Face masks are a reliable way to soothe, moisturize, and cleanse your skin in no time. Biocellulose masks deserve a separate discussion.
What are biocellulose masks
Imagine the whitish coating that appears on fermented wine – the result of the activity of acetic acid bacteria. Exactly the same coating is formed during the fermentation of coconut juice. Korean scientists have learned how to get the thinnest (1000 times thinner than a human hair) fibers from it and weave them into a high-tech fabric – biocellulose.
The new material has unique properties. The main advantage of biocellulose is its ability to absorb and retain many active ingredients. In addition, this fabric is completely natural. It perfectly nourishes and restores dehydrated skin, including after salon procedures – for example, deep peeling, mesotherapy, laser resurfacing.
Biocellulose masks save after salon peeling.
Together with collagen, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, a biocellulose mask (also called a biomask) generally works wonders.
Adjacent to the face, like a second skin, and immediately begins to work actively – give the skin nutrients: trace elements, polysaccharides, enzymes, fruit acids.
Due to the three-dimensional structure, it does not allow moisture to evaporate, activates moisture-retaining processes in the epidermis.
Creates a compression effect to reduce puffiness.
Enhances the effect of serums and creams that have been applied before.
Take our quiz to find out how to choose an overnight face mask.
How do they work on the skin?
Biocellulose masks are capable of many things:
pull up;
whiten, fight pigment spots;
increase elasticity and density;
improve microcirculation, as a result, the skin is saturated with oxygen;
even out the relief, reduce wrinkles;
remove puffiness;
refresh and tone up.
Biocellulose mask gives the skin maximum comfort.
A biocellulose mask is indispensable if you need to quickly put yourself in order. It instantly relieves stress and fatigue, revitalizes and refreshes. Cosmetologists advise using such masks in courses.
Features of composition
The most common biomask components.
Glycerol moisturizes the upper layers of the skin.
hyaluronic acid “retains” water and enhances collagen production.
Collagen responsible for elasticity and firmness.
Aloe vera moisturizes and nourishes.
EGF factor (epidermal growth factor) – a protein that stimulates cell growth, activates skin regeneration processes.
Seaweed extract improves microcirculation, promotes saturation of cells with oxygen, accelerates the removal of toxins.
Natural moisturizers like aloe vera often enrich the composition of biocellulose masks, further enhancing their effectiveness.
Funds overview
Despite the fact that biocellulose masks are very effective, they are not often found in the store. Firstly, because of the rather high price, and secondly, because of the limited prevalence.
Take, for example, the recent development of the brand SkinCeuticals – biocellulose revitalizing soothing mask Biocellulose Masque.
It solves several problems:
well soothes the skin after cosmetic procedures – laser and chemical peels;
reduces irritation, pain, discomfort;
cools and quickly restores the skin;
creates a protective barrier to improve recovery processes.
Eye cream mask Absolue Extrait, Lancôme
The luxurious product, which contains 60 rose cells, comes with a massage applicator and 6 biocellulose masks. Once a week, they can be used to make a mask that will relieve dark circles and swelling.
Selection rules
Determine the needs of the skin. On sale there are biomasks for intensive hydration, with a pronounced lifting effect, a calming and anti-stress effect – the latter will come in handy, for example, after cosmetic procedures.
Make sure that the packaging is not broken – sterility is important, in addition, sealed packaging protects the mask from drying out.