Bisanar for bees

Very often, beekeepers face serious diseases of bees, but the main problem is the varroatosis mite. If you do not get rid of it, you can soon lose the whole family. Bisanar is an effective drug for the destruction of the parasite. But before using, you need to find out all the information about the drug and read the reviews. Instructions for using Bisanar are included in each package.

Application in beekeeping

A bee, like all living things, is susceptible to various diseases. The most common is varroatosis. This disease is caused by a blood-sucking mite. Interfering in the life of the family, he can quickly destroy it if timely treatment is not provided, especially in autumn or spring.

You can see the insect with the naked eye. It is small (1 mm long and 1,5 mm wide). Having found a pest, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.

Bisanar for bees

Composition, form of release

Bisanar is a clear yellow liquid with a characteristic odor, contains oxalic acid, coriander and fir oil, as well as thymol.

The medicine for bees Bisanar is produced in ampoules of 1 ml for 10 doses, 2 ml for 20 doses, as well as in dark glass bottles of 50 ml. It is more profitable to purchase a bottle, as it is enough to treat 25 bee colonies or 12–14 frames.

Bisanar for bees

Pharmacological properties

The drug for bees has an acaricidal contact property that fights with an adult.

Important! Bisanar for bees is not addictive, so it is suitable for both treatment and prevention of parasites.

Bisanar for bees

Bisanar for bees: instructions for use

Before extensive treatment, it is necessary to test the drug on first three weak families, observing their condition throughout the day. Exceeding the allowable dose of Bisanar and non-compliance with the instructions can lead to disastrous results.

Important! According to beekeepers, Bisanar should be applied a month before the start of the main honey plant.

Instructions for processing bees with Bisanar smoke gun

For the treatment of bees with Bisanar using a smoke gun, 50 ml bottles are used. Dosage and method of application:

  1. An open vial is installed on the device or poured into a container for drugs.
  2. Before use, the smoke gun is adjusted so that 1 ml is sprayed with one click.
  3. Treatment is carried out strictly according to the instructions, at the rate of 1 stroke for a weak family and 2 strokes for a strong one. After each pitching, at least 5-10 minutes should elapse.
  4. The “nose” of the smoke gun is inserted into the lower notch by 3 cm. The upper notch is left open. The required amount of smoke is launched into the hive and the trays are covered for 10-15 minutes.

Bisanar for bees

Treatment of smoke with a cannon from varatosis successful and unsuccessful BISANAR 2016.

Instructions for use Bisanar for sublimation

Bisanar is used to get rid of a tick in the autumn and spring. Before starting treatment, 2 ml of the drug is dissolved in 2 liters of warm water until a clear suspension is formed. The drug is drawn into a 10 ml syringe and the spaces between the frames are filled at the rate of 1 syringe per street. According to beekeepers, treatment with Bisanar for sublimation is performed twice, with a break of 7 days at a temperature of +10 degrees and above.

Bisanar for bees

Treatment of bees with Bisanar

Bisanar for bees should be used only after reading the instructions for use.

It is better to use Bisanar for smoke guns, as it is convenient, reliable and will bring long-awaited success in pest control.

Bisanar, subject to the dosage, will not harm the bees, but the drug is toxic to humans. Therefore, it is necessary to observe safety measures:

  1. Handle with rubber gloves.
  2. To avoid inhaling vapors, wear a respirator or mask.
  3. If the apiary is large, take a 30-minute break between treatments.

Bisanar for bees

Side effects, contraindications, restrictions on use

Bisanar contains thymol, which paralyzes tick receptors. And also the drug has a negative effect on bees: after treatment, a short-term disorder of coordination occurs.

Since the drug is not addictive, treatment can be carried out 5-7 times per season with an interval of at least 7 days.

Advice! Extraction of honey begins only 2 weeks after treatment.

Treatment is carried out at a temperature of +10 degrees and above, only in the morning. In the spring, the hives are treated after the first flight, and in the fall after the final honey flow.

The presence of printed brood in the hive is not an obstacle to treatment, but after the release of the brood, the hive will be infected again. In printed brood, about 80% of bees are infected with blood-sucking insects. Until the young have come out of the combs, the drug has no effect on them.

Bisanar for bees

Shelf life and storage conditions

So that Bisanar for bees does not lose its medicinal properties, it is necessary to follow the storage rules:

  • the medicine is stored in a dark, well-ventilated place, with low air humidity;
  • the optimum storage temperature is + 5–20 degrees;
  • remove the drug away from children’s eyes;
  • from the date of issue, the shelf life is 2 years.


Every beekeeper who takes care of his apiary should carry out timely treatment and preventive measures against the varroatosis mite. You can use folk remedies, or you can use the drug Bisanar. To determine whether the drug is suitable or not, you need to read the reviews and watch the video. Instructions for the use of Bisanar are in each package, so before use, you need to carefully study it so as not to harm the little workers.


Us Oleg Borisovich, 60 years old, p. Byshev
I am a beekeeper with 15 years of experience. I read a lot of negative reviews about Bisanar and disagree with many beekeepers. I have small families, and processing is carried out without unnecessary precautions, but strictly according to the instructions. In early spring and autumn I give a solution from a syringe to the street of bees. No matter how many hives I process, I have never observed a massive scree of bees. The drug has one minus – it is toxic to humans.
Dubenko Boris Petrovich, 70 years old, Sevastopol
Bisanar is an amateur drug. I like it because the treatment can be carried out in the bezplodny period. The medicine brings the maximum effect, and in the summer no re-treatment is required. Many beekeepers are confused by the content of thymol, because because of this drug, the queen reduces egg laying, and colonies can leave the hive. But if you strictly follow the instructions, then all negative results will be minimized.

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