Gel. Locally, it is worth reaching for the Mini-Click, which alleviates the symptoms of insect bites, and inhibits the urge to scratch at the site of a bite by a fluff, mosquito or horse bittern.

Check it out: Characteristic symptoms of a spider bite

Mosquito bites

Mosquitoes are winged insects of the class of flies that are found mainly in the tropics, in temperate climates. Their body length is approx. 3 mm and their life expectancy is approx. 19 days. Their individual development consists of three stages: the eggs hatch into the larvae, which transform into pupae, and then assume the adult form. Mosquito hatching from the pupa takes place in the dark, just before dawn. Their life cycle is difficult to observe because the mosquito larvae are very small and do not live in specific areas. The time it takes for a mosquito to pass from egg to adult is approximately 20-40 days. Only female mosquitoes feed on blood and, like males, feed on sweet plant juices.

Adult mosquitoes are most active in the morning, evening and night, and their lifestyle depends mainly on the temperature and amount of rainfall.

Division of mosquitoes

We divide mosquitoes into:

  1. New World Mosquitoes: Brumptomyia, Lutzomyia, Warileya.
  2. Old World Mosquitoes: Phlebotomus (a representative that feeds on human blood; it is the only type of mosquito that transmits diseases to humans), Sergentomyia (Mosquitoes that feed mainly on reptile blood; they rarely bite humans and transmit disease).


During the bite (both before and during blood-sucking), insects let their saliva into the host’s body, which has anticoagulant properties. It is saliva that is the main route by which pathogens are transferred to the human body. After being bitten by a mosquito, it appears on the human body characteristic bubblewhich is a reaction to getting foreign proteins into the body.

Mosquito-borne diseases depend on the region where they occur and their species / genus. Old World mosquitoes mainly transmit leishmaniasis (usually in arid and semi-arid areas), while in the new world the disease occurs in tropical forest areas and savannahs.

Tsetse fly bites

Tsetse flies are insects from the order of the flies, among which there are approx. 20 different species. The most common are Glossina morsitans and Glossina palpalis. An adult tsetse fly may be 1,2 cm long. They are brown or black and brown-yellow in color, have three pairs of legs and large dark brown eyes. Their appearance is similar to that of a housefly. Tsetse flies are found outside the city, especially in savannah, rural and wooded areas. The tsetse fly’s mouthparts are prickly and can feed on the blood of mammals (humans and animals). It is a very voracious insect that can suck twice as much blood as its body weight.

Glossina larvae are born alive and their development and transformation into a chrysalis takes place in a swampy ground. It takes about six weeks for the pupa to transform into an adult specimen.

Tsetse fly bite

An insect bite is very painful and can be a threat to human health and life. Species Glossina palpalis carries among other things African comawhich, if untreated, causes a number of neurological complications and, in extreme cases, the patient’s death. On the other hand Glossina morsitans carries a disease called thinkIn addition, tsetse flies can transmit the malaria plague.


African coma can be infected in Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya and Zimbabwe. People going to these areas should pay attention to prevention, because so far effective method of controlling the Tse-Tse fly was not invented. In addition, there is no vaccine that will prevent Glossina-borne diseases. To avoid being bitten, first of all, avoid contact with these species. It is important to wear appropriate clothing to prevent being bitten by a tsetse fly. The most important thing is that the clothes have long sleeves and legs, preferably olive green. During the stay in the regions where these insects occur, use preparations against insects, e.g. in the form of sprays. In addition, it is recommended to use unscented cosmetics. A mosquito net should be used at night.

See also: Pain after a horse fly bite

Ochotka – insects that do not bite

Militia at a glance they resemble mosquitoestherefore they are often confused with them. Clear differences are visible only after a closer examination of the insects (if it is possible). Ochotka can be found on window panes or on leaves, but most often they are above the water, over which they often form swarms. Volunteer insects make up one of the most numerous families of the animal kingdom. There are about 10 species of them in the world. There are about 500 species in Poland. Ochota are small insects ranging from a few millimeters to 1,5 cm. Their physique is mosquito, although not entirely. In contrast to mosquitoes, birdwatchers do not have a long proboscis, which is used by mosquitoes to suck blood. Militia occur all year round, and some may occur (and even breed) even in winter, when there is still snow.

Militia live quite shortly, around day 7, and are themselves very often attacked by birds, bats and spiders. Unlike mosquitoes, these insects they are not so intrusive and do not bitesometimes they are only annoying. Ochota causes discomfort, especially in people staying by the lake, where there are swarms of these insects. Then they crawl over the face. They can also fly into the light.

Ground fleas and bites

Ground fleas are less than 2mm and therefore very hard to spot. They can get into the apartment and settle on upholstered furniture, carpets and other places where they lay their eggs. Their presence becomes noticeable only when they are numerous bites that are very painful and take much longer to heal than, for example, a mosquito bite. Additionally, ground fleas carry diseases such as typhus and hepatitis B and C. For this reason, it is recommended that you determine whether you have ground fleas in your home. You can use a sheet of white paper, which should be spread out in the place where fleas are most common. After about a quarter of an hour, check if there are any dark dots on the paper.

How to get rid of fleas?

First of all, the whole apartment should be wet-cleaned, using special detergents. The same goes for the bedding we sleep in, and for carpets and furniture that need to be thoroughly vacuumed. Down flea control Insect killing agents may be used to treat the surface of the floors and walls of the flea room. After applying the preparations, the room / room should be closed for two hours. If the fleas do not disappear after three weeks – the procedure should be repeated.

For bites, you can use Propolis BIO soothing oil for stings and burns, Propolia BeeYes, which has an antiseptic effect.

Read also:

  1. Threatening fluff bites
  2. How to deal with mosquitoes?
  3. Venomous spiders in Poland – species, threat

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