Biography of Sergei Shoigu: the history of the Minister of Defense

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! This article is for those who are not familiar with the success story of the famous politician Sergei Shoigu. The clearest example of a dizzying career, thanks to a strong character, will and fearlessness. For you – the biography of Sergei Shoigu, the history of the Minister of Defense of Russia.

Sergei Shoigu: biography

Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu is a Russian military and statesman, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation since 2012. General of the Army (2003). Hero of the Russian Federation (1999). President of the Russian Geographical Society (since 2009). Honorary Academician of several Russian and international academic associations.

This is one of the most popular politicians in the country. He created a rescue service from scratch, which is now recognized as one of the best in the world. Survived 21 cabinet resignations.

Born on May 21, 1955 in the town of Chadan, Tuva Autonomous District, RSFSR. From hereditary nomadic pastoralists. Tuvan, weight 80 kg, height 173 cm, zodiac sign – Gemini. Plays the guitar. Nickname – “Kozheedovich”. Doesn’t like to rest abroad.

Biography of Sergei Shoigu: the history of the Minister of Defense


Father – Kuzhuget Serevich Shoigu (1921-2010) editor of the regional newspaper “Shin” (Pravda). He headed the Tuvan State Archives. Later he worked in the party and Soviet bodies, was the secretary of the Tuva regional committee of the CPSU. He retired as First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tuva ASSR.

Mother – Alexandra Yakovlevna Shoigu (1924-2011). Zootechnician, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Tuva, until 1979 – Head of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic, was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Tuva ASSR.


As a child, Seryozha dreamed of becoming a pilot. Then the road darkened the sky – I wanted to become a truck driver. “Romance,” he says. – To go far, far, to answer for yourself, wherever you want, there you stop … “

After the sixth grade, he went to work in the Tuva expedition of the Leningrad branch of the Academy of Sciences. He worked for five seasons (all summer holidays) with archaeologists in the flood zone of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

During the ice drift, the future main rescuer rode with pleasure on the detached ice floes. I also participated in teenage fights “wall to wall”. He was saved from dangerous boyish pranks by his hobby for athletics, basketball, football.

At school, Seryozha was good and did not stand out from his comrades in any way. After graduating from the 10th grade, he entered the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in civil engineering.

Sergei Shoigu: the path of success

Biography of Sergei Shoigu: the history of the Minister of Defense

Russia is incredibly lucky that it was Shoigu who was appointed head of the “emergency” service. Only a person of this magnitude can create a system from scratch that the whole country is proud of, a system that has international recognition.

When journalists asked Sergei Kuzhugetovich about the reasons for his longevity in the government, he always answered: “I’m just doing the job.”

In 1990 Shoigu went to Moscow to improve his party qualifications. They quickly drew attention to him and proposed his candidacy to Ivan Silaev, who was forming the government.

His first metropolitan position was Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Architecture and Construction. A new job is a huge amount of documents and various kinds of papers, which seemed boring and uninteresting for a young manager.

Our hero decided to go back to Krasnoyarsk. But at this time he was offered a new job – to lead the Russian Rescue Corps, and the young man, dreaming of a lively and active work, immediately agreed.

In the first months of work, he decides to create rescue teams throughout Russia, and in 1991 the Rescue Corps was transformed into the Committee for Emergency Situations.

Today, EMERCOM of Russia is search and rescue services in all regions of Russia, civil defense troops, the Civil Protection Academy, the Rescuer Training Center, a research institute and the Center for Monitoring and Predicting Emergency Situations.

In addition, the EMERCOM army has military aviation and armored units.

Career: (briefly)

  • 1972-1977 – student of the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute;
  • 1977 -1978 – foreman of the Promkhimstroy trust, Krasnoyarsk;
  • 1978-1979 – section manager of the Tuvinstroy trust, Kyzyl;
  • 1979-1984 – senior foreman, chief engineer, head of the construction trust “Achinskalyuminiystroy”, Achinsk;
  • 1984-1985 – deputy. the manager of the Sayanaluminstroy trust, Sayanogorsk;
  • 1985-1986 – manager of the Sayantyazhstroy trust, Abakan;
  • 1986-1988 – manager of the Abakanvagonstroy trust;
  • 1988-1989 – Second Secretary of the Abakan State Committee of the CPSU;
  • 1989-1990 – Inspector of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, Krasnoyarsk;
  • 1990-1991 – Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Architecture and Construction;
  • 1991 – Chairman of the Russian Rescue Corps;
  • 1991 – Chairman of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Emergency Situations;
  • 1991-1994 – Chairman of the State Committee of R.F. for civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of consequences of natural disasters;
  • 1992 – appointed deputy. the heads of the temporary administration on the territory of North Ossetia and Ingushetia during the Ossetian-Ingush conflict;
  • 1994-2012 – Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters;
  • 2000 – headed the Unity party, which was later reorganized into the United Russia party;
  • April 5, 2012 – Shoigu’s candidacy for the post of Governor of the Moscow Region was unanimously supported by the Moscow Regional Duma;
  • November 6, 2012 – Appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to replace the resigned Anatoly Serdyukov.

Sergei Shoigu: family

In the first year of the university, Sergei met his future wife, Irina Antipina, the daughter of the chief engineer of one of the construction trusts in Krasnoyarsk. After 5 years, they got married, subsequently two daughters were born in the family.

Biography of Sergei Shoigu: the history of the Minister of Defense

With his wife Irina Antipina

The spouse heads the Expo-EM travel agency, whose clients are not only private individuals, but also the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition to business, Irina Shoigu holds the post of dean of the Faculty of the Higher School of the Sports Industry of the PRUE. Plekhanov.

He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Children’s Social Fund “Republic of Sport” and the public organization “International Humanitarian Dimension”. Shows a special interest in the creation and implementation of youth programs.


Yulia Sergeevna Shoigu. Born in 1977 – Director of the Emergency Psychological Aid Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry since 2002.

Biography of Sergei Shoigu: the history of the Minister of Defense

Julia Sergeyevna Shoigu

Ksenia Sergeevna Shoigu, born in 1991. Student of the Faculty of Economics, MGIMO. The author of the idea and the head of the project “Race of Heroes”

Biography of Sergei Shoigu: the history of the Minister of Defense

With daughter Ksenia

Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoigu: the key to success

The brutal image of a real man is sympathetic to millions of Russians. The fearless rescuer has always rushed to the rescue at the points of earthquakes, floods and fires. This has earned him great respect and trust of people. A real hero of Russia!

The biography of Sergei Shoigu is an exemplary example of how you can become a successful person. An eventful life and a fast-paced career from the master of the trust to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation!

But career was not the main goal. I had a passion for what I loved. Strong character, hard work, willpower, courage, optimism, perseverance, confidence, independence.

You can make a perfect list of plans and tasks. But without passion, hardly anyone can ever realize them.

Sergei Kuzhugetovich is in excellent sports form, is actively involved in football and horseback riding. He plays the guitar well. His favorite song is “It’s great that we are all here today”.

He never rests on any one idea. Constantly poses new challenges. It unites people to achieve new goals, attracting people with non-standard, open behavior that is unusual for a statesman.

He has a difficult character, assertive. He can be stubborn in achieving goals that he considers important, so everything works out!

Many believe that the keys to Shoigu’s success are his father’s old connections and his successful marriage, his father-in-law’s connections with high-ranking officials in Moscow. This is normal and natural. But the main thing here is only personal qualities. For example, the daughter of Leonid Brezhnev is Galina Leonidovna. With her position and connections, she achieved practically nothing in life.

If he were a weak person with strong connections, he would not have achieved what he has today. Look at the list of Sergey Kuzhugetovich’s awards!

Once answering a question about how to relax after participating in the elimination of disasters, Shoigu said: “Communication with nature, time spent without a telephone, without a TV, or without newspapers, helps the best. A trip home to Tuva helps ”.


Do not miss! Video “Biography of Sergei Shoigu”


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