Birthmarks, or skin disorders. Vascular and melanocytic nevi

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By this term we mean inherited skin development disorders consisting in an excess or lack of a specific weaving in the skin.

These changes, although congenital, can reveal themselves at any time in life. Of the several categories of birthmarks, vascular and melanocytic are the most common.

Vascular nevi (angiomas)

They are caused by a local increase in the number of blood vessels: capillary or larger. They appear as purple-red or bluish spots, nodules or bumps of various sizes, often located on one side of the body. Some of them may resolve spontaneously or disintegrate and scar. Most of them, however, are permanent disfigurement that require medical treatments, such as cryotherapy, laser therapy, and electrocoagulation.

Melanocytic nevus

They are caused by a local increase in the number of melanocytes. There are several types of them. They can be spotted or lofty, smooth or warty, hairy or not, colors ranging from “coffee with milk” to black.

Some are only a cosmetic problem, others threaten the development of the most malignant skin cancer – melanoma. It is up to the physician to assess this risk. However, the patient should know that melanocytic nevi must not be “irritated”, i.e. hair tearing out of them, etc. surgical. During puberty, pregnancy and after intensive sunbathing, the number of birthmarks may increase. Patients with the so-called atypical family birthmarks must be periodically monitored by a specialist.

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