Biokine energy

Biokine energy

Biokinergie is a comprehensive manual care technique. At the crossroads of physiotherapy, osteopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it aims to restore optimal functioning of the body by restoring its biological balance. And thus make it possible to treat various osteo-articular, myofascial, visceral, energy and psychic dysfunctions.


What is Biokinergie?

Definition of Biokinergie

Biokinergie (bio for life, cinema for movement and energia for energy) is a manual care technique aimed at restoring the function of the different systems (locomotor, nervous, vascular, visceral, hormonal…). For this, it endeavors to lift areas of tension and blockages in order to restore all their mobility to the tissues, as well as to restore the good circulation of energy. By combining the benefits of osteopathy, physiotherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it therefore combines two essential concepts: the free play of structures and energy balance.

The main principles of Biokinergie

In Biokinergie, it is estimated that the body keeps in memory all its physical traumas – falls, false movements, repetitive gestures – but also emotional ones. They are part of the body in the form of tensions, blockages, imbalances. This is what Bioenergy calls “tissue coils”, a key concept in this practice. “These manifestations, whether due to joint, muscular, visceral disturbances or to the disorder of the Chinese energy system, are inscribed in the tissues of the body and are revealed at the level of the skin in the form of points of tension which present the characteristic of reacting by a rotational movement of the tissues when pressure is exerted on them. These points called “tissue coils” are detectable thanks to a specific manual sensitivity developed by the Biokinergist. », We can read on the site of the Center for teaching and research in biokinergie (CERB).

The body having fabulous adaptation capacities, it compensates but the imbalances multiply, with physiological repercussions: compression of the vessels, poor circulation of blood and nerve impulses, poor functioning of the joints, disturbed organ activity, etc. Pain and dysfunction can then set in.

Adopting a holistic view of man, Biokinergie proposes to go back to the origin of these imbalances which affect the functioning of the body, and to treat them in order to restore the body to its optimal functioning.

In the presence of a tissue winding, the therapist’s hand will exert gentle pressure and rotation in order to “unwind” the tissues. This gentle gesture involves 3 approaches:

  • the biomechanical approach, aimed at restoring the mobility of different tissues (bones, muscles, organs, joints, etc.);
  • a myofascial action, to re-harmonize the fascias (connective tissue connecting all the sctrucutres of the body) and the muscle chains from windings located on certain strategic areas.
  • an energetic approach based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. In order to restore the good circulation of Qi, the vital energy, the practitioner will solicit reflex points along the meridians not with needles as is the case in acupuncture, but only with his hands and gentle massages.

The benefits of Bioenergy

By going back to the origin of pain and functional pathologies, and by relieving physical, energetic and psycho-emotional tensions, Biokinergie would relieve various ailments, according to its practitioners:

  • spine problems: lumbago, sciatica, cruralgia, torticollis, pubalgia, neck pain, low back pain;
  • osteo-articular pain: sprain, tendonitis, joint pain and all pain following a major trauma (sports, traffic accident, etc.);
  • discomfort: stress, anxiety, depressive states, spasmophilia, irritability, sleep disorders,…;
  • digestive disorders: gastric acidity, hiatus hernia, constipation, …
  • ENT pathologies: rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, asthmatic pathologies, dizziness, migraines, tinnitus, etc.
  • gyneco-urinary disorders: enuresis, continence disorders, chronic cystitis, menopausal disorders;
  • infant and child disorders: regurgitation, ear infection, sleep disorders, school delay.

Biokinergie can also be used as a preventive measure, to maintain physical and mental form.

Biokenergy in practice

The specialist

This is most often a physiotherapist, an osteopath or an attending physician who has completed the additional 4-year training offered by the Center for teaching and research in biokinergie (CERB). There are also dental surgeons and orthodontists who have received training in Biokinergie at the Center Dentaire Biokinergétique (CDB).

However, ”the national council of the Order of physiotherapists does not recognize“ biokinergie ”as a qualification, diploma, title, grade, function, specificity or specialty of masso-physiotherapy. For this reason, the use of terms relating to “biokinergie” by a masseur-physiotherapist constitutes a disciplinary fault within the meaning of articles R 4321-123, R 4321-124 and R4321-125 of the public health code. ” recalls the national council of the Order of physiotherapists in a 2014 opinion. 

Still according to the Order, “” Biokinergie “uses unproven theoretical physiopathological elements such as” biokinergetic winding points “also called” biokinergic spiral windings perpendicular to the axis of the body “. “

Course of a session

A biokinergie session lasts about 1 hour.

The session begins with an interview during which the practitioner asks the patient about their ailments, their pains, their pathologies, but also their lifestyle. The patient then sits down on the table, in light clothing. The practitioner will then focus on detecting, through observation and palpation, the main areas of tissue wrapping all over the body, and not just areas of pain or dysfunction. Then by massages, pressures and gentle rotations, he will untie these tissue winding points one after the other, in order to treat the imbalance at its source.

History of Bioenergy

Biokinergie was developed in 1983 by the French physiotherapist Michel Lidoreau.

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