Among the many vital functions of the body, breathing is one of the most important. The respiratory system is a complex system on which the proper functioning of the human body depends, including the proper oxygenation of the brain. A healthy person usually takes about 12-17 breaths per minute. Usually it takes slightly less time to inhale than exhale. To determine if breathing is going properly, however, not only the length of inhalation and exhalation must be taken into account, but also the length of the so-called the breathing path, which is determined by the work of the muscles involved in the breathing process. Scientists who study the human body have distinguished many breathing disorders, and each of them may indicate additional diseases or ailments and be a warning signal. One of the respiratory disorders is Biot’s breathing. What is it about? How to recognize it? And what do we know about other respiratory disorders?
What are the different breathing paths?
As already mentioned, an adult should breathe in and out a sufficient number of minutes within a minute. In this way, the brain will be adequately oxygenated to perform other important functions related to other organs and systems in the body. Majority respiratory disorders are classified not only in terms of the number or length of inhalations and exhalations, but also in terms of the so-called breathing track. It usually depends on a person’s health status and also on gender. Men usually breathe while taking advantage of abdominal track, i.e. based primarily on the diaphragm, while for women it is more characteristic thoracic trackwhich uses the external intercostal muscles.
Breathing given respiratory tract may also indicate certain medical conditions. Respiration abdominal track for example, it may be a sign of pleurisy, intercostal paralysis or ankylosing spondylitis, and breathing thoracic track may indicate paralysis of the diaphragm or large tumors in the abdominal cavity. This is why an altered breath, such as Biot’s breath or other breathing disordersshould be consulted with a doctor as soon as possible.
What are the causes of breathing disorders?
Breathing disorders, such as Biot’s breath, they can have various causes. Sometimes they can occur under the influence of external factors, other times they are associated with various diseases and ailments. Most often with breathing disorders Respiratory diseases, for example lung diseases, as well as heart problems are associated. However, with breathing disorders sometimes brain diseases, neoplastic diseases, brain injuries and also metabolic diseases are associated with it.
What is Biot’s breath?
One of the most common breathing disorders jest Biot’s breath, also called atactic breathing. This ailment is associated with an irregular breathing track, which means that subsequent breaths differ in terms of both depth and frequency. Periods of apnea continue in the case of Biot’s breath usually 10 to 30 seconds. Biot’s breath it is very dangerous and often occurs in agonal states. He may also go into apnea.
When is Biot’s breathing most common?
As with the others breathing disordersalso Biot’s breath it occurs in various diseases and ailments. Most often we deal with it in very serious conditions. It can appear in the event of increased intracranial pressure, as well as as a result of a drug coma. In addition, z Biot’s breath we also often deal with injuries to the central nervous system.
What are the other types of irregular breathing?
Except Biot’s breath there are also many other types disturbed breathing. The most common words are slow, fast, deep or shallow breathing. The slower breathing is usually associated with poisoning by substances that affect the respiratory system, metabolic diseases, and also with brain diseases. Rapid breathing is most common in heart disease and respiratory failure, which may be associated with many other ailments.
Another known breathing disorder is Cheyne-Stokes breather. In this case, there are characteristic apneas that can last up to several seconds. They are followed by faster and deeper breaths, which gradually become shallower and slower. This disorder especially affects people with heart failure, as well as diseases of the central nervous system. We can also distinguish Kussmaul’s breath called acidic breathing, which is fastened and deepened. It appears in uremia, diabetic keto coma, and metabolic acidosis.
What to do in the case of Biot’s breath?
You should always bear in mind that zabnormal breathing can be very dangerous, so as soon as you notice them at home, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. In order for the doctor to do a good interview, it is worth making a note of how long these types last disordersunder what circumstances they appear, and what other symptoms accompany them.