Biogrow fertilizer

Are you spending too much effort and time trying to get a rich harvest, but nothing works out? Do vegetables and herbs grow extremely slowly? Is the crop small and sluggish? It’s all about the soil and the lack of beneficial trace elements and vitamins in it. Biogrow growth stimulator will help to saturate the soil and improve the growth of plants, make them useful and large.

Description and benefits

Biogrow biofertilizer increases yield by 50% in just 2-3 applications. Besides:

  • the drug improves the taste properties of plants;
  • improves the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits;
  • fruits ripen faster by 2 weeks;
  • the product is based exclusively on natural ingredients and does not contain chemicals;
  • contributes to the destruction of pathogenic flora;
  • acts on all types of plants;
  • protects plants from various diseases, strengthens their protective functions;
  • protects against pests and prevents beneficial trace elements from being washed out of the soil.

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Biogrow fertilizer

Biogrow can be ordered on the official website of the manufacturer by clicking on the link below, at a fairly favorable price. The organic natural growth stimulator has a lot of positive feedback from gardeners who have personally verified the effectiveness and safety of the drug.

Composition of biofertilizer

Impressive results and effective effects of the drug are justified by its natural composition and properly selected components:

  • humic acid – the ingredient has many useful trace elements, minerals. Plants easily absorb this component and begin to grow faster;
  • bioactive water – helps to restore the structure of the soil, the development of beneficial bacteria, their reproduction and interaction with plants;
  • flao bacteria – thanks to this component, the earth receives useful trace elements, increases fertility;
  • selected blood meal (concentrate) – is a source of amino acids for plants, in interaction with other components of the drug improves and accelerates plant growth;
  • ash of rare deciduous trees – is a source of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, iron, which are necessary for the plant for normal development.

With the interaction of all components of a new generation organic fertilizer, Biogrow is the most effective preparation that increases the yield by 50%, makes vegetables and fruits tasty and healthy.

Biogrow fertilizer

How to apply fertilizer

Biogrow is a unique fertilizer that is suitable for all types of plants: cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruit trees, shrubs, potatoes, melons and ornamental plants.

There are several ways to apply fertilizer:

  • as watering plants: for this you need to dilute a small handful of the drug in a bucket of water and water the plants. The procedure should be repeated every 2 weeks;
  • as a preparation for soaking seeds: the dosage and time for a particular type of plant are indicated in the detailed instructions for the preparation;
  • as a spray: fruit trees are treated with the drug during their flowering and fruit set at sunset. The dosage for a particular type of wood can be found in the instructions.

Research on biofertilizer Biogrow

The Biogrow tool has passed all kinds of tests and studies that have shown the highest results and effectiveness. In addition, the drug is absolutely safe for humans, does not cause any allergies and side effects, as it is completely natural.

It should be noted that during the research, various types of garden and garden plants were fertilized, which showed rapid growth, and also gave a large harvest. In addition, their taste characteristics were also noted, as well as the ability to resist various diseases and harmful insects.

Studies have also shown that the drug is able to significantly speed up the ripening process, cause an earlier emergence of crops. To do this, during the experiments on three different beds, different fertilizers were used, including Biogrow. The latest growth promoter has shown amazing results, leaving its competitors behind.

The experiment with Biogrow also showed that it can be used in the cultivation of mushrooms, as well as rare crops.

A positive factor worth noting is also the fact that the price of Biogrow is affordable, and the drug itself lasts for a long time and for large areas. This is what makes the drug beneficial to use.


Both amateur gardeners and experienced agronomists speak positively about Biogrow:

Svetlana, 58 years old, Moscow region
I read a lot of information about Biogrow, heard a lot about it, but somehow my husband and I tried to raise a garden on our own, improve the land with fertilizer that we picked up ourselves, even did it ourselves. But, to be honest, all this did not bring results. There was a harvest, but it turned out to be small, the vegetables grew frail, tasteless. And then we decided to buy this remedy, we read that it is natural and useful. I can say that the manufacturer did not deceive, the plants really began to rise faster, filled with vital juice, became more tasty and fragrant. I have recommended to all my neighbors.
Eugene, 46 years old, Vsevolozhsk
We have a private house and a small front garden, where mostly flowers and greenery. Took Biogrow to slightly improve the condition of the soil. But in the end it turned out that it just perfectly improved the composition of the soil, significantly increased the yield of greenery, and the flowers began to grow better and more magnificently.
Marina, 32 years old, Krasnodar Territory
My husband and I bought a dacha, everything there was in ruins, practically nothing grew. I immediately realized that effective artillery was needed. I began to study, read about Biogrow, ordered and began to “treat” the soil. My labors were not in vain, now we are harvesting a chic harvest for all the neighbors to envy.
Kaslavsky V.S., agronomist, 58 years old, Moscow
I have been working as an agronomist for 30 years, during this time I have seen a lot, tried a lot. I want to note that today there is no more effective and safer preparation for plant growth and protection than Biogrow. I was personally present during the testing of this product and saw for myself how positively it affects the harvest.

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