Bisexuality – Sexual Universalism?

LGBT for short, the letter B stands for bisexual people. What is bisexuality? What are bisexual relationships like?

Most of us already know that bisexuality refers to a kind of double sexual identity, that is, the possibility of creating a romantic-erotic relationship with both a partner of the same and the opposite sex.

Sexual orientation is a personality trait fundamental to the definition of an individual, so it is important not to confuse bisexuality with one-off adventures related to curiosity about the world of sex in adolescence and recognizing one’s own abilities and preferences.

Bisexual people function in a completely normal society and are most often classified on the basis of their partner’s choice as belonging to a homoerotic minority or a heterosexual majority. Relatively often, social pressure becomes a reason for bonding with a partner of the opposite sex, although for a bisexual person, gender does not matter in a way.

The modern world likes unambiguous terms, and bisexuals often fall into infatuation with one gender, sometimes with another, not being able to say once and for all which side they stand for. This is the cause of a feeling of alienation, imposter syndrome in relation to partners and oneself, and numerous difficult psychological situations.

Despite the lack of stigmatization of bisexual orientation, its marginalization and overlooking the problem is also a burden for people who can love both men and women.

Bisexual man – a long time ago …

The antiquity of all continents of the world records the male culture of homoerotic behavior, which, however, did not interfere with the establishment of families and relationships with women. The warriors of ancient Greece were even encouraged to have close contacts between young men and experienced men as they provided additional battle drive.

These same men were the heads of great families and fathers of successive generations of warriors. We find approval for similar practices on the Asian and American continents – always with the proviso that they are part of men’s lives, which has nothing to do with family responsibilities towards the opposite sex.

We know little about bisexual women in antiquity, but for centuries it has been agreed that due to high emotionality and less interest in the physical appearance of their partner, ladies have a natural tendency to dual gender identity.

Although the authors of this approach were men, research conducted at Essex University confirmed that sexual arousal at the sight of photographs of attractive ladies and gentlemen was similar in the studied women. However, erotic tendencies do not fully define the phenomenon of bisexuality.

How to recognize a bisexual?

The essence of grasping the difference between sexual needs and orientation is that the relationship is much more than sex. Phenotypic preferences for a “dream” sexual relationship partner are not necessarily true when choosing a life companion.

For example, someone who prefers tall brunettes with blue eyes in their fantasies can create the perfect relationship with a short blond, because in the long run, personality matching and many other phenotypic traits (including smell), not found in erotic dreams, turn out to be more important.

  1. See also: Magda: “I was a gay wife”

Therefore, it is not worth fearing a bisexual relationship more than we would fear for a homosexual or heterosexual person. It is not that he or she will be missing any element of erotic life and betrayal will be inevitable.

The fear of bisexual fidelity is exactly the same fear as in any relationship – the tendency towards another person (completely regardless of gender in this case) arises when the relationship with the current partner becomes loose and does not provide adequate support.

Bisexual people who have already recognized their nature tend to be much more emotionally open to their partner’s needs and care the most about the psychological side of the relationship. They want to find the best man with whom they will be able to build a future based on mutual respect and trust – they are usually tender lovers, and then committed parents.

Bisexual men show more understanding and less tendency to aggression, they are not so withdrawn and unavailable, it is easier to talk to them seriously. It is similar with women of this orientation – they are sensitive and caring, willingly agree to experiments in bed on the condition of respect and trust, they care about the emotional side of the other half.

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