Birthday in the kindergarten: what to bring
Celebrating a birthday in kindergarten is a great way to arrange a holiday for your child. He will be happy to receive gifts and congratulations from his friends and educators and will remember this day for a long time. But if parents just come to kindergarten with a cake and treats, an awkward situation can arise that can upset all participants in the event.
Child’s birthday in kindergarten – preparation of the event
Before you start planning preparations for the holiday, you need to consult with the teacher or the head of the child care institution. It is possible that there are certain rules for holding such events. It is better to notify kindergarten workers about their plans no later than 2 weeks before the date.
The birthday party in the kindergarten needs to be carefully planned
In some kindergartens, there is a tradition to congratulate children, breaking the birthday people according to the seasons. For example, all children born in winter are congratulated in February, and spring jubilees in May.
Agree on the day and time of the holiday. The child’s birthday program in the kindergarten should not violate the established schedule of the daily routine. As a rule, birthday people are congratulated after a quiet hour, during an afternoon snack. Consult with a guidance counselor, a specialist will help you plan an entertainment program. The participation of employees in the program will bring additional joy to the child. When purchasing a gift, take care of small souvenirs for the rest of the children – they will love it very much.
What treats can you bring to the kindergarten for your birthday
Organization of a festive table in the kindergarten is a very crucial moment. Typically, all preschools have severe food restrictions. It is strictly forbidden to bring to kindergarten:
- cakes and homemade cakes;
- chocolates and caramel;
- fruits that have not undergone heat treatment;
- soda and drinks prepared by the parents;
- chips and chewing gum.
As you can see, almost all products of the standard holiday menu fall under the restriction. Do not be indignant about this, remember: in the group there may be children suffering from allergies or other diseases that require adherence to a diet. The teacher is responsible for each child! The easiest way out of the situation will be to obtain permission for the production of food and drinks by the kindergarten cooks in the kitchen equipped with all sanitary requirements. By permission, you can bring small treats in individual factory packaging – cookies, small boxes of juice with straws.
After the holiday, do not forget to thank the kindergarten workers for their help in organizing the holiday and taking care of your child. Believe me, they will be very pleased to hear kind words addressed to them!