
At a time when it is cold outside and the body requires energy, it will not be superfluous to remember about vitamins. Rather, about one of them, known as “vitamin P”. Vitamin P, or bioflavonoids, were first discovered in bell peppers and only after a while were found in other vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, cereals and nuts.

Foods rich in bioflavonoids:

Despite the fact that bioflavonoids are present in all of the above products, their concentration in them is very heterogeneous. For example, in most fruits and vegetables, these compounds are located primarily in the skin. An exception is fruits with colored pulp. In them, bioflavonoids are distributed more evenly throughout the volume.

General characteristics of bioflavonoids

Bioflavonoids belong to the group of plant pigments of the class polyphenols… Scientists know more than 6500 varieties of these substances.


These compounds are actively involved in plant metabolism and are widely distributed among higher plants. In plants, bioflavonoids are present in the form of glycosides.

All flavonoids vary in color. For example, anthocyanins give plants red, blue and purple colors. And flavones, chalcones, flavonols and aurones are yellow and orange. Flavonoids are involved in photosynthesis and lignin formation.

In the human body, bioflavonoids are involved in strengthening the walls of blood vessels. In addition, they are capable of neutralizing free radicals and play an essential role in supplying the body with energy.

Daily need for bioflavonoids

The body’s need for bioflavonoids averages 25-50 mg per day. It should be borne in mind that vitamin P in the human body is not independently formed, it must be consumed with food of plant origin.

The need for bioflavonoids is increasing:

  • in the cold season;
  • with weakness and fatigue;
  • with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • in stressful situations;
  • with increased fragility of capillaries;
  • with external and internal injuries and wounds.

The need for bioflavonoids decreases:

  • in the presence of individual intolerance to one or another group of bioflavonoids;
  • in the case of diseases associated with impaired assimilation of these substances;
  • when using dietary supplements that already contain bioflavonoids.

Digestibility of bioflavonoids

Since bioflavonoids belong to the group of polyphenolic carbohydrates, they actively interact with sugars. It should be remembered that for their complete assimilation, you should consume a sufficient amount of water.

Useful properties of bioflavonoids, their effect on the body

Bioflavonoids taken with plant foods have the following effects on our body:

  • reduce capillary fragility and permeability;
  • participate in redox processes;
  • protect vitamin C from oxidation;
  • regulate blood sugar levels;
  • prevent the occurrence of cataracts;
  • lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and normalize the composition of bile;
  • improve tissue respiration;
  • used to treat heart, stomach, kidney and vascular diseases;
  • increase stress resistance and reduce fatigue.

Bioflavonoids are used in diseases associated with violations of the permeability of the vascular wall. They are prescribed for hemorrhagic diathesis, strokes, retinal hemorrhages, radiation sickness.

Using bioflavonoids, good results can be achieved with rheumatism, endocarditis, hypertension, myocarditis, chronic glomerulonephritis, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and gastric ulcer.

Interaction with essential elements

All bioflavonoids actively interact with carbohydrates (a group of sugars). At the same time, they form complex compounds – glycosides, which are entrusted with the functions of protecting the body from adverse environmental conditions. In addition, virtually all bioflavonoids work well with rutin and organic acids.

Signs of a lack of bioflavonoids in the body:

  • general weakness;
  • malaise;
  • fatigue;
  • joint pain;
  • small hemorrhages on the skin (in the area of ​​hair follicles).

Signs of excess bioflavonoids in the body:

  • headache;
  • aching joints;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • allergies.

Factors affecting the content of bioflavonoids in the body

There is only one factor affecting the content of flavonoids in our body – the regular use of foods containing these compounds. In this case, it is desirable that the products are subjected to minimal thermal stress. Only with this method are bioflavonoids capable of exerting appropriate effects on the body.

Bioflavonoids for beauty and health

Many have probably heard that past generations of people were healthier than the present. Doctors say that this is due not only to the ecological situation in the world, but also to those products that regularly come to our table.

Previously, especially in hungry years, a huge amount of greens was consumed, ranging from beet tops to pine balls and pistils, a lot of fresh berries, nuts, and vegetables were served to the table. And since bioflavonoids are present precisely in plants, their use contributed to the fact that health was better, and hair and skin were distinguished by special beauty and radiance.

Therefore, if you have any problems with nails, skin and hair, you should eat plant foods rich in bioflavonoids. At the same time, it is desirable that the food be varied and contain different groups of these substances necessary for the body.

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