😉 Welcome new and regular readers! In the article “Johnny Depp: biography, personal life, facts” – about the life of the American actor and producer, best known for his role as Jack Sparrow in the series of adventure films “Pirates of the Caribbean”.
Johnny Depp biography
John Christopher Depp II was born in Kentucky on June 9, 1963. His mother was a waitress, and his father was a construction worker. In addition to John, the family brought up three more children.
When the future actor was 12 years old, the family moved to Florida, and then a black streak began in the boy’s life. Soon the parents divorced, and Johnny developed problems with alcohol and drugs.
The death of his beloved grandfather became a strong blow to the teenager’s psyche. After the divorce, his mother remarried, and John never graduated from school – he was expelled for bad behavior.
Fortunately, Depp had a serious hobby that did not allow him to finally go to the bottom. The young man studied music and played the guitar perfectly during his school years. Johnny earned his first money playing in the rock band “R”.
After school, the future star was replaced by more than one musical group. In his free time from music, the guy worked part-time as construction workers. At the age of 20, he married Lori Ann Ellison, who worked as a make-up artist and was five years older.
Laurie introduced her husband to the right people, who soon invited him to screen tests. For the first time, John tried himself as an actor in the movie “Nightmares on Elm Street”. He immediately liked working in the cinema, and the directors appreciated the guy’s talent and charm.
At the end of the 80s, the young and handsome actor became a favorite of teenage girls, as he starred in youth tapes. He no longer plays in a rock band, but devotes himself entirely to cinema. However, as he himself admits, he never liked the image of a cute boy, and he tried in every possible way to get rid of this image.
The beginning of a new successful period was marked by his meeting with the famous director Tim Burton. Depp stars in Edward Scissorhands. Its popularity is growing rapidly.
Since then, the actor has starred in dozens of films, but his greatest success came with the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”, the first part of which was released in 2003.
The world famous film not only made the actor incredibly popular, but also brought in considerable fees. Thanks to “Pirates” Depp topped the ranking of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.
Why did the role of Jack Sparrow become his calling card? Apparently, this image is very close to Depp, which is why he was able to get used to it so well. It is hard for viewers to imagine that someone else could better play the cheerful and kind pirate captain.
Perhaps without Depp, “Pirates of the Caribbean” would have become just another comedy, forgotten on the second day. But thanks to his skillful acting, this film is continued in exciting new stories, the last of which was released in 2017.
Johnny Depp continues to act in films, voicing cartoons and producing. But most of his fans want to see him again as a charismatic and funny pirate.
It is already known that the shooting of the sixth part of “Pirates of the Caribbean” is scheduled for the near future (2019-2020). True, in 2017 there was a rumor that the role of Captain Sparrow was decided to be excluded from the film altogether.
Depp is a multiple Oscar and Golden Globe winner, as well as a personal star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In the 1990s, Depp was in the TOP-50 of the most beautiful actors in the world.
Personal life
Johnny Depp’s zodiac sign is Gemini, height 1,78 m.
John is still a heartthrob! His first wife was the artist Anne Ellison, with whom he had been married for only two years. After the divorce, he met with colleagues in the acting workshop: Jennifer Gray, Sherilyn Fenn, Winona Ryder and others.
By the way, in honor of actress Ryder, he even got a tattoo “Winona Forever”. But after the breakup, he changed it to “Wine – Forever”.
In 1994, the famous top model Kate Moss became Depp’s next lover. For four years, the couple led a cheerful, carefree life – nightclubs, alcohol, loud antics. And yet, in 1998, the stars parted.
Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis
Johnny Depp’s longest and most serious union was a civil marriage with French actress Vanessa Paradis. The couple have lived together for 14 years and have two children.
But in 2010, the actor had a new passion – the young actress Amber Heard. They met on the set of The Rum Diary. After five years of romance, the couple officially registered the relationship.
Thus, Hurd became the second legal wife of the actor. But their family idyll did not last long. Already in May 2016, the beautiful wife filed for divorce. This was a serious blow for the actor, because his mother had died just a few days before.
Second, ex-wife – actress Amber Heard
After the breakup, the couple sorted out the relationship in the courts for a long time. The ex-wife accused the actor of domestic violence and demanded to pay her $ 7 million, while Depp himself flatly refused to do this.
Currently, John spends a lot of time with his already adult children, and he maintains friendly relations with their mother.
Johnny Depp has his own island in the Bahamas archipelago. Despite his erratic behavior in his youth, the actor had practically no problems with the law.
The only exceptions are two arrests in 1994 and 1999. In the first case, the police accused him of allegedly intentional damage to the property of the hotel, and in the second – in a fight with the paparazzi in one of the restaurants in London.
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