Biorhythm workout schedule

Biorhythm workout schedule

To get the most out of sports, you need to train at a strictly defined hour. Put everything aside for this time and go for a jog or fitness room. advises at what time of day it makes sense to load your body, and at what time it is better to give it a break.

Hillary Clinton once said in an interview with Marie Claire magazine: “The first lesson I learned in life was this: whatever you do, you always need to take your biorhythms into account.” The most powerful hostess of the White House in American history, current US Secretary of Stateundoubtedly meant that time periods for our body are not at all an empty phrase. It is of great importance at what time of day we perform certain tasks.

On vacation, you need to go in for sports more often – after all, the best time for stress is in the middle of the working day.

Our biorhythms live their own, separate life, not paying attention to important meetings, negotiations and conferences. And let it seem like an evil mockery, but the best time to play sports is in the middle of the working day. Vacation or holidays are another matter. For those happy days, we offer you the perfect exercise schedule.

During these early morning hours, the body temperature is lowered and breathing is slightly difficult. The muscles and ligaments are also not in the best shape, and it is very easy to damage them. At this time, meditative and not too active workouts are more suitable for you.Our choice: yoga, stretching, walking.

10.00 – 12.00

Nowadays, you do not lack adrenaline and can concentrate on anything – even drawing up a contract, even shooting. Choose the most intelligent sports.Our choice: karate, taekwondo, golf.

14.00 – 15.00

After lunch we are absolutely not capable of anything. I don’t want to think or move. Do not force the body – reschedule the workout to another time.Our choice: afternoon nap.

Research has shown that our muscles are at their best at this time of day. This means that we can train with dumbbells or a barbell without much effort.Our choice: power training.

16.00 – 19.00

Think it’s wasted Olympic champions train in the afternoon? It’s all about physiology – during these hours our body is ready for feats.Our choice: running, aerobics, tennis, dancing.

20.00 – 22.00

The body temperature begins to drop, the metabolism slows down. You are not particularly energetic and tune in to the upcoming dream. Give yourself some rest after a hard day.Our choice: tai chi, qigong.

  • Biorhythms to maintain beauty

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