Birch diet, 7 days, -4 kg

Losing weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1020 Kcal.

Many people who want to lose weight turn to all sorts of newfangled diets for help, and sometimes even experience openly dangerous methods on themselves (for example, they drink “miracle pills” that promise almost lightning-fast body transformation). We suggest that you do not risk your health. The birch diet will help you gain a lean body by drinking birch sap and consuming the ash of this tree.

Birch Diet Requirements

First, let’s find out how lose extra pounds with birch ash – an excellent natural sorbent that rid the body of toxins, toxins and excess body fat.

Traditional medicine recommends the following ways to consume birch ash. Eat 1 tsp every morning. ash, this will help the body get rid of excess fluid. Of course, ash should not be swallowed dry. Dilute it in a quarter glass of warm water. To normalize digestion, consume a mixture of ash, honey and water (all ingredients 1 tsp) during one day’s meal. And by eating a mixture of ash and grated fresh onions at night, you will help the body to melt excess fat.

How to properly prepare high-quality and healthy ash? Take birch logs, peel the bark from them, and do not forget to remove all the buds. Set fire to a clean fireplace, do not use any additional compounds. After they have completely burned out and cooled, crush the pieces of logs.

Ash can be replaced with activated carbon, which is recommended to take two tablets every morning. A particularly significant plumb line promises the combination of the intake of activated carbon and a fasting protein day. Birch ash and coal have similar properties.

Drinking both ash and juice, preferably no more than two weeks, especially if this practice is new to you.

Birch juice you need to use 100-200 ml about half an hour before meals. Do this once a day. So that, in addition to losing weight, there is a more effective cleansing of the body, you can combine the intake of birch sap with vegetable oil (best with olive oil). It should be noted that freshly harvested juice is considered the most useful. You can get it by making a small incision in the bark. Birches give sap from the first thaws to bud break, usually in March. Fresh birch sap is safe to drink and is healthy for 24 hours. The refrigerator will help to double this period. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to collect juice from birch trees, an alternative (though not the best) will be a purchased drink.

On diets involving ash or juice, you can sit without changing the diet. But to speed up the process of losing weight, it is advisable to reduce the energy cost of the daily menu to about 1500 calories and eat fractionally, focusing on healthy and low-fat food. Give up at least fatty sweets, pastries, refined products and richly fried foods. In addition to being effective in terms of weight loss, this will positively backfire on your well-being.

Birch Diet Menu

An example of a birch diet for a week.

Day 1

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs; cucumber or tomato; a slice of whole grain bread topped with low-fat curd cheese.

Snack: 100-150 g of low-fat curd; half a banana with a handful of nuts and a pinch of cinnamon.

Lunch: 2 tbsp. l. brown rice; baked chicken cutlet and non-starchy vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: 10 cashews.

Dinner: baked fish fillet (150 g); cucumber-tomato salad (200-250 g), which can be seasoned with 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

Day 2

Breakfast: 50 g of oatmeal cooked in water (weight indicated in dry form) with 1 tsp. natural honey and a handful of berries.

Snack: 100 g of natural cottage cheese; apple or pear.

Lunch: 150 g of solid pasta; 100 g of lean meat goulash and fresh cucumber.

Afternoon snack: 150 g casserole made from low-fat cottage cheese and non-starchy fruits.

Dinner: salad of tomato, cucumber, olives and a small amount of feta cheese; up to 150 g chicken fillet, steamed or baked.

Day 3

Breakfast: an omelet of two eggs and herbs.

Snack: Whole grain bread and a slice of low fat cheese.

Lunch: 200 g of vegetable soup and a boiled egg.

Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat kefir with cinnamon.

Dinner: 100-150 g of baked fish in the company of your favorite vegetables.

Day 4

Breakfast: 50-60 g of boiled oatmeal in water, to which you can add half a glass of low-fat milk, half a banana and cinnamon.

Snack: a glass of orange juice and a rye crouton.

Lunch: ratatouille, for the preparation of which use a tomato, half a small zucchini and eggplant, 50 g feta cheese; 100 g of boiled chicken breast.

Afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits and a cup of tea, to which you can add 1 tsp. honey.

Dinner: up to 200 g of baked pollock or other fish; 2 tbsp. l. chopped white cabbage with greens.

Day 5

Breakfast: 3-4 tbsp. l. buckwheat porridge.

Snack: a glass of fat-free kefir; whole grain bread.

Lunch: 100 g of chicken fillet, stewed in the company of tomato, bell pepper and natural spices.

Afternoon snack: 2-3 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese, seasoned with a little honey or fruit jam.

Dinner: a cup of low-fat chicken broth and a couple of whole grain crisps.

Day 6

Breakfast: 100 g of rice with 3 tbsp. l. assorted vegetables drizzled with vegetable oil.

Snack: boiled beets (you can use it with a couple of drops of vegetable oil).

Lunch: 3 small boiled potatoes; 100 g of boiled or baked low-fat fish fillets (you can also cook fish cakes).

Afternoon snack: a handful of nuts.

Dinner: 100 g of boiled beef and bell pepper.

Day 7

Breakfast: 50 g of oatmeal or rice flakes cooked in water with the addition of a few pieces of dried apricots.

Snack: a glass of sugar-free yogurt (preferably homemade).

Lunch: vegetable soup; 100 g of beef.

Afternoon snack: 100-150 g of low-fat curd and a cup of tea (you can use 1 tsp of honey).

Dinner: vegetable salad; 100 g of boiled chicken breast.

Contraindications to the birch diet

  • Only those who have already experienced allergic reactions to birch sap should not go on a diet. To minimize health risks, experiment: drink the juice and wait a few days. If you feel good, then start a full diet.
  • By the way, if you are allergic even to the pollen of birch catkins, it is better to refuse such a diet.

Benefits of the birch diet

  1. Speaking about the benefits of birch weight loss, it is worth noting that its “components” are an excellent natural healer. In general, birch ash and sap have been effectively used in folk medicine for many centuries. Ash has disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antidote properties. It is effectively used to treat diarrhea, jaundice, and stomach heaviness and bloating. Ash helps in teeth whitening, gout treatment. They even bathed babies in it. In addition, it is recommended to introduce ash into the diet in the summer to restore the water-mineral balance, when the body loses a lot of fluid in the heat.
  2. Birch sap has a pronounced diuretic effect, accelerates metabolism.
  3. Ash and juice effectively fight intestinal infections, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and are useful for diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, cough, bronchitis).
  4. Birch sap prevents headaches and improves liver function.
  5. This healthy drink also promotes healing of ulcers, helps break down kidney stones.
  6. The obvious benefits of birch sap are noted for intoxication of the body, viral infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  7. The components of this drink remove decay products that are formed by various bacteria and viruses.
  8. You don’t need to change your diet to lose weight. If you do not need to lose weight at an emergency pace, you can eat as before, simply by drinking birch sap.

Disadvantages of the birch diet

A diet based on real healthy birch sap is seasonal. It is best to sit on it in the spring.

Repeated birch diet

If you feel good, and the use of birch sap or ash does not cause concern, it is enough to pause for several weeks.

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