Biography of Alexandra Kollontai: love and revolution

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Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai

Alexandra Kollontai is often remembered in Russia for two reasons. This is the world’s first female diplomat. Second, she was a preacher of free love, without jealousy and commitment.

In fact, Kollontai is not the first woman to be an ambassador. The championship belongs to Diana Hovhannes Abgar (Gayane Anahit Aghabekyan) – writer, publicist, diplomat, Ambassador of Armenia to Japan.

But the point, after all, is not about which woman was the first in the world to head the diplomatic mission. It is difficult to overestimate the merits of Alexandra Mikhailovna. As an ambassador, she fulfilled her duties at the highest level. In her work, as in the embroideries of the Swedish king, “there were no knots”.

During the Russo-Finnish War, Alexandra Kollontai managed to convince the Swedish government to remain neutral. That is, to refuse military assistance to their closest neighbors.

During World War II, thanks to her efforts and talents as a diplomat, Finland broke the alliance with the Third Reich. This made it possible for the Soviet Union to collapse one front.

This woman was often surrounded by rumors and legends. She was credited with the words that intimacy should be associated with a glass of water. If thirst has overcome, there is no need for unnecessary ceremonies: drink water and forget about water and a glass. There was a rumor in the capital that Kollontai even organized group orgies with sailors.

Perhaps these rumors arose after her article “Make way for the winged Eros.” But they were in no hurry to find out what the article was about. Readers with a classical education did not find anything depraved, neither in the title, nor in the text. Eros is the god not only of intimate relationships, but also of love between a man and a woman.

The author says that relationships should not be limited to physical intimacy. The soul needs love, feeling, tenderness, excitement. And she did not say or write the phrase about a glass of water. She only urged to give up jealousy. But these calls were made before the revolution. When she herself experienced jealousy, she realized how wrong she was.

Alexandra Kollontai: biography

Alexandra was born on March 31, 1872 in St. Petersburg in a wealthy noble family of gen. Mikhail Domontovich (a participant in the Russian-Turkish war and mayor of the Bulgarian Tarnovo) and his wife Alexandra Massalin-Mravinskaya, daughter of a Finnish manufacturer.

The family had another daughter, Evgenia. Subsequently, Evgenia Mikhailovna became a famous opera singer, performing under the name of Mravin. The children in the family received excellent education at home. For example, Alexandra was fluent in six European languages.

Personal life of Alexandra Kollontai

At the age of 16, Shurochka began attending balls and immediately became the center of attention. She was offered a hand and a heart by famous men, for example, gene. Ivan Tutomlin, personal adjutant of Alexander III. Her coldness led to tragedy. The son of another general, Ivan Dragomirov, shot himself. And the young girl dreamed of falling in love and getting married once and for all.

Biography of Alexandra Kollontai: love and revolution

Young Shurochka Domontovich

Parents gasped when Shurochka in 1893 announced that she had fallen in love and was marrying a distant relative, officer Vladimir Kollontai, who was almost ruined.

Soon a child appeared in the family, and feelings for her husband slowly evaporated. As you know, family life has buried more than one ardent love, and here there is also a lack of money. Shurochka was homesick, but not for long.

Passionate revolutionary

She found a new object for love in the person of officer Alexander Satkevich, who was a friend of her husband. She did not hide her new affection, explaining that she loved both. And only uneducated bourgeois can be jealous.

Shurochka also loved the revolution, which also needed to be given a lot of attention: underground meetings, secret assignments. She even hid from the police.

In 1898 Shurochka left everyone and went to Zurich. There she entered the university to prof. economics Gerkner. A little later, on the advice of the professor, she travels to London to meet the founders of the British School of Economics.

Returning to Russia in 1899, Shurochka, as they say from the doorway, fell in love with the plump, married economist Pyotr Maslov. But when, after the meeting, Petenka hurriedly got ready to be home in time, he seemed boring and uninteresting to her.

Shura went to Paris, and Peter took his family and rushed after her. But Maslov was no longer interested in her. In the French capital, Kollontai met a young revolutionary, Alexander Shlyapnikov. Soon, her husband asked for a divorce, and she signed the papers.

Shlyapnikov wanted an arranged family life, which was against Kollontai’s wishes, and they parted.

In 1905, in St. Petersburg, she met Lenin. The revolution found Alexandra in Norway. She immediately returned to Russia and received the assignment: to campaign in the Baltic Fleet. Pavel Dybenko, chairman of Tsentrobalt, accompanied her everywhere. It was a beautiful and symbolic couple: a young sailor and a Valkyrie of the revolution.

Alexandra wanted to marry Pavel, but accidentally found in his pocket a letter to another. She told Pavel that she was leaving him, and he … shot himself. True, the bullet hit the order and Dybenko survived.

last love

Kollontai’s latest love interest was the young Marcel Bodie, a French communist. They worked together in Norway. But the revolutionary party organs expressed their extreme disapproval of this. Bodie, although he was a communist, was in a capitalist country.

Dybenko, Satkevich and Shlyapnikov were shot before the war as enemies of the people. Maslov and Kollontai died even earlier.

Biography of Alexandra Kollontai: love and revolution

In March 1945, 73-year-old Alexandra Mikhailovna was taken to the capital of the USSR on a special plane. On March 9, 1952, she had a heart attack in her sleep. A stormy life, filled to the brim with political, revolutionary and love events, ended with a quiet departure to another world.

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