Birch tar

Birch tar production

Birch tar

Birch tar is an oily, dark, viscous liquid with a pungent odor. It is a product of dry distillation of birch bark. The word “tar” means “burnt” or “burnt”.

The ancient craft is still relevant today, the principle of obtaining tar has not changed much. Craftsmen stuffed special containers with birch bark – sleeves with a narrow hole for the resin to drain and heated them with a torch. The birch bark steamed, melted and released tar.

Modern tar production is iron boilers into which the bark is compacted. Hermetically sealed containers are heated, distillation in time takes 10-11 hours. From 75 kilograms of birch bark, 22,5 kilograms of pure tar is obtained.

In ancient times, tar was indispensable in almost all spheres of life. Tar was smeared on leather shoes and armor, so that they would not get wet in the rain, be soft and not dry out. Traditional medicine put birch tar in the first place, its use was very wide. Folk healers prescribed tar as an anthelmintic, healed the wounds of animals and people, and recommended it as an antitumor drug. Nowadays, the use of tar has decreased significantly, but pharmacologists use it as a component in the manufacture of medicines.

Treatment with birch tar. What treats birch tar?

Tar is obtained as a result of the decomposition of bitulin, which includes benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, organic acids.

With atherosclerosis, these components will be unusually useful. There is a wonderful method of treatment with birch tar. Half a teaspoon of birch tar is stirred in a glass of homemade warm milk. It is necessary to take the drug for 45 days, one glass 3 times a day, an hour before meals. The break is one month. Three or four of these courses are required per year.

Tar is well cured of angina, gangrene, bronchial asthma, when it is used, a decrease in hair loss is observed, and fungal diseases of the skin are eliminated. The use of birch tar has a positive effect on long-term non-healing trophic ulcers, scrofula, inflammatory diseases of the rectum, erosive proctitis, erosions and ulcerations of the rectal mucosa. There is a rapid recovery of those suffering from itching of the skin, skin ulcers, rashes. Women with a diagnosis of “postpartum mastitis” are effectively cured. Easily treatable microbial eczema, tumors, smallpox, bedsores, psoriasis.

In the treatment of skin diseases – such as scabies, psoriasis, dandruff, erysipelas, leprosy, versicolor, athlete’s foot – pure tar in combination with drugs has an invaluable effect, improving the quality of treatment.

Properties of birch tar

Birch tar has excellent medicinal properties. Its strong antimicrobial and antiseptic action is known. Based on birch tar, Vishnevsky and Wilkinson ointments and tar soap are produced. It has a reducing, antiparasitic, drying, anesthetic effect. With purulent, inflammatory processes in the skin, tar relieves inflammation, has a resolving effect, and reduces itching.

The use of birch tar

Purified tar is used in oncology, it neutralizes the negative effects of chemotherapy and drug treatment. It is able to suppress the growth of tumor cells in ovarian cysts, mastopathy, fibromyoma, adenoma, and is a prophylactic that prevents the transition of benign tumors to malignant forms.

Birch tar with milk

Birch tar

Birch tar with milk is an effective remedy for the clinical form of tuberculosis, characterized by the presence of a rounded formation in the lung, emphysema and all kinds of infections in the body. Take on an empty stomach according to the scheme, diluted in 50 ml of warm milk: – 1st day – 1 drop; – 2nd day – 2 drops; – 3rd day – 3 drops and so on up to 10 days, each time adding a drop of tar. Then you should take a break for seven days and repeat the course again, the entire treatment period will take six months.

With catarrhal cystitis, take 5-10 drops of birch tar, diluted in 1 glass of warm milk, 3 times a day.

Birch tar from parasites

Birch tar is also used to get rid of parasites. It has a locally irritating effect, aimed at the destruction of worms, lice, disinfectant effect, relieving us of microbes. With the help of tar, you can easily get rid of anthrax spores, scabies mites.

Cleansing from pinworms and ascaris will be very effective if one teaspoon of liquid honey is mixed with birch tar and taken before bedtime. The course is twelve procedures. Every day the number of drops is increased by one and brought up to eight.

For prevention, it is desirable to conduct a course of treatment annually.

birch tar for hair

Itching and irritation of the surface of the scalp with the appearance of dandruff are removed with the help of birch tar. Dandruff is not a pleasant phenomenon; oily hair and hair loss are added. The use of a natural natural product will soothe irritated skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Purifying the skin of the head from the keratinized layer of cells, tar activates their respiration, the cells are saturated with oxygen. At the same time, blood flow increases and regenerative processes are accelerated.

You can use an excellent remedy as a prophylaxis against dandruff: dissolve 1 tablespoon of tar in two tablespoons of castor oil, add 100 grams of alcohol. The mixture should be rubbed with massage movements into the scalp. After 2-3 hours, it must be washed off.

birch tar for acne

Birch tar

A natural, environmentally friendly product can be used to treat acne skin. With oily facial skin, frequent acne rashes, tar soap with a high concentration of birch tar will help, which will relieve irritation and inflammation, cleanse and make the skin soft and velvety. Also, tar can be used to prepare various products that cleanse problem skin:

  • Daily treat the skin with lotion: 50 grams of 95% alcohol, 5 grams of tar, a few drops of salicylic alcohol.
  • Honey and tar are mixed in a ratio of 3:1. The prepared mask is applied to the skin with a thin layer, then washed off with water at room temperature.

How to take birch tar inside?

Birch tar, when taken orally, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and improves metabolism in the body. It is useful to take tar water: in the morning – on an empty stomach, in the afternoon – two hours before meals and in the evening – before bedtime. This is an excellent remedy for fever, purulent cough, dropsy. Used for the treatment of internal diseases, birch tar cleanses the blood, liver, intestines, and pancreas of toxins. Over time, patients feel an improvement in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum heal.

How to drink birch tar?

Tar water helps to cure many ailments. It can be easily prepared according to a recipe known since ancient times: 4 liters of cold spring water and 500 g of tar must be thoroughly mixed in a vessel, which must then be tightly closed and kept for two days so that the tar settles. Carefully remove the foam, drain the clear liquid. It is necessary to store the product in a hermetically sealed container.

Adults are advised to take 100 g of tar water in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals. Also, for some infectious diseases, you can take birch tar diluted in warm milk.

Birch tar ointment recipe

At home, you can prepare an ointment from birch tar. Tar, mutton or pork fat, mixed in equal amounts, is used to treat wounds and skin diseases. Ointment from pure birch tar and petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:10 treats ulcers, pyoderma, infected wounds.

Birch tar for children

Young children very often suffer from an unpleasant allergic disease – diathesis. Birch tar is able to cope with these problems. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating the affected areas with butter or baby cream with the addition of a few drops of birch tar.

Contraindications to the use of birch tar

Pure birch tar and tar preparations can cause allergic skin irritations, up to the development of dermatitis. The use of birch tar as a remedy is possible only after a medical consultation. The use of tar during an exacerbation of chronic skin diseases is not recommended. In acute eczema, dermatitis, exudative psoriasis, folliculitis, it should be used with extreme caution.

The application of birch tar to large areas of the skin for a long time can lead to toxic effects on the kidneys. Weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, convulsions may appear.

After applying the tar, patients experience a burning sensation, but the itching disappears. If the burning sensation stops after 10-15 minutes, then the treatment can be continued. Before you start using birch tar, you need to check the tolerance on a small area of ​​the skin, examine the urine.

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