BioMarine 1140 – action, indications, dosage

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BioMarine 1140 belongs to the group of food for special medical purposes. It contains oils from the liver of four species of shark and is intended for sick people for whom special dietary management is indicated. BioMarine 1140 is included in the diet in the case of abnormalities in blood counts, severe infections, also recurrent, and in autoimmune diseases.

BioMarine 1140 – what is it?

BioMarine 1140 is food for special medical purposes. This means that the product is designed to provide the sick person with nutrients that are not provided by a regular diet. The preparation is in the form of capsules containing shark liver oil – in the case of BioMarine 1140 it is oil obtained from four different species of deep sea sharks.

The recommendation to take BioMarine 1140 capsules may be issued by a doctor, especially in the case of patients who require special dietary management due to deficiency of complex fats in the diet. BioMarine 1140 supplies the body primarily with complex fats (squalene, alkylglycerols), which play an important role in the context of the skin and the functioning of the immune, lymphatic and hematopoietic systems.

Before using the preparation, consult your doctor and read the contraindications.

Also read: Fats – role, demand, sources

BioMarine 1140 – Shark liver oil

Shark liver oil has been used as an adjuvant for people living in Sweden and the Norwegian coasts for about hundreds of years. It has been used to heal wounds and as an adjunct to treating respiratory problems and maintaining digestive health.

The secret of deep sea sharks was revealed in the late 1800’s in Japan. The study indicates that fishermen in the Bay of Suruga drank cups of shark liver oil. Taking shark liver oil daily improved fishermen’s overall health and daily energy.

Chemist Dr.Mitsumaro Tsujimoto announced in 1906 that he had discovered a substance that turned shark oil into a drug. He called it squalene (Japanese fishermen caught sharks mainly from the spiny family, in Latin Squalidae). His discovery shows the various health benefits of his discovery that were helpful to the Japanese. He received an Imperial Award in honor of his achievements in Japan.

See also: Fish oil – medicinal properties and contraindications. How to use it to strengthen the body?

BioMarine 1140 – health properties of shark oil

Shark liver oil is helpful for people with weakened immune systems and is usually used for infections like the flu and colds. It contains squalene to support the health of the immune system and creates antibodies to help fight disease. Provides protection against fungal and bacterial infections. It also brings relief from breathing problems, swollen lymph nodes and gastrointestinal irritation.

Shark liver oil helps counteract cancers of the lungs, breast, skin and brain by blocking the blood supply to the cancer cells. Shark liver oil has antioxidant properties that keep a person looking young and is a skin care supplement. It has rejuvenating properties. It reduces free radical damage and improves skin tone. It is used in cosmetics due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids.

BioMarine 1140 – indications for use

BioMarine 1140 is recommended to patients in the case of specific diseases and health problems. The doctor may recommend taking a dietary supplement to people:

  1. suffering from severe and recurring infections of a different nature, including viral, bacterial, fungal or mixed;
  2. with disturbances in blood counts;
  3. with autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s disease;
  4. with psoriasis;
  5. with atopic dermatitis;
  6. with rheumatoid arthritis;
  7. that are recovering from infection;
  8. who need to supply the body with fats present in the preparation at a time of increased risk of infection.

BioMarine 1140 capsules are not a substitute for proper treatment. Their use may be recommended in parallel with the appropriate therapy, if the patient does not have contraindications.

BioMarine 1140 – what does the preparation contain?

BioMarine 1140 contains fish fat (saturated fatty acids, alkylglycerols, squalene), gelatin, glycerol and water. Fish fat is a natural composition of pure and unenriched liver fats from four species of deep sea sharks inhabiting the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea.

100 g of the product contains:

  1. energy value (energy) 3203 kJ / 765 kcal,
  2. fat 74 g, including saturated fatty acids 22 g, alkylglycerols 15,6 g, squalene 15,6 g, carbohydrates 8,11 g, including sugars 0 g, fiber 0 g, protein 18 g, salt 0 g.

2 capsules (3,08 g) contain:

  1. energy value (energy) 100,3 kJ / 23,6 kcal,
  2. fat 2,28 g, including saturated fatty acids 22 g, alkylglycerols 480 mg, squalene 480 mg, carbohydrates 0,25 g, including sugars 0 g, fiber 0 g, protein 0,55 g, salt 0 g.

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BioMarine 1140 – dosage

The use of BioMarine 1140 should be under the supervision of a physician and in accordance with his recommendations. If it does not indicate a specific application schedule, follow the dosage presented in the leaflet. The recommended daily dose of capsules and the duration of its intake depends on the disease and its phase:

  1. treatment in the acute phase (with exacerbation of autoimmune diseases, severe and recurrent infections and severe morphology disorders) – from 12 to 15 capsules a day, use up to 6 months;
  2. treatment in the chronic phase (thyroid disease, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, convalescence after infections, moderate morphology disorders) – 6 to 19 capsules a day, you can take it indefinitely;
  3. diagnosis of diseases or disorders (e.g. infections, blood count abnormalities, autoimmune diseases) – 2-4 capsules a day, you can take it indefinitely.

When using BioMarine 1140, follow the recommended dosage as well as the directions for its use.

BioMarine 1140 – how to use?

The recommended daily dose of BioMarine 1140 is taken in 2 or 3 divided portions. If a patient needs to consume a large number of capsules, after consulting a doctor, it may be decided to increase the number of servings. The capsules are taken before eating (approx. 15–20 minutes before a meal). It is recommended to consume only the oil from the capsule – it should be held in the mouth for several seconds and then swallowed. An alternative is to swallow the capsules whole.

When consuming the oil (without capsules), it is possible to reduce the unpleasant aftertaste by mixing the liquid with natural fruit juices, but not with citrus juices. It is also allowed to wash down a portion of the oil with a sip of herbal tea or water, and to chew on it with a piece of bread.


People undergoing treatment in the acute phase of the disease should follow a low-fat diet while using BioMarine 1140.

BioMarine 1140 – contraindications

In some situations, BioMarine 1140 is not recommended. Applies to:

  1. hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the product;
  2. certain medical conditions which contraindicate the consumption of more than 4 g of omega-3 fatty acids during the day, including haemophilia and hemorrhagic diathesisas well as surgery.

Additionally, caution is advised when the patient is taking anticoagulants such as acetylsalicylic acid, acenocoumarol, clopidogrel or warfarin. With intravenous squalene, there is a risk of developing inflammation affecting the airways or symptoms suggesting an allergic reaction.


BioMarine 1140 does not contain proteins such as parvalbumin, and therefore responsible for allergic reactions when consumed fish.

Read also:

  1. What is fish oil? What are its healing properties, contraindications and dosage?
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids: sources, properties, requirements, deficiency symptoms
  3. A drug, a medical device, a dietary supplement – what is the difference between them?

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