Bioaron S for children – the best protection for immunity

It’s the same with children’s health. The human body is naturally endowed with a powerful security system capable of independently regulating complex defense mechanisms. It’s about the immune system – interfering with its work without reason is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous.

The immune system recognizes and destroys various foreign agents – microbial, viral, plant, animal. When exposed to danger, various cells of the immune system launch a “rescue operation” – an immune response that neutralizes a foreign antigen in the body.

As the child grows, his immune system develops, becoming more complex and adapted to attacks from the external environment. At this age, excessive stimulation of a healthy body with strong means “as a prophylaxis” can give the opposite effect to the desired one. Therefore, the intake of various immunostimulants must be agreed with an immunologist.

The optimal medicines during the period of a child’s growth are immunomodulators. They easily eliminate the imbalance of various parts of the immune system, making a soft correction without interfering with its functioning. These means include Bioaron S® – a natural preparation that has no analogues in Russia.

Bioaron S® – the first herbal preparation based on aloe and chokeberry to strengthen the immune system in children over 3 years old. The optimal combination of the healing properties of natural ingredients allows you to correct the functioning of the child’s immune system in a natural way, replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

Immunomodulatory properties Bioaron S® owes, first of all, to the aloe tree. The unique method allows you to grow plants with a high concentration of bioactive substances and obtain a highly effective extract from fresh leaf juice. The role of scarlet in medicine is difficult to overestimate. Aloe acts as an antiseptic with high bactericidal activity against streptococci and staphylococci, improves cell metabolism and tissue regeneration processes, increases the tone of the body.

The second component is chokeberry extract. In terms of the content of bioactive vitamin P (rutin), the black chokeberry has no equal. Rutin strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, restraining the spread of infection in the body. Rutin and vitamin C mutually reinforce their action, accelerating the recovery process.

The effectiveness and safety of the drug Bioaron S® confirmed by clinical studies. In addition to strengthening immunity Bioaron S® improves appetite and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. And according to the children, it’s just delicious. And it must be admitted that in this case the tasty is really useful for them.

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