Biofertilizer BioGrow: instructions for use

When vegetables grow slowly or produce a poor harvest, growth activators can be used. To date, BioGrow fertilizer (pronounced “BioGrow fertilizer”) has proven itself to be excellent. In this article, we will tell you more about what BioGrow biofertilizer is.

How it works

BioGrow biofertilizer is perfect for all plants – from tomatoes and potatoes to fruit trees. Naturally, clinical studies conducted by professionals have proven that the use of BioGrow fertilizer is absolutely safe for both plants and humans. BioGrow is a plant growth bioactivator, so its action is to enrich the soil with useful elements.

Biofertilizer BioGrow: instructions for use

The result of using this product is an increase in the number of germinating seeds, as well as the yield (for example, the yield of tomatoes that were treated with this fertilizer increased by half). Also, the tool is able to activate the growth of shoots and increase the immunity of plants, protecting them from diseases and pests. Another undoubted advantage is the beautiful and aesthetic appearance of the fruit, as well as the improvement of their taste characteristics.

The tool stimulates the rapid growth of the roots, so that they are more likely to be saturated with moisture. Also, after application, you may notice that the foliage of the plant acquires a rich green color and accelerates growth.

What is it for

Many farmers know that useful microelements in the soil are depleted over time, and in order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to make a variety of top dressings. In fact, it might seem that the best way to grow fruits and vegetables is the “natural” way, without any fertilizer. However, today it is extremely problematic to get a rich harvest without using mineral fertilizers. As fertilizer, of course, you can use manure, saltpeter or ash, but the use of ready-made mineral fertilizers is the easiest.

Biofertilizer BioGrow: instructions for use

BioGrow is a fertilizer that is very convenient to use as top dressing, it gives an excellent result. Using this tool, you will strengthen the immunity of your plants, increase productivity and stimulate the rapid growth of shoots. Naturally, the product is completely harmless, so you will get excellent results without stuffing your plants with synthetic chemicals.


Studies conducted by experts confirm the absolute safety of this supplement. The composition includes natural ingredients that help stimulate growth and increase crop yields.

Mode of application

The instructions for use are contained in any package of this product, so, most importantly, do not confuse anything and do everything correctly. By the way, for this you will not need any special devices, through the efforts of manufacturers, the tool is very convenient to use at home.

Biofertilizer BioGrow: instructions for use

So, the method of using this biofertilizer is as follows: you will need 5 liters of water and 1 tsp. BioGrow. It is necessary to dilute the product in water and mix. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary that the agent is completely dissolved in water. If you are still not sure that you have understood how to use the drug correctly, watch the video, which tells how the treatment should be carried out.

You can apply top dressing for different purposes, and this will change the way the fertilizer is applied. So, for example, you can use this additive when preparing seeds before planting. It is necessary to place all the seeds that you are going to plant in a plastic container and pour the solution. As a rule, they are left in this form for a day. Tomato and cabbage seeds are left for two days, but if you decide to strengthen potato tubers in a solution, then they will last for 12 hours.

Biofertilizer BioGrow: instructions for use

Also, you can not water your crops, but spray them with this drug. This will be an excellent pest prevention and will also activate the growth of your plants. In order to carry out this procedure, you need to pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray your plants either early in the morning (while the sun has not yet risen) or after sunset. It is better to refrain from processing in rainy weather – so there will be very little sense from it. The maximum effect is achieved if flowers, trees or vegetables are processed during the formation of ovaries.

Well, the most universal way is watering. You can water the plants with this drug at any stage of development. You will need 2,5 liters of solution per 1 sq. m beds. Gently pour the solution under the root, and the procedure itself can be repeated after 20 days.

Remember that it is necessary to process the site in the evening, after the sun has set.

Advantages and disadvantages

Undoubtedly, this top dressing has much more positive qualities than negative ones.

Biofertilizer BioGrow: instructions for use

  • This additive can be applied to all kinds of plants. With it, you can increase the yield of vegetables in your garden, increase the yield of various fruit trees, and also stimulate the flowering and growth of ornamental plants. It can even be used to grow mushrooms.
  • The yield and quality of fruits really increase many times after the use of this drug. According to studies, the yield of some crops has increased by more than half. Thanks to this, having even a small summer cottage, you can get a rich harvest.
  • You can use the drug in various ways – it is suitable for both seeds and adult plants. Thanks to this, the spectrum of action is significantly increased, and you do not have to spend money on additional drugs.
  • It is perfectly compatible with other preparations, which makes it possible to simultaneously treat without the risk of harming the plants.
  • The safety of BioGrow is also undeniable – a lot of real customer reviews, as well as expert studies have proven that the use of the product gives excellent results and is absolutely safe.
  • And, of course, it is impossible not to note the price of the supplement. It is quite acceptable, so you can try to purchase this bio-fertilizer, so to speak, “for testing”. And if suddenly it does not suit you, it will not hit your wallet.
  • The tool is very economical, so it will last for a long time.

Biofertilizer BioGrow: instructions for use

Of the negative points, only one can be noted – this is a large number of fakes that began to appear after the success of this drug among farmers. It is because of such fakes that a lot of negative reviews about BioGrow arose, which can be found on the Internet.

Therefore, in order to purchase BioGrow biofertilizer, it is enough to order it on the official website – there you can also familiarize yourself with the certificates to be sure that you are purchasing a quality product. So be careful when purchasing BioGrow biofertilizer, and be sure to read the reviews, perhaps this way you will find out which suppliers are unscrupulous.

Video “The advantage of BioGrow biofertilizer”

In this video, you will learn why BioGrow biofertilizer is worth using.

BioGrow fertilizer – instructions, price, reviews – BioGrow biofertilizer

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