Bill Gates on the COVID-19 pandemic: prepare for the worst
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Bill Gates has once again made his point about the coronavirus pandemic. He noted that people are already tired of living in the shadow of COVID-19, but this should not weaken our vigilance. According to Gates, the current pandemic is not over yet and the worst may yet be ahead.

  1. Bill Gates is not only an entrepreneur and billionaire. For years, he has also been speaking about possible threats from viruses, including SARS-CoV-2
  2. He just wrote the book “How to Avoid Another Pandemic”
  3. In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Gates said the danger still exists that the coronavirus will create a more lethal and more transmissive variant
  4. He also recalled his idea of ​​what the world should do to minimize the risk of another threat
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Bill Gates: let’s prepare for the worst

Bill Gates is known as Microsoft’s co-founder, entrepreneur and philanthropist, one of the richest people in the world (once at the top of this list). For some time, he has also been considered one of the most important voices on climate-related threats and various pandemics, not only the coronavirus.

His latest book on the epidemic threat, How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, has just been published. In an interview with the Financial Times promoting this publishing house, Gates shared his thoughts.

“There is still a danger that the current pandemic will create a variant that is even more transmissive and even more deadly,” said Gates. – But it is unlikely. I don’t want to be the voice of extermination, but in my opinion there is 5% the risk that we haven’t seen the worst yet, ‘he added.

Gates believes that the countries of the world should prepare for the next pandemic through the Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization initiative, which will be managed by the World Health Organization (WHO). GERM should include experts in many fields, from epidemiologists to computer analysts, who would identify global health threats as early as possible and coordinate actions between countries. According to the entrepreneur, states should invest more money, pay for such an effort, if they really want to prevent future pandemics.

– For me it is inexplicable that we can look at this tragedy and not make such investments for the benefit of the world’s citizens. The amount of money involved is currently very small compared to the possible benefits, emphasized Gates. – It would also be a test of whether global institutions can effectively take over new responsibilities, even in a period when relations between the United States and China are difficult, and relations between the US and Our Country are even more difficult – he stressed.

Bill Gates has been warning for years

Bill Gates has been speaking about possible epidemic threats for years. At the TED conference in 2015, he said the world was not prepared for another pandemic. He said then that viruses, not wars, posed the greatest risk of a “global catastrophe”. He then described potential ways of dealing with such a threat, but this did not translate into any practical action by governments or organizations.

And at this year’s TED 2022 conference, Gates spoke about his idea at GERM. He noted that WHO will need about $ XNUMX billion. annually to support this initiative.

In an interview with CNBC a few months ago, Gates said that we have to reckon with the fact that soon another pandemic will take over the world. As he added, it will most likely be derived from a completely different pathogen, not related to the coronavirus species. According to the entrepreneur, however, we do not need to be afraid of this, because after more than two years of fighting the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we have many tools at our disposal to deal with the new microorganism. In addition, the billionaire counts on further medical advances that will bring new solutions. For that to happen, however, investments are needed – many and already undertaken.

He also addresses this topic on his blog. «Every time I see the suffering that COVID-19 has created, every time I read about the latest death toll, or hear about someone who lost their job or drove past a closed school, I can’t help but think: we can’t commit the same mistake again »- he wrote in February, announcing his book at the same time.

On the other hand, in an entry summarizing the past year, he predicted that the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic would end in 2022. «Hopefully COVID-19 will become endemic in most regions next year»- Gates wrote in December. The trader pointed out that the coronavirus is about 10 times more deadly than the flu, but vaccines and antivirals could cut that number by at least half.

“There will still be occasional outbreaks in communities, but new drugs will be available to help most of the time, and hospitals will be able to deal with the rest,” he concluded.

If you’ve had COVID-19, be sure to go for a test. The blood test package for convalescents is available HERE

Gates doesn’t stop at words. The Bill Gates Foundation has already spent over $ 2 billion. to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The money went to, among others among others, to the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which allocated it to accelerate testing of sub-Saharan Africans. This year, Gates partnered with Britain’s Wellcome Trust to donate $ 300 million to Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which helped create the Covax program to deliver vaccines to low- and middle-income countries. CEPI has set itself the goal of raising $ 3,5 billion to help reduce the time needed to develop a new vaccine.

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