A biochemical blood test is a set of special tests with which you can quickly find out about a person’s health status. It is carried out in laboratory conditions. Based on the results of this analysis, the functions of internal organs are diagnosed, and it also becomes known about metabolic processes in the body. Doctors recommend conducting a biochemical blood test at least once a year in order to be informed about the work of your body, because most diseases or pathologies affect the composition of the blood. Thus, changes in it may indicate the presence of certain ailments.
The BAC plays a huge role during pregnancy. It is usually prescribed in the first trimester when the woman feels well. If there are any threats or complaints about the deterioration of the general condition, the doctor prescribes it more often.
Recommendations before the LHC
Before you go for an analysis and donate blood, you need to prepare not only yourself, but also your body. This will allow you to conduct your research more accurately. Blood is taken to the LHC only on an empty stomach in the morning. The optimal time is 8-11 hours.
You can only drink water before the procedure. It is desirable to exclude tea and coffee a day before the procedure. If you are taking medications, you should check with your doctor to take them or not, as medications can affect the accuracy of the results.
In the case of a course of physiotherapy or other research, it is advisable to discuss the conduct of BAC with a doctor. In addition, doctors advise not to smoke before the procedure, approximately one hour. It is worth limiting yourself in physical activity. It will not be superfluous to just relax for a while. Before conducting a biochemical analysis, it is enough to sit quietly for about 15-20 minutes.
Before the procedure, it is worth remembering that any human action is reflected in the composition of the blood, therefore, those indicators that are the standard were compiled at rest of the patient. Changes in the composition of the blood can be noticeable even with the seemingly slightest action – brushing your teeth. In order for the analysis to be accurate, it is enough to adhere to all the recommendations that doctors give.
Decryption of analyzes
In order to roughly understand what is happening in the human body, doctors widely use a biochemical blood test. He copes with his functions perfectly, has no contraindications, so he is prescribed most often.
What is examined during the LHC:
- glucose;
- bilirubin total, direct, indirect;
- ASAT, ALAT, gamma-GT;
- cholesterol;
- low density lipoproteins;
- triglycerides;
- total protein, c-reactive protein;
- albumen.
This analysis is very important for people with diabetes, as it allows you to determine the level of sugar in the blood. In addition, it gives an idea of the whole picture of treatment and shows whether there is a positive trend. For each age, there are indicators of acceptable glucose levels. So, up to 14 years, the figure starts from 3,33 to 5,55 mmol / l.
Until the age of 60, tests should show no more than 5,83 mmol / l. From 60 to 70 years, this figure can reach more than 6 mmol / l. These indicators are considered to be the norm.
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin is formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochrome. Among the reasons for its large amount in the blood are diseases:
- hepatitis and cirrhosis;
- hemolytic anemia;
- cholelithiasis.
The norm is considered to be from 3,4 to 17.1 µmol / l.
direct and indirect bilirubin
Direct bilirubin jumps above normal with jaundice. In a healthy person, the readings are 0 – 7,9 µmol / l. Indirect bilirubin is above normal with increased breakdown of red blood cells. Normally, no more than 19 µmol / liter.
AST in the study shows the presence of diseases of the liver and heart. Ideally, the values should be: for the weak half of humanity – up to 31 units / l, for the strong – no more than 37 units / l. ALT rises in hepatitis or cirrhosis, heart failure. Doctors consider normal values: up to 45 units / l for males and up to 34 units / l for females.
Gamma – GT
This is an enzyme. It is found in the liver cells and pancreas. The norm is considered to be up to 38 units / l for women and up to 55 units / l for males.
Cholesterol and lipoproteins
Normal cholesterol is considered by doctors to be from 3,2 to 5,6 mmol / l, regardless of gender. Low density lipoproteins are one of the most negative lipids in the body. They are saturated with cholesterol and, transferring it through the vessels, form atherosclerotic plaques. Indicators are considered normal from 1,73 to 3,5 mmol / l.
They are called neutral fats, which are an important indicator of lipid metabolism. Positive results will be from 0,40 to almost 2 mmol / l.
Total protein and C-reactive protein
One of the main indicators of the presence of the disease. In the human body, protein is normal from 66 to 83 grams per liter.
C-reactive protein is considered the most sensitive protein. If it is found in the blood serum, then there is inflammation in the body and treatment is necessary so that the pathological processes do not worsen. The sharper they are, the higher the protein will be. Normally, it is considered a value of up to 5 mg / l.
A decrease in albumin in the blood indicates diseases in the kidneys, liver and intestines. In the case of an increase in protein, dehydration occurs in the body. Albumin is normal at 35 – 52 g / l.
When comparing the reference norm and your own analyzes, it is worth considering various indicators. For example, age or gender can affect accuracy. Pregnancy can show the wrong results.
Self-decoding of the meaning shows only superficial results, and only the attending physician will provide a complete picture.
It is worth noting that other tests are often prescribed after LHC. This is done in order to confirm or refute suspicions of the presence of diseases. And since literally anything affects the falsity of the result, the doctor can prescribe the procedure again.
A biochemical blood test is prescribed by a doctor as part of a comprehensive examination. If the patient complains about the general condition, then the LHC will help determine how the organs in the human body work.
After all, it often happens that the disease “sleeps”. Almost all doctors in various fields of medicine resort to a biochemical blood test as a base.