Birch sap: sap preservation at home for the winter

Birch sap is an excellent tool for spring juice therapy. It is better to drink it fresh, within two or three days after collection. Further, it loses its freshness and useful properties, so people have learned how to preserve birch sap. It’s important to know how to do it right.

Birch sap: sap preservation at home for the winter

How to preserve birch sap

Birch nectar can be frozen. To do this, you need a freezer equipped with a “no frost” system, which makes it possible to quickly and deep freeze food and drinks. This function was not available in the old type of refrigerators, now the horizon of possibilities has expanded. It is necessary to freeze birch nectar in small portions, because after thawing after 2 hours it loses its freshness and begins to deteriorate.

It is best to preserve birch sap at home. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and culinary skills. There are the most unusual birch drink recipes, for example, with pineapple, sweets, barberry and many other natural flavor enhancers.

Preserving a birch drink can be quite easy. This does not require any special knowledge or material costs. You just need to work hard to collect sweet birch nectar in time, as well as follow the basic principles of proper preservation:

  • at first, it is imperative to strain the drink through several layers of organza or gauze, since various garbage often comes across in it, from small chips to midges, it is not recommended to preserve such a product, since it will not be stored for a long time;
  • then bring to +100 degrees or boil for several minutes;
  • before canning the drink, the jars should be sterilized in the oven, microwave or steamed;
  • use sealed lids intended for conservation, they also need to be sterilized;
  • dip additional components in the form of herbs, fruits into boiling water before preservation, this will make them as clean as possible;
  • add sugar, the amount depends on taste preferences. Usually, 3 cups of granulated sugar are put on 0,5 liters of preservation, but you can do less or more, or do without it at all.

Birch sap should be preserved with citric acid – this is an essential component, a preservative that is needed in order for the drink to be stored. Put 1 teaspoon (without a slide) per 3 liters.

Is it possible to roll cloudy birch sap

In the first days of collection, birch nectar, as a rule, flows down transparent, clean. It has a low protein content and it is this way that it is most suitable for conservation. The distillation lasts about a month. When the liquid flowing from the birch trunk begins to become cloudy, it is necessary to stop the harvesting process.

If the nectar is slightly cloudy, this does not affect the preservation process. It is necessary to boil it and then the drink will be well stored. In addition, in the process of boiling and preservation, the color will change to normal. Too cloudy birch sap should not be preserved at home. It is better to make kvass from it or drink it while it is fresh.

Birch sap: sap preservation at home for the winter

How to roll up birch sap with citric acid and candy

You can preserve birch sap with citric acid and fruit candies for the winter. Do it in the following way. Put in bank:

  • duchesse or barberry lollipops – 3-4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 0,5 Art .;
  • citric acid – 0,5 tsp.

For successful preservation, it is necessary to prepare clean sterile jars. Heat the drink almost to the boiling point (+ 80-90 C), remove from heat. Add the rest of the ingredients, let it brew. Filter and heat again, as for the first time, then pour into jars. At home, you can roll up birch sap with any sealed lids.

Birch sap infusion with rose hips

Canning birch sap at home can be done using rose hips. It turns out a very tasty and healthy drink. First filter the birch nectar with a colander and gauze. Next, for conservation, you will need the following components:

  • juice – 5 l;
  • rose hips (dried) – 300 g;
  • sugar – ½ cup per jar (3 l);
  • citric acid – ½ tsp. to the bank.

Pour the drink into a saucepan, add rose hips, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Insist 2-3 hours. The result is a dark-colored solution, which must be preserved. Bring it back to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.

Turn off the gas, cover the pan with a lid, warm with a blanket on top, leave overnight. In the morning, pass the resulting concentrate through a sieve, filtering out the now unnecessary rose hips. Pour the concentrate into 0,5-1 l of sterilized large jars, add sugar and citric acid.

To preserve further, you need to take the next portion of fresh birch nectar. Strain it through a filter to remove debris, midges, which inevitably fall during harvesting. Pour into a saucepan and heat up to + 85-90 C. Fill it with the missing volume in all banks. To preserve completely, roll up with airtight lids. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool in this form.

Attention! Canning too fresh nectar is not recommended. It is advisable that he stand a little, for example, leave him for the night. It is better to hold the whole day.

How to roll birch sap with mint into jars

To prepare birch sap with citric acid according to the following recipe, you will need mint and lemon balm. They can be taken in a dry form, since during the birch sap flow they are not yet fresh. Also for conservation will be needed:

  • birch sap – 5 l;
  • orange slices;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp (with top);
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.

Pour boiling water over the herb for a few minutes to sterilize. Heat the birch drink until the first bubbles appear. It’s about +80 degrees. Add citric acid, a glass or a little more sugar. In each jar, put 3-4 orange slices, a sprig of mint and lemon balm, pour everything with hot (from the fire) birch drink. Roll up the lid tightly.

Important! You can not use birch nectar and coffee, milk, carbonated and mineral drinks at the same time.

Birch sap: sap preservation at home for the winter

Birch sap for the winter with lemon

Boil birch nectar, prepare jars and lids for conservation. Divide into each container:

  • lemon – 3 circles;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 100-200 g (to taste).

Before canning a drink with lemon, the grains from the fruit must be removed so that subsequently bitterness does not form in the drink. Put all the ingredients in a jar, pour over the juice taken directly from the fire. Then preserve as usual, roll up and cool, put in the underground for storage.

Attention! Birch sap with normal and reduced acidity of the stomach should be drunk before meals for half an hour, if secretion is increased – one hour after eating.

Recipe for the winter of birch sap with lemon and candy

On sale you can find a huge selection of various caramels, candies. They are mint, lemon, orange. It’s worth choosing sweets to your taste, as they will give the main flavor note to the next recipe for preserving a birch drink. Wash the jars, hold over the steam for 7 minutes. Dip the lemon in boiling water, cut into slices. Bring the drink to a boil. To preserve, put in a jar:

  • mint candies 2-3 pcs.;
  • lemon slices – 1-2 pcs.;
  • sprig of currant (optional);
  • sugar – 5-6 tbsp. l. (with top).

Preserve the drink hot, pour it into jars and seal tightly. Cool and put in the pantry until winter.

Birch sap in jars with lemon peel and raisins

To prolong the preservation of birch nectar and at the same time give it a pleasant sourness, lemon is used during conservation. The result is a drink that tastes no worse than store-bought lemonade, but many times healthier.

Required ingredients for canning:

  • juice – 3 l;
  • lemon peel – 1-2 tbsp. L.;
  • sugar – 2 st. l .;
  • raisins – 5 pcs.

Pour boiling water over raisins and lemon, cut the zest with a special vegetable peeler. Put everything in a jar, add sugar. Its quantity can be taken other than what is indicated in the recipe for preservation. This should be decided individually, some like it sweeter, others don’t. Pour everything with boiled birch nectar. Cover immediately and roll up tightly.

Birch sap: sap preservation at home for the winter

Preservation for the winter of birch sap with currant sprigs

Currant during preservation gives the drink a pleasant unusual taste, to enhance which you can use the shoots of the plant with unblown buds. You will need:

  • juice – 3 l;
  • sugar – 4-5 st. l .;
  • citric acid – 0,5 tsp;
  • young shoots of black currant.

Wash the branches of the plant under a stream of ordinary water, and then pour over with boiling water. Put on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Warm birch nectar until the first bubbles appear, be sure to remove the foam. Pour sugar, acid, pour into a jar, seal it tightly.

How to roll birch sap with barberry

For this recipe, you can use barberry berries or candies with a similar taste. The fruits have excellent taste characteristics and are often used in the preparation of herbal teas, various dishes and drinks. They give an interesting acidity, aroma and rich color, and are often used to color compotes, marmalade, and jelly. Berries can be taken both dry and fresh. If this is not possible, the leaves of the plant will do.

Canned drink with the following ingredients:

  • berries – 100 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.

Strain the drink, then boil and turn off. Pour hot into jars prepared for conservation, roll up immediately.

How to roll birch sap with orange and citric acid

Despite the fact that vitamins are lost at high temperatures, birch nectar must be boiled, otherwise it will not be stored. Minerals, natural sugars, and some other elements remain. In winter, the drink will still be many times healthier than plain water. To preserve birch sap with orange, you will need the following ingredients:

  • juice – 3 l;
  • sugar – 1-2 st. l .;
  • orange – ½ pc.;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp.

Sterilize the jars, put the orange sliced ​​​​in circles in them, add the rest of the ingredients. Pour boiling drink over and roll up with an airtight lid. Cover the jars with a warm blanket for a day, then put them in a dark, cool place. From birch sap with orange, harvested for the winter, you get a very tasty lemonade.

Attention! In canned birch drink, despite the absence of a significant amount of vitamins, many useful compounds are still preserved. These are minerals such as Ca (calcium), Mg (magnesium), Na (sodium), F (fluorine) and many other trace elements.

Birch sap: sap preservation at home for the winter

Birch sap for the winter: a recipe without boiling

Heat strained nectar without boiling. The maximum temperature of the drink should be no more than +80 C. Pre-prepare the container in which the juice will be preserved:

  • wash jars and lids, let the water drain;
  • sterilize everything;
  • grind the neck of the jars in those places where there will be contact with the lids. This is done in order to prevent air from getting inside.

If empty jars were stored somewhere in the basement, mold spores could get inside. Therefore, it is not safe to preserve in such a container. It is better to wash it not with plain water, but with a solution of baking soda. This will make it possible to destroy microorganisms and in the future to avoid spoilage of the drink before the expiration date. Then hold the jars over the steam for 10 minutes.

Roll up hot birch sap in 3 liter jars. Then sterilize for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of +80 C. This method of conservation allows you to store a birch drink for no more than six months.

Preservation for the winter of birch sap with citric acid and honey

Put honey in a saucepan, pour the drink there. Stir the contents of the pan until completely dissolved. Do not filter birch nectar at first, so as not to do this several times, since honey will precipitate during preservation and will need to be removed in the same way.


  • Honey – 200 g;
  • juice – 3 l;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp.

Strain, add citric acid and continue to preserve on fire. Bring to a boil, turn off and pour into prepared containers, roll up. During conservation, a white foam will form, remove it.

Preservation of birch sap with sprigs of pine needles

Pine needles must be taken, only young shoots (annual). They usually grow at the top or at the tip of branches. For the recipe, you will need 250 g of such branches, which is about 4-6 pieces, depending on the size. It is necessary to preserve the thinnest and most tender. You can still recognize young shoots by the oily, waxy surface of the cones, which should subsequently be cut off. So, in addition to needles for conservation, you will need:

  • juice – 6 l;
  • citric acid – 1 tbsp. l. (with top);
  • soda – the same;
  • sugar – 1-1,3 tbsp.

Pour the drink into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Wash the jars with an alkaline solution, rinse and hold over steam to sterilize. Next, start preparing the branches. Before canning, you need to remove all thickenings, defects, various debris, wax coating, and then cut off the tops. Rinse the twigs well under running hot water, you can use a washcloth, and then scald with boiling water.

Rinse coniferous branches again with hot water, then cold. Throw them into a saucepan with freshly boiled juice, turn off the gas first, leave for 6-7 hours. Strain, add sugar and citric acid, pour into prepared jars. To finish preserving the drink, sterilize at + 90-95 C, roll up and gradually cool. Banks are turned upside down and covered with something warm. In this position, it is very clear whether the covers are leaking and how tight they are.

Lyokha & birch sap with pine needles

Attention! Birch drink can also be preserved with other forest herbs: strawberries, junipers, lingonberries.

Birch sap: sap preservation at home for the winter

How to store canned birch sap

Preservation with a birch drink is sent for long-term storage in a dark, cool place such as a cellar, basement. The shelf life of such a product is no more than 8 months. The preservation of the drink becomes longer if, during the preservation process, it was boiled, sterilized, acid was added.


Preserving birch sap is quite easy, it does not require much effort and financial investment. But in winter, the drink will be a rich source of nutrients, strengthen the body, give strength and resistance against colds and seasonal diseases.

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