biography of the most famous nutritionist, video

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! Friends, in the article “Pierre Ducan: biography of the most famous nutritionist” – about the life of a French doctor, about the popular diet and his advice.

For several years now, they have been talking about the miraculous French diet of Dr. Ducan, according to which a huge number of people are losing weight. Who is this doctor?

French nutritionist Pierre Ducan

The future doctor was born in Algeria. Date of birth: July 8, 1941, zodiac sign Cancer. Lives in Paris, married, children: daughter Maya and son Alexander. His father owned a small textile workshop. After the end of World War II, the Dukanov family moved to Paris, where Pierre successfully graduated from high school.

Path selection

After leaving school, Pierre wanted to study painting and art, but the tragic death of his mother played a role. She died in 1961 on an operating table during an operation.

The death of his beloved mother made an indelible impression on the guy. He literally fell ill from the loss he had suffered and mourned his mother for a long time. During these difficult days, he changed his choice. He entered the Paris Medical University, deciding to devote his life to helping sick people.

His Majesty is a case

Initially, he intended to specialize in neuroscience, but one crucial meeting changed the course of his life forever. One of his patients, obese, asked Ducan to help him lose weight by any means.

The patient has tried numerous diets with no results. In despair, he turns to Pierre, who at that time is a general practitioner.

The patient agrees to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, but asks not to deprive him of meat. Dr. Ducan, armed with nutritional knowledge and, especially, intuition, comes up with a proposal that the patient drink a lot of liquid and eat only meat for 5 days. Fatty types of meat are excluded: pork or lamb.

After 5 days, this obese man returned to Dr. Ducan’s office and, weighing himself, stated that he had lost 5 kilograms. It is from this point onwards that the therapist becomes interested in nutrition. The French nutritionist came up with a way to lose weight, after which patients did not gain excess weight again.

biography of the most famous nutritionist, video

Diet of Pierre Ducane

He developed a new four-step approach involving stabilization and consolidation. After twenty years of research, Pierre Dukan published the results of his work in the book “I Can’t Lose Weight”, which came out in 2000 and immediately became a bestseller.

The main task of his nutritional system is not only to lose extra pounds as quickly as possible, but also to maintain weight, controlling it throughout his life. Therefore, the phrase is not just a collection of words “Diet of Pierre Ducan”, but a way of life!

Looking at Pierre Ducan, you cannot say that he is almost 80 years old. This is a smart, youthful man, a bit like the actor Merab Mgaloblishvili in the role of Count Cagliostro from Mark Zakharov’s film “The Formula of Love”.

Pierre Ducan’s advice

The day after a hectic party, there are 3 things that must be done:

  1. You only eat protein: meat, chicken, fish and tofu cheese.
  2. Next, you drink a lot of water.
  3. You must walk for an hour.

This is a versatile option to recover quickly.

About the family: “I think that marriages that are made on the run, when spouses change like handkerchiefs, get married – get divorced, this is bad. This behavior makes a person more fragile, less stable – and this negatively affects health.

When we are happy, when we are satisfied with our family, our relationships with children, we are better able to resist life’s troubles ”. Take care of your family! Here’s a success story.

Key and fateful moments of Ducan’s success:

  1. A firm decision to become a doctor.
  2. Help the patient lose weight.

Pierre Ducan: biography

Friends, share your experience, who did this diet help? Share information “Pierre Ducan: biography of the most famous nutritionist” in the social. networks. 😉 Thank you!

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