Biodynamic wine

The principle of “everything is good in moderation” is successfully applied to the field of alcohol. One or two glasses of quality wine a week will definitely not bring harm, but, on the contrary, contribute to both high spirits and well-being. However, the concept of quality wine is ambiguous. The most useful alcohol is biodynamic wine. How is it different from natural and organic, and how often can you afford it?

What you need to know about biodynamic wine

Biodynamics is so shrouded in mystery that it is often mistaken for a worldwide conspiracy or sect built around secret knowledge. It is applicable not only to winemaking, but also to any branch of agriculture. The foundations of biodynamics were described by the theosophist Rudolf Steiner [1]. The exercise is a universal agricultural method that helps increase productivity and harmonizes production with natural biorhythms. Biodynamics helps to attract the forces and energies of water, air, light, earth. In 1924, Steiner was approached by a group of farmers. They asked for help and advice to improve their production, attract investors, increase income and productivity. Steiner’s response was a series of lectures on an ecological and sustainable approach to farming that will increase soil fertility without the use of chemicals and pesticides. Later biodynamic ideas were accepted by the public and are still applied internationally. Steiner’s ideas are practiced in Europe, Asia, Australia and North America.

The central aspect of biodynamics lies in a completely new perception of the earth. Soil is an organism that must provide itself with a system (animal feed/fertilizer) to sustain life. The disease of a certain plant or animal as one of the components was perceived as a disease of the whole organism, and not of a separate organ.

Another Steiner idea is to coordinate the sowing and harvesting plan with the rhythms of the moon. He pointed to the use of natural, specially prepared organic materials to work with soil, plants and compost. The philosopher always instructed his listeners not to blindly follow his instructions, but to be convinced by their own experience of the correctness of his judgments. Steiner himself had no experience in agriculture, and his biodynamics was only a hypothesis that could be successfully translated into practice.

What wine can get a biodynamic mark

To obtain a biodynamic mark, the manufacturer must adhere to such rules [2]:

  • vineyard care is carried out according to the phases of the moon and special indicators of the rhythms of nature;
  • the winemaker is obliged to prepare organic fertilizers independently and taking into account natural biorhythms;
  • the vineyard must be clean and properly located in terms of biochemistry;
  • the winemaker needs to use the maximum number of manual operations. Mechanical impact in the process of creating wine is minimized;
  • the winery must be designed in such a way that the wine moves through it due to the force of gravity, and not the mechanical impact;
  • obligatory fertilizers – manure, which is aged in a cow horn for soil microbiology, and quartz, aged in a cow horn to enhance photosynthesis;
  • It is forbidden to use chemical pollination of grapes. To protect the vine from aphids, rose bushes are planted next to it: the aphids will rush to the roses, leaving the grapes intact. Biodynamists should promote the development of ants, which rid the vineyard of insects harmful to the vine;
  • The wine must be aged in oak barrels. It should not contain any chemical additives, with the exception of the minimum concentration of sulfur;
  • Demeter or Biodyvin certified [3][4].

The popularity of biodynamic winemaking is growing every year [5]. At first glance, the absurd adherence to the lunar calendar turned out to be really effective. Taking into account natural forces in the production of wine has paid off: biodynamic wines periodically receive top ratings from Bettane & Desseauve (France’s most progressive wine guide) [6].

The relationship between sulfur, wine and biodynamics

The only thing that winemakers have never learned to avoid is sulfur dioxide. It is this substance that stops the fermentation in wine. Producers like to point out on bottles that their wine does not contain sulfur, but this is nothing more than a lie and a marketing ploy.

All wines contain a minimum concentration of sulfur dioxide. It is still impossible to do without this substance in winemaking.

The only thing that can differ in wines from different vineyards is the concentration of sulfur dioxide. In biodynamic wine, its content will be an order of magnitude lower than in ordinary or organic. How important is it?

Sulfur dioxide is added to wines that will have to endure long transportation. The manufacturer adds a large amount of this substance to the wine, which is why in the morning even after 1-2 glasses you will have a terrible hangover. After a few glasses of biodynamic wine, an unhealthy state, headache and poor health are hardly possible.

But there are also exceptions to the rule. Some biodynamists have completely abandoned sulfur. They do not stop the fermentation process of the liquid, so this substance simply has nowhere to come from in the finished wine. For example, the French winemaker Pierre Frick makes just such a biodynamic wine. The taste of the finished product is very specific. The fermentation of the drink continues not only in the bottle, but also in your glass. Some biodynamists add sulfur dioxide just before serving wine, and at the winery itself you can taste a pure drink without impurities.

Where to buy and how to choose biodynamic wine

Such a serious approach to the production of the drink should definitely pay off. A special approach to the creation of wine generates a specific price: a biodynamic product costs 20-30% more than the average market price of a drink. But this is exactly the case when the price justifies the quality. It is believed that 1-2 glasses of biodynamic wine per week can improve the consumer’s health, psychological comfort and even appearance.

To distinguish biodynamic wine on the store shelf, they came up with special certificates that are placed on the labels. The most famous and oldest confirmation is the Demeter certificate. [3]. They certify not the wine itself, but the vineyard where it was born. Not every biodynamist will have the money and desire to pass an international test. Certification is a rather lengthy process, so there are many non-certified biodynamists on the market. It remains only to take their word for it and trust your own feelings after drinking the drink.

Biodynamic wine can be distinguished from ordinary wine even by its appearance and smell. In the glass, it looks completely different: the smells are more lively and unsmoothed. The aromatic palette may seem strange at first glance, as the energetic wild bouquet is revealed brighter and more intense than in ordinary wines. The main thing is harmony, which is very difficult to achieve. Even if the vineyard has received a certificate, the taste of its wine may simply not be suitable for the consumer. The search for the ideal biodynamic wine is a trial and error process based on individual taste preferences. Try, explore, and in the process you will definitely be able to feel the subtle world of biodynamics.

What you need to know about organic wine

Organics is a less radical technique compared to biodynamics [7]. The essence of the method is to get the maximum benefit from the soil, without having a strong impact on it. Organic vineyards do not use non-decomposing manure or inorganic fertilizers. Plowing on horseback, refusing to interrupt fermentation, tracking the phases of the moon – all this fades into the background. Particular attention is paid to the chemical purity of the soil and the grapes themselves. All fertilizers should be natural, but without special scrupulousness. Organic production provides for machine labor and mechanical production processes: the land is plowed not with a horse, but with a tractor, grapes are harvested not with hands, but with a special combine.

What wine can get an organic mark

To obtain an organic mark, the manufacturer must adhere to the following rules:

  • biochemical purity of the vineyard must be confirmed by regulatory authorities;
  • the vineyard should be at a reasonable distance from the sources of various pollution;
  • it is forbidden to use inorganic fertilizers (pesticides) for soil care, only organic ones are permissible;
  • requirements for the use of machine labor are less stringent than in biodynamics.

Organic is the basic stepping stone for natural and biodynamic winemaking [8].

Where to buy and how to choose organic wine

All organic drinks are easily recognizable thanks to the certificates on the labels. To receive a certificate, it is necessary to pass the verification of the vineyard and samples of the finished drink. In most European countries, such checks are the prerogative of special units that are associated with local agriculture. Buy wines that have the following certifications on their labels:

  • BIO (Germany);
  • Single certificate of the European Union;
  • Ecovin (Germany);
  • USDA Organic (USA) [9].

Organic is considered the most acceptable commercial unit. This wine is easy to find on store shelves at a very reasonable price. Its taste can be both encouraging and disappointing, so be guided by your own preferences and wallet.

What you need to know about natural wine

Natural wine is a completely unexpected modern trend that has been holding the lead for the past few years. The first Natural wines were produced in France a hundred years ago. If in biodynamics and organics winemakers are guided by the quality of the soil, then the adherents of natural wine are trying to squeeze the maximum out of each stage of preparation. Everything is taken into account here – from the biochemical purity of the vineyard to the material for the manufacture of industrial containers. [10].

What wine can get a natural mark

To obtain a natural mark, the manufacturer must adhere to the following rules:

  • wild yeast must be used to stop fermentation;
  • winemaker is obliged to completely abandon the use of sulfur dioxide;
  • non-traditional methods of antibacterial protection of the finished drink are typical for production;
  • it is necessary to use the maximum number of manual operations and to abandon the mechanical impact [11].

Adherents of this fashionable movement do not have enough ecological cleanliness of the vineyard. They have formed their own fix idea – to completely abandon sulfur dioxide, which has been used since ancient times and is found in any wine that is on the market.

The minimum concentration of sulfur is practically harmless to the human body. Problems can only arise if there is an excessive passion for alcohol or the wrong concentration of a substance in the production of a drink. The most common consequence of consuming sulfur is a hangover.

Natural drink producers decided to sacrifice the shelf life of wine, which affected its taste, aromatic palette and market price.

An inexperienced consumer will not notice much difference between the three varieties of the drink. [12]. But if the wine list is like a fascinating book for you, then be sure to taste all three types of wine and make a choice based on individual preferences.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Сайт Biodynamic Association. – Who was Rudolf Steiner?
  2. ↑ – How biodynamic farming works: biodynamic farming guide.
  3. ↑↑ Сайт Demeter Association, Inc. – Certification steps.
  4. ↑ Biodyvin site. – Biodynamic wine.
  5. ↑ Cайт газеты The Guardian. – Biodynamic farming is on the rise – but how effective is this alternative agricultural practice?
  6. ↑ Bettane & Desseauve website. – Wine guide.
  7. ↑ Wine guide-encyclopedia LF-wines. – Organics, biodynamics, natural wines – what is it.
  8. ↑ UK consumer wine publication. – 1Organic vs natural wine: What’s the difference?
  9. ↑ U.S. Department of agriculture. – USDA Organic.
  10. ↑ Wikipedia. – Natural wine.
  11. ↑ NBC News Digital. – What is natural wine? And is it better for you?
  12. ↑ Simple Wine News website. – What is what: biodynamics, organics and natural.

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