Bird knotweed – properties, impact on health, contraindications

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Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) is a plant from the family knotweed (Polygonaceae), commonly found throughout the globe, although the source of its spread was the northern hemisphere. It is a small plant, mostly creeping, reaching up to 50 cm in length. It has small, oblong leaves and inconspicuous white-red-green flowers. It blooms from June to October. It is a common roadside weed and likes riverside areas. This tiny plant, however, has valuable healing properties.

Knotweed – ingredients

For medicinal purposes, the herb of bird knotweed – Herba polygoni avicularis – is used – harvested and dried during the flowering period. Above all, it is rich in flavonoids, which are responsible for the most important healing effects of knotweed herb. It also contains mucilages, sugars, tannins, essential oil, organic acids (including salicylic acid), mineral salts (with a high content of easily absorbable silica) and vitamins (provitamin A, vitamins C and K).

You can buy knotweed herb in the form of organic tea at Medonet Market.

Knotweed – properties

The diuretic properties of this herb have been used since ancient times. It also has anti-inflammatory effects (thanks to the content of salicylic acid, among others), as well as astringent, detoxifying and anti-haemorrhagic properties. These properties find application in the treatment of numerous diseases.

Due to the diuretic effect it is used to treat diseases within the urinary system (cystitis, inflammation of the kidneys, kidney stones), in the case of edema caused by insufficient urine excretion, as well as in hypertension and rheumatic diseases. In addition, its diuretic and detoxifying properties make bird knotweed a herb that is part of the body cleansing mixtures. An astringent, anti-haemorrhagic and anti-inflammatory effect is used in the phytotherapy of excessive menstrual bleeding, stomach ulcers, and poor blood clotting.

A very valuable medicinal property of knotweed herb is also the ability to lower blood glucose levels, so it is a herb included in mixtures for diabetics.

Externally, the infusion of bird knotweed also has numerous uses. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-haemorrhagic properties, it is used for washing and compresses difficult to heal wounds and ulcers.

In the case of inflammations in the mouth and throat, also with infections, it is worth using it for rinsing.

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Knotweed – impact on health

In addition to the health benefits previously mentioned, there are many other benefits of using knotweed:

Knotweed and cancer

Scientists are increasingly turning to nature when it comes to finding treatments for cancer. More and more herbs are being evaluated for their anti-cancer properties and their ability to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. Scientists concluded that the phenolic compounds found in the herb exert powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer effects and could have a wide range of medicinal uses. However, this is just the beginning when it comes to researching the herb, and more research will be needed before its effectiveness can be confirmed.

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Knotweed and the respiratory system

Knotweed is traditionally used to treat symptoms of the common cold, including congestion and coughing. It is said to have natural expectorant properties as well as anti-inflammatory effects that can help release mucus and facilitate breathing. No studies have been done on the effects of the herb on cold symptoms, but there is much evidence from traditional use that recommends it works. To treat symptoms of a cold, sore throat, or bronchitis, knotweed is often made into a tea form.

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Knotweed on the heart

Bird knotweed consists of silica and flavonoids that are known to improve blood vessel health. It helps to regulate blood circulation and reduce stress related to the heart, which is a constantly working organ, thus helping to prevent atherosclerosis and heart stroke.

Knotweed for gingivitis

Gingivitis is a gum infection that causes pain and inflammation in the gums. It can be a very painful condition and is usually treated with antibiotics. Due to the risk of side effects and growing concerns about antibiotic resistance, scientists looked at many natural treatments for the disease.

Studies assess the effectiveness of knotweed against gingivitis in 60 men. Study participants used knotweed extract to rinse their mouths twice a day for two weeks. The results showed that rinsing the mouth with knotweed significantly reduced gingivitis, and the researchers concluded that Polygonum aviculare L. could possibly be used as an adjunct treatment for this condition.

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Bird knotweed – antioxidant properties

Getting plenty of antioxidants to your body from food sources is essential for good health. Antioxidants, such as those found in rdeste, can protect the body from disease and even reverse the damage done to cells by the free radicals that we encounter every day. Antioxidants can protect us from many serious diseases and have an anti-aging function that can help us not only internally but also improve our outward appearance.

Studies on the antioxidant activity of knotweed have shown a number of potent substances. These include various flavonoids and phenolic compounds that have been studied in several laboratory studies. Studies have shown that knotweed extracts have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

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Knotweed and kidney stones

Knotweed can also be a useful natural remedy for kidney stones. Kidney stones or nephrolithiasis is a fairly common and extremely painful disease of the urinary tract that can lead to serious complications. Studies have been performed to evaluate the effectiveness of knotweed against kidney stones in rats. The researchers concluded that the treatment had a significant effect in helping both prevent and treat the condition.

Knotweed and chronic fatigue

Knotweed is said to have the potential to combat chronic fatigue as well as some of the common symptoms of fatigue such as depression and chronic pain.

Since the herb is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, scientists figured it could alleviate fatigue symptoms and set out to test it in mice. By administering herbal extracts to mice, scientists were able to conclude that herbal treatment was effective in reducing fatigue due to its ability to suppress inflammation in the nervous system.

Knotweed and dysentery (dysentery)

Knotweed is used as an antibiotic that kills bacteria and works by slowing down the movement of the intestines. It reduces bowel movement and the duration of dysentery, and provides relief from other symptoms such as stomach pain, weakness and tiredness.

A set for healthy intestines with tea, which includes, among others bird knotweed, you can buy it on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

Knotweed and parasites

The bird knotweed removes the parasites from the body without causing any harm to the host, acting as an anthelmintic agent. Parasites include roundworms and flatworms. Knotweed also protects these worms from recurring and provides relief from other symptoms such as weakness, stomach pain, itchy rashes, loss of appetite, and bloody stools.

See also: Parasites and us

Knotweed and kidney disorders

Knotweed is used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. It works on the kidneys by maintaining their proper functioning and increases the amount of salt and water in the body. It also provides relief from other symptoms associated with impaired kidney function such as swelling, high blood pressure, burning when urinating, etc. It also encourages urination and fluid excretion. It is the best remedy for removing kidney stones and helps relax the bladder.

Knotweed and the respiratory tract

Bird knotweed contains silicic acid, which can help strengthen the connective tissue of the lungs, and has been used in Europe as a treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis. The earlier use of this herb in the treatment of tuberculosis is currently only of historical importance. In recent times, knotweed is most commonly used in teas because of its diuretic and disinfecting properties.

Knotweed – contraindications

The bird knotweed is known as anti-thiamin factor, i.e. a compound that breaks down vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 deficiencies can be a side effect of long-term use of knotweed. In such cases, it would be wise to consider supplementation.

Preparations with knotweed must not be used in case of allergies to sun rays, angina, phlebitis, tendency to gain weight, herpes, diabetes and heart attacks.

In addition, it should be emphasized that the knotweed should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women and children.

Bird knotweed – effect on the skin

Regular drinking of knotweed infusions has a very good effect on the appearance of skin, hair and nails, mainly due to the content of well-absorbed silica and the detoxifying effect of the body from toxins.

However, in the case of longer treatment, vitamin B1 should be supplemented, as it rinses it out of the body. It also works great as a cosmetic. It can be used externally in the form of hair rinses and rinses and for cleansing the skin. On the other hand, the mash of fresh herb will give amazing effects as nourishing and anti-acne masks.

Not only can knotweed improve the health and appearance of your skin, it can also treat various common skin infections. Bird knotweed contains various flavonoids with strong antioxidant properties. The herb can help with overall skin health by making it stronger, firmer and younger-looking. It can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging.

See also: Medicinal herbs

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