Bio-vegetarian: description, design and construction

Greenhouses of the new generation are not only technological structures, but also environmentally friendly. Examples of such greenhouses include a solar bio-vegetarian developed by a physics teacher from Ukraine A. Ivanov.

Is it worth using a bio-vegetarian

Bio-vegetarian: description, design and construction

Definitely solar bio-vegetarian is a new technology in the world of horticulture. Currently, such structures can be found both in small private farms and in large, business-oriented ones. Solar Vegetarian Ivanov gained such fame due to the following advantages:

  • due to the large amount of glazing, the illumination improves several times, due to which the growth of plants improves due to the large amount of sunlight;
  • the ventilation system of the solar bio-vegetarian is designed in such a way that the air is purified without the loss of chemical elements necessary for plants, such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen;
  • if you build a solar vegetable garden correctly with your own hands, then heat loss in winter will be minimal, while in an ordinary greenhouse it is impossible to maintain an optimal microclimate without an additional heating system;
  • The Vegetarian project provides for the construction of such a roof, when the sun’s rays fall at a right angle, because of which so much sunlight accumulates inside the room, which helps to save the maximum amount of heat and energy necessary for the growth of vegetables and fruits.

Video “Benefits of bio-vegetarianism”

From this video you will learn what a bio-vegetarian is and why it should be built in a summer cottage.

Bio Vegetarian Features

Before talking about the design features, a few words should be said about its inventors. It is generally accepted that the first solar vegetarian, which is also known as a “biofactory” and “solar greenhouse”, was invented by A. Ivanov, a Soviet physics teacher from Kyiv.

In addition, there is information about the Chinese inventor Wang Lee, who also patented the rights to build a solar greenhouse. However, in the recent past, the technology has received a new round of transformation: the inventor S. Konin made modifications to the drawings of the building, which is why the invention of the vegetarium is often attributed to him.

Also famous are Scandinavian-type bio-greenhouses, which, in fact, are Ivanov’s hotbeds, but are called so because of the popularity of ecological gardening in Western Europe. It is from the Scandinavian countries that the fashion for ecological gardening and year-round cultivation of crops in greenhouses comes to Our Country. So, essentially, Scandinavian technology greenhouses, Konin’s bio-vegetarians and “smart” greenhouses do not exist, since they are all just additional names for Ivanov’s Soviet design.

Such an eco-friendly system for growing garden crops has several main features:

  1. The presence of a reflective rear wall of the room. The design of the building provides for most of the transparent surfaces. However, the back wall, which can stand alone or be an extension to a house or barn, is covered with reflective foil that will redirect the sun’s rays to illuminate the beds.
  2. As already mentioned, a do-it-yourself solar vegetarian is built with transparent walls and a ceiling, where the ceiling and floor are parallel to each other.
  3. The accumulation of heat is created due to the constant long-term illumination of the greenhouse. In order for the illumination to be long-lasting, transparent walls should be facing south.
  4. Heating and air purification are carried out by laying perforated pipes to a depth of up to 35 cm, to which an air circulation system (fans) is connected, which cool the air in summer and heat it in winter.

Thanks to all the above advantages and features, the user of this garden facility, with the correct installation of the irrigation and lighting system, gets the opportunity to grow vegetables in large volumes all year round. Even if you do not install additional lighting, the growing season can be extended by two months.

Moreover, the microclimate, which is closest to the natural, allows the use of a minimum amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides (most often, biofactory owners turn to vermiculture and vermicompost).

Dimensions and construction drawings

Bio-vegetarian: description, design and construction

Step-by-step instructions for building a bio-type greenhouse with your own hands begin with choosing a drawing and building dimensions. The floor plan can be found on the Internet or ordered from an engineering firm, but the dimensions will need to be thought out in advance. They depend on your financial capabilities, area size and requirements. As a rule, the size of the room is between 4 m wide and 6 m long. Height – according to your height.

The main thing to consider during construction is the level of inclination of the floor and ceiling. In order for the lighting to be complete, the beds are built in a cascade, for which the floor level should be located at an angle of 30–35 °. The ceiling should be parallel to the floor.

As already mentioned, the rear north wall should be solid and covered with insulation and reflective material. The best option would be to attach the building to the wall of the house.

Preliminary preparation

When starting the step-by-step instructions for building a new generation greenhouse, you should start with preliminary preparation.

Site Selection

The real experience of self-organization of bio-vegetaria shows that the choice of a place for a room plays a big role in construction. Since the design provides for maximum lighting, the place should be well lit by the sun, there should be no trees and shrubs nearby.

As for the slope, it can be either natural or artificial. However, it is better not to place the greenhouse in a lowland where there is a risk of water accumulation.

Material for the frame and insulation

Bio-vegetarian: description, design and construction

It is difficult to build a biofactory yourself, but the choice of high-quality materials greatly facilitates the task:

  • concrete, cement support pipes and reinforcement are used for the foundation;
  • it is recommended to make a frame block from rectangular steel pipes and wooden beams (you can also try using metal-plastic pipes);
  • walls are covered with polycarbonate sheet 8 mm thick;
  • later, ventilation systems and, if necessary, an automated water supply and lighting system are installed.

Also, construction will require tools: a jigsaw, a drill, a screwdriver, a drill, a hammer, a level, vessels for mixing concrete and building mixture, as well as other professional-type construction tools.

Step by step guide

The construction action plan includes the following steps.

Foundation installation

Bio-vegetarian: description, design and construction

On a prepared flat piece of land at a distance corresponding to the drawings, holes are made in the ground 5–6 cm deep, where support pipes are then installed. Reinforcing bars are installed inside the pipes, and everything is poured with concrete together. The required angle of inclination is determined using the building level, after which the pipes are cut off and a reinforcing cage sheathed with wooden boards is installed. Inside, holes are made for ventilation and drain pipes, after which the foundation is poured with concrete. Further around the frame, you can make an earthen mound, plant it with flowers or low shrubs.

Assembling the frame

Bio-vegetarian: description, design and construction

The frame of metal bars is connected by a welding machine or strong bolts, which is an unfortunate option for a long-term construction. After that, the frame is installed inside the cement pipes, and galvanized steel water drains are laid along the bottom.

Sheathing and insulation

Bio-vegetarian: description, design and construction

Wooden frames and polycarbonate sheets are used as cladding. Frames are made in advance, then fixed on a metal frame, after which you can proceed with the installation of polycarbonate using self-tapping screws. Do not forget to treat all wooden elements with an antiseptic, moisture-repellent liquid before installation, and paint if necessary.

Doors and windows

Doors and windows are installed last. In order not to disturb the design, it is better to choose wooden frames for doors and windows, and polycarbonate glazing. The door is placed on the end wall, and the windows can additionally be equipped with an automatic opening system.

Greenhouse equipment

At the last stage, the equipment of the greenhouse is carried out.


An additional watering system for a standard set of crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) is not required, since moisture is accumulated from the air exchange system. As a result of ventilation, condensate accumulates in the room from the moisture contained in the soil, which serves as a moisturizing element. Such a system allows you to save the microclimate in the greenhouse in its original form.


Bio-vegetarian: description, design and construction

Heating occurs due to fans installed at the base of the pipeline. Fans can be powered by electric boilers or other air heating systems.


Ventilation is carried out by laying a pipeline at a depth of up to 50 cm. For this, small holes are made in the pipes, after which they are connected and laid on a 20-cm layer of expanded clay. The pipeline is connected to the air outlet system on one side, and the fans on the other. The pipeline is laid at an angle, and closed from the outside with a mesh.


Bio-vegetarian: description, design and construction

The beds in the vegetarianium are assembled in the form of boxes, which are placed in a cascade type. As the material of the boxes, you can use both wood and building stone or brick.

When building a solar plant, pay attention to the tightness and proper location of the building, as technology errors can lead to a loss of functionality of the room.

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