German chemist Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research into the nature of cancer in humans. An outstanding scientist put forward a version, incredible in its simplicity and originality, about a direct connection between the lack of oxygen and the abnormal behavior of healthy cells in our body. By the way, not a single virus, fungus or bacterium can survive under the influence of pure oxygen, so diseases always develop in those tissues where there is little or no oxygen at all. And the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere is a global problem of our time.
Just a century and a half ago, people breathed air, a quarter of which was pure oxygen. At present, the air of large cities is presented to them only by a fifth. In rural areas, this figure can still reach 21%. But over the years, the problem will only get worse. What threatens us with oxygen starvation? A general deterioration in health and a decrease in resistance to disease.
The research work of Otto Warburg progressed in three main directions:
Study of the nature of oxidative enzymes;
Analysis of the phenomenon of photosynthesis;
Attempts to establish the cause of the development of malignant tumors.
The peak of his career falls at the very beginning of the twentieth century. It can be said with confidence that Warburg’s research in the field of biochemistry is of historical significance and serves as a starting point for subsequent research, designed to finally establish why a person gets cancer. For a long time it was believed that gene mutations are to blame – they cause uncontrolled cell growth. The theory of Otto Warburg seemed insufficiently convincing, because it described, as it seemed to scientists, only one of the side effects of cancer, and not its root cause. But in the twenty-first century, American scientists managed to take a step forward and back up the fundamental research of the German chemist with new evidence.
Evidence for the validity of Warburg’s theory
An article in the Journal of Lipid Research says that Warburg’s biochemical theory has so far, in fact, not had a worthy justification. Despite this, in 1931 the Nobel Committee awarded him a prize. And now, scientists from the Washington Medical University and Boston College have managed to obtain evidence that the German chemist was right.
American scientists conducted studies on mice and found that there are cardiolipin abnormalities in the mitochondrial lipids of brain tumor cells, and these anomalies are directly related to the disruption of normal reactions for the production of cellular energy. And this proves that Otto Warburg was right – cancer is a mitochondrial disease.
If a way can be found to force malignant cells to return to their normal, oxidative mode of nutrition, it is possible to cure a deadly disease without killing healthy cells, as happens with radiation and chemotherapy. It is required to throw all the forces into the invention of new drugs for cancer, restoring the energy balance and making diseased cells healthy again.
Unfortunately, one of the most common types of cancer is breast cancer. In the United States and Western European countries, more and more women die from malignant tumors of the mammary glands every year, and the disease is rapidly getting younger. The most depressing statistics are in the UK – there are 28 deaths from breast cancer for every hundred thousand women.
How to fight cancer: alkali vs acid
Otto Warburg managed to establish that an acidic environment is ideal for the reproduction of fungi, viruses and pathogenic microflora, in addition, under such conditions, even healthy cells “go crazy” and turn into a malignant infection. How to deal with this phenomenon?
The antipode of acid is alkali. As you know, cancer cells cannot live in it. Laboratory studies show that if you place the removed tumor in an alkaline solution, after three hours it will die. Surprisingly, doctors have known about the detrimental effect of alkali on cancer cells for a very long time: surgical records from the Pennsylvania Medical University, dated 1909, tell about the method of removing cancerous tumors used during this period.
Leeches were planted on the patient’s skin at the site of the tumor, which made it possible to significantly reduce its size. Then the neoplasm was excised, and the wound surface was treated with alkali, more specifically, with caustic. Half an hour later, the wound was sutured, and if the cancerous tumor was the only one, did not have metastases and was carefully removed, there were no recurrences of the disease.
Miracle Calcium
During the period when Otto Warburg was trying to find a remedy for acidification of the body, and, consequently, to learn how to prevent and treat cancer, he had a colleague – Dr. Karl Rich. The result of their joint work was an amazing discovery. The fact is that in the vast majority of patients suffering from cancer in the 3rd and 4th stages, scientists diagnosed an acute shortage of calcium. The result of this deficiency was numerous concomitant diseases – arthritis, arthrosis. Dr. Karl Rich prescribed such patients shock doses of calcium, as well as vitamins that facilitate its absorption.
The results were simply amazing. Even after the death of some cancer patients who received calcium, an autopsy was performed, which showed that there was no cancer in their body! First, it gives hope that cancer is reversible. And secondly, it becomes clear that providing yourself with calcium in due measure, you can reduce the likelihood of cancerous tumors. But what about calcium?
Looking in any encyclopedia, you can read the definition of calcium – it is a rare alkaline earth metal that does not occur in its pure form. As soon as it enters the human body, it enters into a chemical reaction, one of the results of which is alkali. Thus, calcium supplements fight an excess of acids in our body, which means they protect us from cancer and other diseases.
An adult needs about one gram of calcium per day. And a woman during pregnancy or lactation needs even more – 1,5-2 grams. At different times of the year in our body there is a different content of this valuable trace element. By the end of summer, calcium levels reach a peak, and by the end of winter, everyone, without exception, is deficient. But throughout the year, each of us lacks an average of 350 mg of the required gram of calcium, even if we eat right.
Everyone knows what foods can supply this important substance: cottage cheese, milk, cheese, nuts, legumes, oatmeal. But the trouble is that calcium is very poorly absorbed, and this process largely depends on certain vitamins. That is why, usually in a pharmacy, we are offered vitamin and mineral complexes, in which the ratio of useful components is ideally matched. Take care of your health – get tested and, if necessary, drink calcium!
Source: Biochemical theory of Otto Warburg