Biorevitalization of the face – what is it, why is it needed, what does it give and how is it done [guide from experts]

What is biorevitalization of the face and what does it give?

Biorevitalization is a procedure aimed at combating age-related changes and improving the condition and quality of the skin. The essence of biorevitalization is that preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the skin with the help of thin needles or high-tech devices.

Hyaluronic acid has the unique ability to repeatedly attract and retain moisture in skin tissues. Accordingly, injection or hardware introduction of hyaluronic acid provides hydration and elasticity of the skin, increases its tone and elasticity. In addition, biorevitalizants help maintain the protective functions of the skin and activate the production of its own collagen and elastin.

What exactly does face biorevitalization do, what results can be expected after a course of procedures? Here are the most notable effects:

  • deep hydration of the skin, its smoothness and elasticity;
  • increasing skin tone and density, reducing flabbiness and lethargy;
  • smoothing of superficial wrinkles and slight lifting effect;
  • activation of metabolic processes, stimulation of skin regeneration, synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • effect of general skin rejuvenation, improvement of complexion.

Biorevitalization as a facial procedure: what are the features?

Let’s see in which cases it makes sense to resort to biorevitalization, what advantages and disadvantages it has.

Indications for biorevitalization of the face

The list of indications for the biorevitalization procedure is quite wide. It includes the following issues:

  • severe dryness and dehydration of the skin;
  • lethargy, loss of firmness and elasticity;
  • age-related changes, fine wrinkles, loss of tone;
  • dull and uneven complexion, signs of beriberi;
  • protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation (before summer or holidays in hot countries).


Of course, there are situations in which biorevitalization is not recommended – temporarily or permanently. These include:

  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid or other components of biorevitalizants;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • fresh scars, rashes or neoplasms (including moles and papillomas) in the treatment areas;
  • diabetes mellitus, oncological and some other severe or chronic diseases.

It is important to understand that in any controversial situation it is always better to consult not only with a dermatologist-cosmetologist, but also with your “profile” doctor – especially when it comes to any chronic conditions.

Advantages biorevitalization faces

Biorevitalization is a very popular cosmetic procedure – including due to a wide list of advantages:

Wide range of applications – the procedure not only helps fight age-related changes, but also stimulates its own metabolic processes in the skin, activates the regeneration of the epidermis layers and the protective functions of the skin, promotes its deep hydration.

The speed of the procedure and the ability to combine biorevitalization with other cosmetic interventions.

Possibility to carry out the procedure at any time of the year – with the obligatory use of sunscreen to protect against ultraviolet radiation during the recovery period.

Long-term retention of results – of course, if a full course was carried out with the use of high-quality biorevitalizants and competent skin restoration with the help of carefully selected cosmetics.

Possible cons and side effects

Of course, biorevitalization of the face has certain disadvantages:

  • invasiveness of the procedure – “beauty injections” involve physical punctures of the skin with thin needles;
  • discomfort and / or pain in people with a high degree of sensitivity;
  • Achieving the maximum result is possible only with the passage of a course of procedures;
  • the presence of a rehabilitation period – however, it can be alleviated and shortened with the help of well-chosen skin restoration products.

How is the biorevitalization procedure carried out?

Let’s take a closer look at how facial biorevitalization is carried out and what types of this procedure exist in modern cosmetology.


Before starting the course of procedures, the cosmetologist should carefully examine the proposed treatment areas, identify a list of indications and contraindications, and also select the optimally suitable biorevitalizant preparation and method of its administration.

Types of biorevitalization: how the procedure itself can be carried out

In general, biorevitalization of the face can be injection or hardware. The course of injections is carried out either manually or with the help of a cosmetic device with nozzles in the form of thin needles.

Sessions of hardware (non-injection) biorevitalization are carried out using various technologies:

  • Laser: the biorevitalizant enters the subcutaneous layers using an infrared laser.
  • Iontophoresis: preparations based on hyaluronic acid enter the intradermal layers using a stable galvanic current.
  • Magnetophoresis: products are delivered under the skin using magnetic waves.
  • Ultraphonophoresis: hyaluronic acid enters the subcutaneous layers under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations.
  • Oxygen: biorevitalizant is injected inside when it is supplied under strong pressure of pure oxygen.
  • Cryobiorevitalization: biorevitalizants are delivered to the skin under the influence of electric waves or cold (using liquid nitrogen).

Rehabilitation after biorevitalizations

This is an extremely important stage for consolidating the results, which in no case should be ignored. It is important to understand that subcutaneous and intradermal injections trigger a local inflammatory response. It is accompanied by an active release of free radicals – which, in turn, contributes to a faster breakdown of hyaluronic acid.

Antioxidants help fight the negative effects of free radicals. During the recovery period, they help to stop unwanted reactions, neutralize the action of free radicals and stimulate collagen synthesis.

Antioxidants also contribute to a longer action of the introduced biorevitalizants, limiting the oxidative and enzymatic degradation of hyaluronic acid. That is why their use should become an obligatory step in skin care during its recovery period.

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