Biotherm Life Plankton elixir: 5 facts about plankton

Medieval legends said that the waters of the Pyrenees bestow healing, youth and beauty. In the XNUMXth century, French biologists Jeanine Marisal and Joseph Julien discovered their secret by discovering thermal plankton in the source. What miraculous properties does it have and why has it become a key ingredient in Biotherm’s new Life Plankton Facial Elixir?

Fact one. Thermal plankton are able to adapt

Incredibly, planktonic bacteria that prefer to live in sulfur-rich water have been around for over 3 billion years! This is one of the earliest forms of life on Earth. Scientists have found that unique defense mechanisms helped them survive and survive well: they are able to perfectly adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions.

Our skin also has to constantly adapt. Stress, polluted air, temperature changes reduce its protective functions. And thermal plankton in the composition of almost all Biotherm cosmetics helps to stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, making it more resistant to aggressive environmental factors.

Fact two. It contains 35 components beneficial for human skin

Thermal plankton is perceived by the skin as a friendly component. It saturates it with many useful substances and strengthens its functions without causing rejection, with rare exceptions.

It was this property of thermal plankton that attracted the physician and biologist Joseph Julien, who later became one of the founders of Biotherm. Now thermal plankton is a universal ingredient, it is contained in every product of the brand, whether it is a cream, face serum or make-up remover tonic. There is also a new face elixir Life Plankton Elixir.

Elixir protects, strengthens and regenerates the skin. © Biotherm

Fact three. Thermal plankton can be obtained in the laboratory

It took scientists 8 years to recreate unusual natural conditions and work out the unique Fermogenesis biofermentation process. As a result, they managed to achieve a concentration of thermal plankton exceeding the natural one by 400 times. This opened up completely new possibilities for the use of thermal plankton in cosmetics.

Fact four. One of the main functions of thermal plankton is to protect and restore

Thermal plankton helps combat excessive moisture loss by helping to restore the protective barrier. It enhances the natural protective functions of the skin, improves its microrelief, improves elasticity, and is also effective in combating wrinkles.

The skin is again smooth and elastic. © Biotherm

Fifth fact. Hundreds of Evidence of Thermal Plankton Skin Benefits

That is how much scientific evidence of the exceptional properties of thermal plankton has been obtained over 30 years of research, including those conducted jointly with the world’s leading universities. All of them are described in scientific articles and patents.

With age, skin renewal processes slow down, which leads to a deterioration in skin parameters such as radiance, texture uniformity, etc. regular use of the skin is transformed regardless of age and condition.

Try Biotherm’s Life Plankton Elixir and leave your feedback on our website!

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