

What is biosynergy?

Biosynergy is an art of living resulting from multiple approaches, which takes place over six sessions during which the person will be able to take better charge of his life. In this article, you will discover what biosynergy is, its principles, its history, its benefits, the course of a session as well as the training available to practice it.

Biosynergie® is a registered trademark that is presented as an amalgam of relaxation and breathing techniques, and psycho-body tools, from the East and the West, intended to help individuals fight stress and promote their development. This technique draws on various approaches, but does not teach any in depth. Rather, it aims to provide rapid access to a wide range of tools in order to achieve well-defined goals. Here are the main techniques offered:

  • Relaxation : conscious relaxation is one of the keys to biosynergy. Thus, several relaxation techniques are proposed: those of Jacobson and Schultz, biofeedback, mental imagery, creative visualization and awake sleep.
  • The Vittoz method: this psychosensory therapy aims to develop cerebral control, improve concentration and reduce stress. Dr. Vittoz’s exercises promote the harmonization of the cerebral hemispheres and develop the ability to be present “here and now”.
  • Breathing: biosynergists insist on the importance of conscious breathing, the breath of life that allows you to develop better emotional control.
  • The yoga: three types of yoga are used: energy yoga, hatha-yoga and nidra-yoga. The exercises they offer improve the circulation of energy, tone and improve the physical and mental adaptations.

After having learned and experienced these techniques, the client will be invited to integrate them into his daily life.

The main principles

Biosynergy is a holistic approach based on Maslow’s pyramid which establishes the hierarchy of human needs. According to this theory, the full development of an individual is a fundamental need that can only be realized through the satisfaction of various more primary needs (located at the bottom of the pyramid). The role of the biosynergist will be to help the person become aware of his dissatisfactions and to offer him ways to relax, better manage his stress and move forward in life.

The person who undertakes a biosynthesis is invited to make an important commitment to himself: that of becoming the master builder of his life. The client is not seen as a patient or a sick person, but as a “creator”, because he must be the author of the changes in his life. The themes of the six meetings are the same for all and constitute a sort of fundamental master plan. Within this fixed structure, the challenge of the biosynergist will be to adapt the exercises and techniques to each individual. For this, the practitioner draws up a “psychological identity card” of the individual who consults him, by collecting information on his morphology, character, temperament and blood type. After gathering this information, the teacher chooses the most appropriate exercises for each client.

The benefits of biosynergy

Biosynergy is not strictly speaking a therapy, and has not been the subject of scientific publications. Practitioners consider it more as an art of living, a teaching of well-being, a relationship of temporary help limited to six sessions from which the person can better take charge of his life.

Dealing with difficult situations

This technique is primarily intended for those looking for tools to cope with the stress of everyday life, and those who are going through temporarily difficult situations. Thus, it is indicated in the event of fatigue or overwork, bereavement, period of examinations, interpersonal conflicts, loss of employment …

Improve your mental well-being

Biosynergy allows you to learn to better manage your stress, to unwind emotional and mental tensions, to live the present moment “here and now, to eliminate your anxieties, and to develop a fundamentally positive attitude towards life.

Improve your physical well-being

It is useful for relieving physical tensions, finding a good sleep, eliminating certain physical symptoms but above all, reconnecting with your body.

Know each other better

The sessions allow you to get to know yourself better, to learn to manage your emotions, to listen to your body and also to develop your creativity.

To relax

Thanks to the mental imagery techniques of yoga nidra, breathing exercises and meditation, biosynergy induces a very great relaxation conducive to relaxation.

Biosynergy in practice

Course of a session: the different meetings

Biosynergy is taught in six weekly 90-minute one-on-one meetings. Each session costs between 40 and 70 euros, and addresses a specific theme:

  • Receptivity: it is the ability to open up to yourself, to what is happening in your body, heart and mind. Ability to relate to the biosynergist.
  • Emissivity: it is the expression of sensations, emotions and images that appear when the body relaxes.
  • Concentration: the sessions allow you to learn to live consciously in the present moment through work on concentration.
  • Elimination: this consists of letting go of fatigue and stress and of learning to let go.
  • Inner strengths: the goal of the session is to learn to identify the strengths and tools that promote healing and development.
  • Creativity: the session aims to use your full potential, this is done by writing your life plan and the means to maintain your health and creativity.

A seventh session is scheduled a month later to discuss the practice of the exercises, check the person’s autonomy and answer questions.

Between each session, clients are required to regularly practice the exercises and relaxation techniques taught during the sessions.

Note that the limited number of sessions does not allow addressing important emotional issues that require prolonged follow-up. Likewise, drug addicts and alcoholics cannot be followed in biosynergy until their treatment is over.


The training takes place over one to two years. This approach allows future biosynergists to undertake a work of reflection on their life and to properly integrate the different techniques of biosynergy. The students learn different psycho-body techniques as well as several methods of relaxation and breathing.

For the moment, the training is only open in France. You can consult the list of schools created by biosynergists on the Web.


History of biosynergy

Faced with the omnipresent stress of modern times, biosynergy was born in France in 1982. It was developed by Janine and Yves Ropars and their team during more than 20 years of research on psychic affections (anxiety, depression, loss of joy of living, exhaustion) and techniques for combating them as well as on holistic theories which seek to treat individuals as a whole. After having retained the most relevant techniques, they worked out the stages of “biosynthesis” which is the individual work technique proposed in biosynergy.

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