It’s the same with children’s health. The human body is naturally endowed with a powerful security system capable of independently regulating complex defense mechanisms. It’s about the immune system – interfering with its work without reason is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous.
The immune system recognizes and destroys various foreign agents – microbial, viral, plant, animal. When exposed to danger, various cells of the immune system launch a “rescue operation” – an immune response that neutralizes a foreign antigen in the body.
As the child grows, his immune system develops, becoming more complex and adapted to attacks from the external environment. At this age, excessive stimulation of a healthy body with strong means “as a prophylaxis” can give the opposite effect to the desired one. Therefore, the intake of various immunostimulants must be agreed with an immunologist.
The optimal medicines during the period of a child’s growth are immunomodulators. They easily eliminate the imbalance of various parts of the immune system, making a soft correction without interfering with its functioning. These means include
Immunomodulatory properties
The second component is chokeberry extract. In terms of the content of bioactive vitamin P (rutin), the black chokeberry has no equal. Rutin strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, restraining the spread of infection in the body. Rutin and vitamin C mutually reinforce their action, accelerating the recovery process.
The effectiveness and safety of the drug