Biopsy of the prostate

In today’s society, thousands of new cases of cancer are discovered every day. In the last 10 years alone, the number of cancer patients in the world has increased by 15%. This data is provided by the World Health Organization. Among men, the most common form is prostate cancer. It is to identify the disease that a biopsy of the prostate gland is performed.

The causes of the onset of the disease

According to statistics, prostate cancer threatens every seventh man who has reached the age of 50. Malignant formation in the tissue of the prostate glands becomes one of the most common causes of premature death of the stronger sex. This organ of the male reproductive system is involved in the creation of seminal fluid and the process of ejaculation. The prostate also helps men retain urine.

To date, scientists cannot give an unequivocal answer why prostate cancer occurs, like its other types. It is only known that the appearance and growth of a tumor in the prostate gland are associated with the amount of testosterone in the body of a man. The higher it is, the more likely it is to develop the disease.

Also at risk are older people who have poor heredity and live in an area with poor ecology.

In addition, this issue should be kept under special control by those who work with cadmium, for example, work in the production of rubber, perform welding or printing work. Men who have prostate adenoma should be constantly observed by a doctor in order to prevent the progression of the disease into a malignant form.

To reduce risk factors, scientists also consider dieting to be important, that is, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fat in the diet and increase the amount of fiber.

Often at the initial stage, the disease does not manifest itself and does not bother the patient. It can be detected only by periodically visiting a urologist. However, if you have problems with urination, traces of blood in the urine or semen, pain in the perineum, it is better not to postpone a visit to a specialist.

The first stage of the examination is a rectal examination with the help of fingers. Thus, the doctor can feel the tumor if it has already grown. If no traces of the neoplasm are found, you will still have to take a blood test to determine the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), an increased concentration of which indicates the presence of a cancerous tumor in a man.

Additional tests may be ordered, such as prostate ultrasound, prostatography, or computed tomography. The last stage of the study is a prostate biopsy.

Prostate biopsy technique

For the final confirmation of the diagnosis, the urologist prescribes a biopsy. This is a procedure for extracting tissue samples from different areas of the prostate, which are sent for histological examination under a microscope. Based on the results obtained, the doctor decides on the method of treatment.

There are different methods of carrying out the procedure. So, previously a blind biopsy was performed, which is practically not used today. Under the control of the finger, the doctor, having previously done local anesthesia, inserts a puncture needle into the rectum and makes 4 to 6 punctures. However, this method does not allow precise enough control of the needle, and the sampling of material is limited.

Most often, a biopsy is performed under ultrasound guidance, the so-called multi- or polyfocal, when tissue samples are taken from 12 points. This allows you to get more accurate results of the study. In contrast to this procedure, the use of MRI helps to avoid the sampling of random material. This method is also called targeted biopsy. Its essence lies in the fact that during magnetic resonance imaging, a suspicious focus is delimited from healthy tissues, and it is from this place that tissues are taken. The procedure is performed through the skin, not the rectum.

When re-examination is necessary, a saturation biopsy of the prostate is usually ordered. This is an advanced technique that allows you to take samples from 24 points.

Depending on which part of the organ was damaged, the following types of procedures are divided:

  1. Transrectal biopsy of the prostate, that is, when the procedure is performed through the rectum. The whole process is controlled by a special ultrasonic sensor. The spring-loaded needle enters the prostate in a second and exits with the desired sample. It takes from 6 to 12 such samples from different sites.
  2. Transurethral biopsy, when a cystoscope is inserted into the urethra – a thin and flexible probe with a cutting loop at the end. Thanks to the light and the video camera on the device, the doctor can see and control the entire process.
  3. A transperineal biopsy is performed through the perineum. The doctor makes a small incision in this area, where he inserts a thin biopsy needle, having previously fixed the prostate through the rectum with a finger. Note that this type of procedure is not carried out very often.

How to prepare for a prostate biopsy

Before the procedure, the doctor will additionally advise the patient on how to prepare for it. So, the subject should not take medications that reduce blood clotting a week before the biopsy.

Anti-inflammatory drugs should also be excluded 3 days before the scheduled procedure. Before the study, you should not eat, and in the evening and in the morning the day before, the intestines are additionally cleansed with an enema.

Some recommendations should be followed after tissue sampling. For example, the next day, the patient needs to remove the tampon from the rectum, which prevents possible bleeding. Also, excessive physical activity during the day is not advised and you need to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy so that there is no subsequent inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

Possible complications

As after any intervention in our body, there is a risk of complications in patients. For example, if prostatitis in men was not detected in time, inflammation of the prostate gland is possible. However, most often, antibiotics prescribed before the procedure prevent its occurrence. In rare cases, the patient also has an allergic reaction to the antiseptic used during the study.

In the case of a transrectal biopsy, bleeding from the rectum is often observed. Urination may be impaired due to blood flow to the urethra or bladder. If these symptoms are observed for no more than 2-3 days and there is no severe pain, then this is considered the norm. Otherwise, and also in case of fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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