biography and predictions of the “sleeping prophet”

biography and predictions of the “sleeping prophet”

🙂 Hello dear readers! In the article “Edgar Cayce: biography and predictions of the” sleeping prophet “- about the life of an American mystic, medium and self-proclaimed” healer “.

Edgar Cayce biography

Edgar Cayce was born in Kentucky in 1877. Coming from a simple family of the Presbyterian faith, he kept a small photography studio for many years. From among ordinary people, he was distinguished by an incident that happened to him when he went to bed.

In a dream (or rather, in a state resembling a trance), he suddenly began to prophesy. Subsequently, he began to treat people. When he woke up, he did not remember (and did not even realize) anything that he said in his dream. For this gift he was nicknamed “the sleeping prophet.”

Predictions of the “sleeping prophet”

During his life, Edgar Cayce gave more than 26 interpretations. He prescribed herbal remedies, made correct diagnoses, and treated patients at a distance. And also uttered many prophecies about the future of mankind.

For example, in April 1929, a stockbroker came to him and wanted to know what his dream meant. Casey announced to him that there would be a world-wide panic on Wall Street. He predicted that prices would fluctuate for six months, and then a collapse would occur.

Indeed, on Friday, October 29, 1929, there was a sharp drop in quotations on Wall Street. This led to economic chaos and the Great Depression.

In June 1931, Edgar Cayce predicted the coming World War II. He also foresaw the end of communism in Russia, which would lead to an alliance between Russia and the United States. This union will become the hope of the world.

He also predicted the Christianization of red China. Major earthquakes, sliding of most of Japan into the World Ocean. Destruction of most of Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. Deviation of the Earth from the axis of rotation, which will be accompanied by a sharp change in the global climate.

Casey’s dream theory

It would probably be better not to know about Casey’s prophecies at all! In his theory of dreams, Cayce was diametrically at odds with the teachings of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. He believed that dreams are a way of “self-education” of the body. This is how he described the formation of a person’s intellectual, spiritual and physical well-being.

Cayce considered dreams to be a way of spiritual growth, enhancing the dreamer’s personal potential. After a good night’s sleep, a person acquires deeper values ​​and creative thinking. Adequate sleep is a guarantee of normal behavior and thinking of a person in a state of wakefulness.

According to Cayce’s theory, there are five different levels of dreams:

  1. Body levels.
  2. The unconscious.
  3. Consciousness.
  4. Superconsciousness.
  5. Souls.

Dreaming will help you imagine the state of each of these levels. In particular, they sometimes carry information about their physical condition and “ask” the brain for help during illness.

Casey believed that in order to correctly interpret dreams, you first need to deeply know yourself. The main function of dreams is either to help solve problems and adapt to the external environment, or to warn the sleeper about the presence of new potential.

First of all, it is worth deciding what the dream is talking about – about problems or about potential. Then you can make a list of questions. It is important to know what your conscious and subconscious hopes and fears are. As well as future plans, goals, interests, opinions and decisions.

Honestly and frankly be aware of your secret fears, drives, desires, addictions and inhibitions. Get to know the cycles, needs, habits of your body, as well as the internal stress and stress to which it is exposed. Only by realizing all this, you can give an adequate interpretation of your dreams.

Dreams function on all five levels. Knowing yourself well can make it easier to make decisions that allow you to improve your physical appearance. You will heal your consciousness, subconsciousness, superconsciousness and soul level.

Edgar Cayce died on January 3, 1945 at the age of 67. He was buried in Hopkinsville.

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